English Synonyms and Antonyms
Chapter 176 : QUESTIONS.1. What is _patience_? 2. What is _endurance_? 3. How does _patience_ compar


1. What is _patience_? 2. What is _endurance_? 3. How does _patience_ compare with _submission_ and _endurance_? 4. To what are _submission_ and _resignation_ ordinarily applied? 5. What is _forbearance_? How does it compare with _patience_?


With ---- bear the lot to thee a.s.signed, Nor think it chance, nor murmur at the load, For know what man calls Fortune is from G.o.d.

There is, however, a limit at which ---- ceases to be a virtue.

PAY (page 266).


1. What is _pay_? _compensation_? _remuneration_? _recompense_? 2. What is an _allowance_? 3. What are _wages_? _earnings_? 4. What is _hire_?

what does it imply? 5. For what is _salary_ paid? How does it differ from _wages_? 6. What is a _fee_, and for what given?


I am not aware that ----, or even favors, however gracious, bind any man's soul.

Our praises are our ----.

Carey, in early life, was a country minister with a small ----.

Laborers are remunerated by ----, and officials by ----.

PEOPLE (page 266).


1. What is a _community_? a _commonwealth_? 2. What is a _people_? a _race_? 3. What is a _state_? a _nation_? 4. What does _population_ signify? _tribe_?


A ---- may let a king fall, and still remain a ----, but if a king let his ---- slip from him, he is no longer a king.

Questions of ---- have played a great part in the politics and wars of the latter half of the nineteenth century, the Germanic ----, the Slavonic ----, the Italian, and the Greek ----s struggling to a.s.sert their unity.

PERCEIVE (page 267).


1. What cla.s.s of things do we _perceive_? 2. How does _apprehend_ differ in scope from _perceive_? 3. What does _conceive_ signify? 4. How does _comprehend_ compare with _apprehend_? with _conceive_?


We may ---- the tokens of the divine agency without being able to ---- or ---- the divine Being.

... Admitted once to his embrace, Thou shalt ---- that thou wast blind before.

O horror! horror! horror! Tongue nor heart Can not ---- nor name thee!

PERFECT (page 268).


1. What is _perfect_ in the fullest and highest sense? 2. What is _absolute_ in the fullest sense? 3. What is _perfect_ in the limited sense, and in popular language?


We have the idea of a Being infinitely ----, and from this Descartes reasoned that such a being really exists.

'Shall remain'!

Hear you this Triton of the minnows? mark you His ---- 'shall'?

PERMANENT (page 269).


1. From what is _durable_ derived? to what cla.s.s of substances is it applied? 2. What is _permanent_, and in what connections used? 3. How does _enduring_ compare with _durable_? with _permanent_?


My heart is wax, molded as she pleases, but ---- as marble to retain.

A violet in the youth of primy nature, Forward, not ----, sweet, not ----, The perfume and suppliance of a minute.

Chapter 176 : QUESTIONS.1. What is _patience_? 2. What is _endurance_? 3. How does _patience_ compar
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