English Synonyms and Antonyms
Chapter 185 : And what is so ---- as a day in June?Then, if ever, come perfect days.REACH (page 300)
And what is so ---- as a day in June?
Then, if ever, come perfect days.
REACH (page 300).
1. What is it to _reach_ in the sense here considered? 2. What is it to _arrive_? 3. What does _attain_ add to the meaning of _arrive_? What does _gain_ add?
And grasping down the boughs I ----ed the sh.o.r.e.
He gathered the ripe nuts in the fall, And berries that grew by fence and wall So high she could not ---- them at all.
The heights by great men ----ed and kept Were not ----ed by sudden flight, But they, while their companions slept, Were toiling upward in the night.
It is only in this way that we can hope to ---- at truth.
REAL (page 301).
1. From what is _real_ derived? What does it mean? 2. From what is the _real_ distinguished? 3. To what is _actual_ opposed? 4. What shades of difference may be pointed out between the four words _actual_, _real_, _developed_, and _positive_?
In ---- life we do not die when all that makes life bright dies to us.
If there was any trouble, ---- or impending, affecting those she had served, her place was with them.
This was regarded as proof ---- of conspiracy.
REASON, _v._ (page 302).
1. What is it to _reason_ about a matter? 2. From what is _argue_ derived, and what does it mean? 3. What is it to _demonstrate_? to _prove_? How do these two words agree and differ?
There are two ways of reaching truth: by ----ing it out and by feeling it out.
In ----ing, too, the person owned his skill, For e'en tho vanquished, he could ---- still.
A matter of fact may be ----ed by adequate evidence; only a mathematical proposition can be ----ed.
REASON, _n._ (page 302).
1. How does _cause_ differ from _reason_ in the strict sense of each of the two words? 2. How is _reason_ often used so as to be a partial equivalent of _cause_?
No one is at liberty to speak ill of another without a justifiable ----, even tho he knows he is speaking truth.
I am not only witty myself, but the ---- that wit is in other men.
Necessity is the ---- of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.
Alas! how light a ---- may move Dissension between hearts that love!
REASONING (page 303).
1. What do _argumentation_ and _debate_ ordinarily imply? 2. How does _reasoning_ differ from both the above words in this respect? 3. To what kind of _reasoning_ were _argument_ and _argumentation_ formerly restricted? How widely are the words now applied? 4. How do _argument_ and _argumentation_ compare with _reasoning_ as regards logical form?
All ----, Inductive or Deductive, is a reaching of the unknown through the known; and where nothing unknown is reached there is no ----.
Early at Bus'ness, and at Hazard late, Mad at a fox-chase, wise at a ----.
If thou continuest to take delight in idle ----, thou mayest be qualified to combat with the sophists, but never know how to live with men.