English Synonyms and Antonyms
Chapter 170 : 1. What is _misfortune_? Is the sufferer considered blameworthy for it?
2. What is _ca
1. What is _misfortune_? Is the sufferer considered blameworthy for it?
2. What is _calamity_? _disaster_? 3. In what special sense are the words _affliction_, _chastening_, _trial_, and _tribulation_ used? How are these four words discriminated the one from another?
He's not valiant that dares die, But he that boldly bears ----.
I never knew a man in life who could not bear another's ---- perfectly like a Christian.
MODEL (page 243).
1. What is a _model_? a _pattern_? How are they distinguished from one another? 2. Which admits of freedom or idealization?
Things done without ----, in their issue Are to be fear'd.
Be a ---- to others, and then all will go well.
Was.h.i.+ngton and his compeers had no ---- of a federal republic with const.i.tutional bonds and limitations.
Moses was admonished, See that thou make all things according to the ---- shewed to thee in the mount.
MODESTY (page 244).
1. What is _modesty_ in the general sense? In what specific sense is the word also used? 2. What is _bashfulness_? _diffidence_? _coyness_?
For silence and chaste ---- is woman's genuine praise, and to remain quiet within the house.
If a young lady has that discretion and ----, without which all knowledge is little worth, she will never make an ostentatious parade of it.
His shrinking ---- was often mistaken for a proud ----.
MONEY (page 244).
1. What is _money_? _specie_? _cash_? 2. How does _property_ differ from _money_? 3. What is _bullion_? _capital_?
I am not covetous for ----; Nor care I who doth feed upon my cost.
For the love of ---- is the root of all evil.
He converted all his ---- into ready ----.
One who undertakes to do business without ---- is likely to be speedily straitened for ----.
---- in reversion may be of far less value than ---- in hand.
MOROSE (page 245).
1. By what characteristics are the _morose_ distinguished? the _sullen_ and _sulky_? 2. How does _sullen_ differ from _sulky_? 3. What is the meaning of _surly_? 4. Which of these words denote transient moods and which denote enduring states or disposition?
My master is of ---- disposition, And little recks to find the way to heaven By doing deeds of hospitality.
A poet who fails in writing, becomes often a ---- critic.
He answered with a ---- growl.
Achilles remained in his tent in ---- inaction.
MOTION (page 246).
1. What is _motion_? 2. How does _motion_ differ from _movement_? Give examples. 3. In what sense is _move_ employed? 4. What is the special sense of _motion_ in a deliberative a.s.sembly? 5. Is _action_ or _motion_ the more comprehensive word? Which is commonly used in reference to the mind?