English Synonyms and Antonyms
Chapter 174 : OPERATION (page 258).QUESTIONS.1. What does _operation_ denote? and by what kind of ag
OPERATION (page 258).
1. What does _operation_ denote? and by what kind of agent is it effected? 2. What do _performance_ and _execution_ denote? and by what kind of agents are they effected? 3. How does _performance_ differ from _execution_?
It requires a surgical ---- to get a joke well into a Scotch understanding.
His promises were, as he then was, mighty; But his ----, as he is now, nothing.
ORDER (page 258).
1. What does _instruction_ imply? _direction_? 2. How does _order_ compare with _direction_? 3. To what cla.s.ses of persons are _orders_ especially given? How does an _order_ in the commercial sense become authoritative? 4. How does _command_ compare with _order_? 5. In what sense is _requirement_ used? By what authority is a _requirement_ made?
6. In what sense is _prohibition_ used? _injunction_?
General Sherman writes in his Memoirs, "I have never in my life questioned or disobeyed an ----."
"Ye shall become like G.o.d"--transcendent fate!
That G.o.d's ---- forgot, she plucked and ate.
OSTENTATION (page 259).
1. What is _ostentation_? How does it compare with _boasting_?
_display_? _show_? 2. What is _pomp_? _pageant_ or _pageantry_? What do the two latter words suggest, and how do they compare with _pomp_? 3.
From what is _parade_ derived? What is its primary meaning? With what implication is it always used in the metaphorical sense? How does _parade_ compare with _ostentation_?
The boast of heraldry, the ---- of power, And all that beauty, all that wealth e'er gave.
Await alike the inevitable hour; The paths of glory lead but to the grave.
The President's salary does not permit ----, nor, indeed, is ---- expected of him.
With all his wealth, talent, and learning, he was singularly free from ----.
OVERSIGHT (page 260).
1. In what two contrasted senses is _oversight_ used? 2. How does _superintendence_ compare with _oversight_? 3. With what special reference is _control_ used? 4. What kind of a term is _surveillance_, and what does it imply?
Those able to conduct great enterprises must be allowed wages of ----.
O Friends.h.i.+p, equal poised ----!
Feed the flock of G.o.d which is among you, taking the ---- thereof not by constraint, but willingly.
OUGHT (page 260).
1. What does _ought_ properly signify? 2. How does _ought_ compare with _should_? 3. In what secondary sense is _ought_ sometimes used?
He has not a right to do what he likes, but only what he ---- with his own, which after all is his own only in a qualified sense.
Age ---- have reverence, and ---- be worthy to have it.
PAIN (page 261).
1. What is _pain_? _suffering_? 2. How does _distress_ rank as compared with _pain_ and _suffering_? 3. What is an _ache_? a _throe_? a _paroxysm_? 4. What is _agony_? _anguish_?