English Synonyms and Antonyms
Chapter 141 : 1. What is the distinctive meaning of _education_? _instruction_?_teaching_? 2. How is

1. What is the distinctive meaning of _education_? _instruction_?

_teaching_? 2. How is _instruction_ or _teaching_ related to _education_? 3. How does _training_ differ from _teaching_? 4. What is _discipline_? _tuition_? 5. What are _breeding_ and _nurture_, and how do they differ from each other? 6. How are _knowledge_ and _learning_ related to _education_?


The true purpose of ---- is to cherish and unfold the seed of immortality already sown within us.

By ----, we do learn ourselves to know And what to man, and what to G.o.d we owe.

---- maketh a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man.

For natural abilities are like natural plants that need pruning by ----; and ----s themselves do give forth directions too much at large, except they be bounded in by experience.

A branch of ---- is often put to an improper use, for fear of its being idle.

EFFRONTERY (page 144).


1. What is _audacity_? _hardihood_? 2. What special element does _effrontery_ add to the meaning of _audacity_ and _hardihood_? 3. What is _impudence_? _shamelessness_? 4. How does _effrontery_ compare with these words? 5. What is _boldness_? Is it used in a favorable or an unfavorable sense?


When they saw the ---- of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men they marvelled.

I ne'er heard yet That any of these bolder vices wanted Less ---- to gainsay what they did, Than to perform it first.

I am not a little surprised at the easy ---- with which political gentlemen in and out of Congress take it upon them to say that there are not a thousand men in the North who sympathize with John Brown.

EGOTISM (page 145).


1. What is _egoism_ and how does it differ from _egotism_? 2. What is _self-a.s.sertion_? _self-conceit_? 3. Does _conceit_ differ from _self-conceit_, and how? 4. What is _self-confidence_? Is it worthy or unworthy? 5. Is _self-a.s.sertion_ ever a duty? _self-conceit_? 6. What is _vanity_? How does it differ from _self-confidence_? from _pride_? 7.

What is _self-esteem_? How does it differ from _self-conceit_? from _self-confidence_?


---- may puff a man up, but never prop him up.

---- is as ill at ease under indifference, as tenderness is under the love which it can not return.

EMBLEM (page 146).


1. From what language is _emblem_ derived? What did it originally signify? 2. What is the derivation and primary meaning of _symbol_? 3.

How do the two words compare as now used? 4. How does a _sign_ suggest something other than itself? 5. Can the same thing be both an _emblem_ and a _symbol_? a _sign_ and a _symbol_? 6. What is a _token_? a _figure_? an _image_? a _type_?


Rose of the desert, thou art to me An ---- of stainless purity, ---- Of those who, keeping their garments white, Walk on through life with steps aright.

All things are ----s: the external shows Of nature have their ---- in the mind As flowers and fruits and falling of the leaves.

Moses, as Israel's deliverer, was a ---- of Christ.

EMIGRATE (page 147).


1. What is the distinctive meaning of _migrate_? What is its application? 2. What do _emigrate_ and _immigrate_ signify? To what do they apply? Can the two words be used of the same person and the same act? How?


The s.h.i.+p was crowded with ---- mostly from Germany.

---- are pouring into the United States often at the rate of half a million a year.

EMPLOY (page 147).


1. What are the distinctive senses of _employ_ and _use_? Give instances. 2. What does _use_ often imply as to materials _used_? 3. How does _hire_ compare with _employ_?


The young man had been ---- by the firm for several months and had proved faithful in every respect.

Chapter 141 : 1. What is the distinctive meaning of _education_? _instruction_?_teaching_? 2. How is
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