A Concise Dictionary of Middle English
Chapter 7 : [[Addition]]+Ahte+, _sb._ possession, S2; +ahhte+, S; see +Auhte+.+Ahtlice+, _adv._ vali


+Ahte+, _sb._ possession, S2; +ahhte+, S; see +Auhte+.

+Ahtlice+, _adv._ valiantly, NED; +ohtliche+, NED. See +Auht+.

+A-hungerd+, _pp._ a-hungered, PP, S3; +ahungred+, NED; +afyngred+, PP.--AS. _ofhyngred_. (+A-+ 3.) See +Of-hungred+.

+Aihte+, _sb._ property, S; +ayhte+, S; see +Auhte+.

+Air+, _sb._ air, S2; +aire+, NED; see +Eyre+.

+Airtis+, _sb. pl._ quarters of the sky, S3; see +Art+.

+Aisille+, _sb._ vinegar, S; +eisil+, MD; +eisel+, MD; +eyselle+, MD; +esylle+, Prompt.; +aselle+, MD; +eysell+, Sh.; +aysel+, H.--OF. _aisil_ (_eisil_), also, _aisi_, Ps. 68. 21 (Metz); Late Lat. _acitum_ (cp. OF.

_azet_); Lat. _acetum_; see Schuchardt, _Vokalismus_, i. 294.

+Aisliche+, _adv._ timorously, S3; see +Eisliche+.

+Ak+, _conj._ but, S2, PP; see +Ac+.

+Ak+, _sb._ oak, Voc.; +akis+, _pl._, S3; see +Ook+. [[Addition]]

+A-kelen+, _v._ to make cold, to grow cold, S, MD.--AS. _a-celan_.

(+A-+ 1.)

+Aken+, _v._ to ake, to throb with pain, C2, S2, Prompt., NED; +eken+, MD; +?aik+, NED; +oc+, _pt. s._, MD; +ok+, MD; +oke+, MD, NED; +akide+, NED; +oken+, _pt. pl._, PP.--AS. _acan_, pt. _oc_, pp. _acen_; cp. Icel.

_aka_, to drive, Lat. _agere_. Cf. +Ache+.

+Akennet+, _pp._ born, S; see +A-cennen+. [[Addition]]

+Aketoun+, _sb._ a jacket of quilted cotton worn under the mail, a jacket of leather plated with mail, NED, Voc., C2; +acketoun+, HD; +acton+, NED, HD, JD; +hakatone+, HD; +haqueton+, NED; +haketon+, ND; +hacqueton+, ND.--OF. _auqueton_; Sp. _alcoton_; Arab. _al-qutn_, the cotton.

+A-kneon+, on knees, S, NED; +aknen+, HD; +aknewes+, HD. (+A-+ 2.)

+Al+, _adj._, _sb._, _adv._ all, MD, S, S2, C2, C3; +all+, S, S3; +hal+, S2; +alle+, _dat._, S; +aelle+, _pl._, S; +alle+, S2; +halle+, S; +ealre+, _gen._, S; +allre+, S; +alra+, S; +alre+, S.--AS. _eall_, _all_, _al_.

+Al+, _adv._ (with conjunctions); +al if+, although, NED.

+Al+, _adv._ (with subj. mood), although, NED, C, C3; +Al be it+, even though it be that, C.

+Alabastre+, _sb._ alabaster, W (Mt. 26. 7); +alabaustre+, S3; +alablaster+, Sh.--OF. _alabastre_; Lat. _alabastrum_ (nom. _-ter_); Gr.

???ast???, ???ast??,.

+A-lang+, _adv._ along, MD; +along+, MD; +olong+, MD (+A-+ 4). See +Endlang+.

+Alange+, _adj._ tedious, strange, foreign, Prompt.; +alenge+, HD; see +Elenge+.

+Alarge+, _v._ to enlarge, to give largely, HD; +alargid+, _pp._, W, W2.--OF. _alargir_. (+A-+ 7.)

+A-last+, _adv._ at last, S2, NED. (+A-+ 5.)

+Alaun+, _sb._ a large dog used for hunting; +alan+, NED; +alant+, NED; +alauntz+, _pl._, C; +allaundes+, NED.--OF. _alan_ (_allan_ in Cotg.); It. _alano_ (Florio); Low Lat. _ala.n.u.s_.

+Alay+, _sb._ alloy, PP; +alayes+, _pl._, C2.--AF. _alay_.

+Alayen+, _v._ to mix metals, to alloy, NED, PP; +alayed+, _pp._, PP.--AF. _alayer_, _aleyer_ (F. _aloyer_); Lat. _alligare_, to bind.

(+A-+ 7.)

+Albe+, _sb._ a vestment worn by priests, and by some kings; NED.--Church Lat. _alba_, an alb; Lat. _alba_ (_vestis_), a white garment.

+Albificacioun+, _sb._ the process of making white (in alchemy), C3.--Late Lat. _albificationem_.

+Alblastrye+, _sb._ the use of cross-bows, S3. See +Arblaste+.

+Ald+, _adj._ old, S, S2; +alder+, _comp._, MD; +aldreste+, _superl._, S; see +Old+.

+Al-day+, _adv._ always, continually, C2, PP.

+Alde-like+, _adv._ with solemn, venerable mien, S.

+Alder+, _sb._ elder, ancestor, also, prince, chief, MD, PP; +aldren+, _pl._, S; +aelderen+, S; +elderne+, S2; +ealdren+, MD; +ealdrene+, _gen._, S.--AS. _ealdor_ (_aldor_). See +Ald+.

+Alder+, _gen. pl._ of all, C2, H; see +Alre-+.

+Alder-best+, _adj._ best of all, H; see +Alrebest+.

+Alder-first+, _adj._ first of all, C2; see +Alrefyrst+.

+Alder-mon+, _sb._ a prince, also, the princ.i.p.al officer in the s.h.i.+re, MD, Voc.; +elldernemanness+, _gen._, S; +aldermen+, _pl._, PP, AS.


+Aldire-+, _gen. pl._ of all, H; see +Alre-+.

+Aldire-mast+, _adj._ most of all, H; see +Alremest+.

+Ale+, _sb._ ale, S2, C2; ale-house, S2; an ale-drinking, NED. _Comb._: +ale-stake+, a stake before an alehouse as a sign, C, C3, NED.--AS.

_ealu_, _alu_; OTeut. stem *_alut-_. Cf. +Nale+.

+A-leggen+, _v._ to lay down, to lay aside, to put down, confute, S, NED (_allay_ 1).--AS. _a-lecgan_. (+A-+ 1.)

+Alemaunde+, _sb._ almond, NED, W2; +almaundes+, _pl._, NED; +almoundes+, NED.--OF. _alemande_, _alemandre_, _alemandle_ (cp. Sp.

_almendra_); Late Lat. _amendola_ (cp. Pg. _amendoa_); Lat. _amygdala_; Gr. ???d???.

+Alemaunde-tre+, _sb._ almond-tree, W2.

+Alembyk+, _sb._ a retort (used in alchemy), C3; +alambic+, NED; +limbeck+, ND, Sh.; +lymbecke+, (Minsheu).--OF. _alambic_, Sp.

_alambique_ (Minsheu); Arab. _al-anbiq_; Gr. ???-, stem of ???, a cup.

+A-lemen+, _v._ to illumine, S; +alimen+, S; +aleomen+, S.--AS. _a_ + _leoman_. (+A-+ 1.)

Chapter 7 : [[Addition]]+Ahte+, _sb._ possession, S2; +ahhte+, S; see +Auhte+.+Ahtlice+, _adv._ vali
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