A Concise Dictionary of Middle English
Chapter 11 : +Angel+, _sb._ angel; +ongel+, S; +angles+, _pl._, S; +aengles+, S; +anglene+, _gen._ S

+Angel+, _sb._ angel; +ongel+, S; +angles+, _pl._, S; +aengles+, S; +anglene+, _gen._ S.--Lat. _angelus_. See +Engel+.

+An-gin+, _sb._ beginning, MD; +angun+, S, NED.

+An-ginnen+, _v._ to begin; +on gon+, _pt. s._, S.--AS.


+Angle+, _sb._ a name given to the four astrological 'houses,' NED, S2.--OF. _angle_; Latin _angulum_ (acc.).

+Angles+, _sb. pl._ the English, the people of 'Angul,' a district of Holstein, S, NED; +Englis+, S.--AS. _Angle_, pl.

+Angre+, _sb._ affliction, sorrow, wrath, pain, inflammation, NED, S2, PP; +angers+, S2.--Icel. _angr_.

+Angren+, _v._ to annoy, injure, make angry, NED; +angre+, PP.--Icel.


+Angwisch+, _sb._ anguish, W2; +anguyssh+, PP; +angoise+, S, MD; +anguise+, MD; +anguisse+, MD.--OF. _angoisse_, AF. _anguisse_; Lat.

_angustia_, tightness, from _angere_, to squeeze.

+Anhed+, _sb._ unity, H; see +Oonhed+. [[Addition]]

+An-hei?+, _adv._ on high, S2, PP; +an hei+, S2; +an hey+, S2; +an hi?+, W.

+An-heten+, _v._ to heat, to become hot; +anhet+, _pr. s._ S; +anheet+, _pp._ S.--AS. _onhaetan_.

+An-he?en+, _v._ to exalt, NED; +anhe?ed+, _pp._, S2.

+An-hitten+, _v._ to hit against, S, MD.

+An-hon+, _v._ to hang (_tr._), MD; +anho+, _pr. pl._, S; +anhonge+, _pp._, MD.--AS. _on-hon_.

+An-hongen+, _v. tr._ and _intr._ to hang, S, MD; +anhonged+, _pp._, MD; +anhanged+, C2.

+Aniente+, _v._ to bring to nought, NED; +anyente+, PP.--OF. _anienter_, from _a_, to + _nient_; Late Lat. *_necentem_ = _nec_ + _entem_.

(+A-+ 7.)

+Anientise+, _v._ to bring to nought, to destroy, NED; +anientice+, PP; +anentisen+, CM; +anentesch+, PP; +anyntische+, W2; +neentishe+, NED; +annentissched+, _pp._ CM; +anyntischid+, W2; +enentyscht+, H; +enentist+, H.--OF. _anientir_ (variant of _anienter_), pr.

p. _anientissant_. (+A-+ 7.)

+Anise+, _sb._ anise, also dill, NED; +anys+, NED; +aneyse+, Voc.--OF.

_anis_; Lat. _anisum_; Gr. ???s??. Cf. +Anete+.

+A-nierien+, _v._ to lower, humiliate, MD; +aneered+, _pp._ MD, HD.--AS. _a_ + _nierian_. (+A-+ 1.)

+Anker+, _sb._ anchor, S.--AS. _ancor_; Lat. _ancora_; Gr. ?????a.

+Anlas+, _sb._ a kind of dagger, anlace, MD, C; +anelace+, HD; +anelas+, MD, NED.--Cp. Low Lat. _anelacius_ (Ducange), OWelsh _anglas_.

+An-leth+, _sb._ face, countenance, MD, HD, NED; +onndlaet+, MD; +onlete+, MD.--Icel. _andlit_ (Swed. _anlete_): AS. _and-wlita_.

+Ann-+; see +An-+.

+Annamyllit+, _pp._ enamelled, S3; see +Enamelen+.

+Annuel+, _adj._ yearly; _sb._ a ma.s.s said either daily for a year after, or yearly on the anniversary of a person's death, NED; +anuell+, S3.--AF. _annuel_; Late Lat. _annualem_, for Lat. _annalem_, from _annus_, year.

+Annueler+, _sb._ a priest who sang an annual, PP, C3, HD.

+An-on+, _adv._ at once, instantly, soon, in a short time, S, S2, C3, PP; +anan+, S, NED; +onan+, S2; +onon+, S, S3; +anoon+, S3, C2, G, W.--AS. _on an_, into one; _on ane_, in one (moment).

+Anonder+; see +Anunder+.

+Anon-ryght+, _adv._ immediately, C3, G; +anonrihtes+, S; +ananriht+, S.

+An-ouen+, _adv._ above, S, NED; +onuuen+, NED.--AS. _on ufan_.

+A-nough+, _adj._ (as _pred._) enough, CM; +anew+, S3. (+A-+ 6.) See +Ynow+.

+Anoy+, _sb._ discomfort, vexation, trouble, MD, S2, PP; +anoye+, W2; +anui+, MD; +enuye+, S.--OF. _anoi_: OSp. _enoyo_: OIt. _inodio_, from the Lat. phrase _est mihi in odio_; see Diez. Cf. +Noye+.

+Anoyen+, _v._ to annoy, PP, W2, S2, C2, C3; +anoiede+, _pt. s._, W; +noyede+, W; +anoyed+, _pp._ W; +anuyed+, PP; +anuid+, MD; +anud+, S; +anuy?ed+, S2; +ennuyed+, P.--AF. _ennuyer_. Cf. +Noyen+.

+Answere+, _sb._ answer, MD; +ondswere+, S; +answare+, S; +onswere+, S; +andsware+, S.--AS. _and-swaru_.

+Answeren+, _v._ to give an answer, S, PP; +ondswerien+, S; +andswarede+, _pt. s._ S; +andswerede+, S; +ontswerede+, S; +onswerede+, S; +onswerde+, S; +answarede+, S; +answerede+, S.--AS. _and-swarian_.

+Ant+, _conj._ and, also, if, S, S2. See +And+.

+Antem+, _sb._ anthem, C2; +antefne+, MD.--AS. _antefne_; Church Lat.

_antifona_ (cp. Prov. _antifena_, It. _antifona_); for older _antiphona_; Gr. ??t?f??a lit. things sounding in response. Cf.


+Anticrist+, _sb._ Antichrist, MD; +antecrist+, W (1 John 4. 3); +ancrist+, MD; +ancryst+, Voc.--Church Lat. _antichristus_ (Vulg.); Gr.


+Antiphone+, _sb._ antiphon, NED; Church Lat. _antiphona_; see +Antem+.

+Antiphonere+, _sb._ anthem-book, C2; +antyphonere+, Voc.; +anfenare+, Voc.; +amfanere+, Voc.--Church Lat. _antiphonarius_.

+Anum+, _adv._ at once, S.--AS. _anum_, dat. of _an_, one. [The MS. has _anu_, put for _anu_ (= anu_m_)]. See +Oon+.

+An-under+, _prep._ under, S; +anonder+, S.

+An-uppe+, _prep._ and _adv._ upon, MD; +onuppe+, S.

+An-uppon+, _prep._ upon, S, MD; +anuppen+, S.

+Anwalde+, _sb. dat._ power, S; +anwolde+, S; see +On-wald+.


Chapter 11 : +Angel+, _sb._ angel; +ongel+, S; +angles+, _pl._, S; +aengles+, S; +anglene+, _gen._ S
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