English Synonyms and Antonyms
Chapter 195 : TRANSACT, TRANSACTION (page 360).QUESTIONS.1. How does _transact_ differ from _do_? 2.



1. How does _transact_ differ from _do_? 2. How does _transact_ differ from _treat_ and _negotiate_? 3. How does _negotiate_ compare with _treat_? 4. How do _transactions_ differ from _proceedings_?


In the first Parliament of James the House of Commons refused for the first time to ---- business on a Sunday.

The treaty of peace that closed the war of 1812 had been already ---- before the battle of New Orleans was fought.

Any direction of Christ or any direction or act of his apostles respecting the ---- of business in the church, is binding upon us, unless such direction or act was grounded upon peculiar circ.u.mstances then existing.

TRANSIENT (page 361).


1. What is the derivation of _transient_ and _transitory_? 2. How does _transient_ differ in signification from _transitory_? 3. What is the distinctive meaning of _temporary_? 4. From what is _ephemeral_ derived, and with what sense? 5. How does _ephemeral_ differ from _transient_ or _transitory_? 6. What does _ephemeral_ suggest besides brevity of time?

7. What is the derivation and meaning of _fugitive_? 8. What is the distinctive meaning of _evanescent_?


Mirth is short and ----, cheerfulness fixed and permanent.

Neither grat.i.tude nor revenge had any share in determining his [Charles II.'s] course; for never was there a mind on which both services and injuries left such faint and ---- impressions.

A ---- chairman is commonly appointed at the opening of a meeting to conduct proceedings till a permanent presiding officer shall be elected.

UNION (page 362).


1. What is _unity_? 2. What is _union_? 3. How are _unity_ and _union_ contrasted? 4. When may _unity_ be predicated of that which is made up of parts?


Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in ----.

Out of the ---- of Roman and Teutonic elements arose the modern world of Europe.

UTILITY (page 363).


1. From what is _utility_ derived, and what is its primary meaning? 2.

How is _utility_ discriminated from _use_ and _usefulness_? 3. What is the derivation and primary meaning of _expediency_? 4. How are _expediency_ and _utility_ used as regards moral action? Which is the inferior word in such use? 5. How does _policy_ in such use compare with _expediency_ and _utility_?


Principle is ever my motto, not ----.

Two words form the key of the Baconian doctrine, ---- and progress.

The ancient philosophy disdained to be useful, and was content to be stationary.

Justice itself is the great standing ---- of civil society, and any departure from it, under any circ.u.mstances, rests under the suspicion of being no ---- at all.

The fundamental objection to the doctrine of ----, in all its modifications is that taken by Dr. Reid, viz., "that agreeableness and ---- are not moral conceptions, nor have they any connection with morality. What a man does merely because it is agreeable is not virtue."

VACANT (page 363).


1. What is the meaning of _empty_? of _vacant_? 2. To what does _vacant_ especially refer? 3. What is the difference between an _empty_ house and a _vacant_ house? 4. What is the difference in dignity between the two words? 5. What is the significance of _void_ and _devoid_? 6. What does _waste_ imply? 7. In what sense is _vacuous_ used?


---- heads console with ---- sound.

The watch-dog's voice that bay'd the whispering wind And the loud laugh that spoke the ---- mind.

VENAL (page 365).


1. From what is _venal_ derived, and with what meaning? _mercenary_?

Chapter 195 : TRANSACT, TRANSACTION (page 360).QUESTIONS.1. How does _transact_ differ from _do_? 2.
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