English Synonyms and Antonyms
Chapter 158 : QUESTIONS.
1. What is _history_? How does it relate events? To what cla.s.s of events
1. What is _history_? How does it relate events? To what cla.s.s of events does it apply? 2. How does _history_ differ from _annals_ or _chronicles_?
Happy the people whose ---- are dulled.
---- is little else than a picture of human crimes and misfortunes.
---- is philosophy teaching by example.
HOLY (page 200).
1. What is the meaning of _sacred_? 2. How does it compare with _holy_?
3. Which term do we apply directly to G.o.d? 4. In what sense is _divine_ loosely used? What is its more appropriate sense?
The ---- time is quiet as a nun breathless with adoration.
A ---- burden is this life ye bear.
All sects and churches of Christendom hold to some form of the doctrine of the ---- inspiration of the Christian Scriptures.
HOME (page 201).
1. What is the general sense of _abode_, _dwelling_, and _habitation_?
What difference is there in the use of these words? 2. From what language is _home_ derived? What is its distinctive meaning?
An ---- giddy and unsure Hath he that buildeth on the vulgar heart.
The attempt to abolish the ideal woman and keep the ideal ---- is a predestinated failure.
A house without love may be a castle or a palace, but it is not a ----.
Love is the life of a true ----.
HONEST (page 202).
1. What is the meaning of _honest_ in ordinary use? 2. What is the meaning of _honorable_? 3. How will the merely _honest_ and the truly _honorable_ man differ in action? 4. What is _honest_ in the highest and fullest sense? How, in this sense, does it differ from _honorable_?
---- labor bears a lovely face.
An ---- man's the n.o.blest work of G.o.d.
No form of pure, undisguised murder will be any longer allowed to confound itself with the necessities of ---- warfare.
HORIZONTAL (page 202).
1. What does _horizontal_ signify? How does it compare with _level_? 2.
From what language is _flat_ derived? 3. What is its original meaning?
its most common present sense? In what derived sense is it often used?
4. What are the senses of _plain_ and _plane_?
Sun and moon were in the ---- sea sunk.
Ample s.p.a.ces o'er the smooth and ---- pavement.
The prominent lines in Greek architecture were ----, and not vertical.
HUNT (page 203).