A Concise Dictionary of Middle English
Chapter 14 : +Argument+, _sb._ proof, clear proof, proof presumptive, NED; +argumens+, _pl._, PP.--A

+Argument+, _sb._ proof, clear proof, proof presumptive, NED; +argumens+, _pl._, PP.--AF. _argument_; Lat. _argumentum_.

+Argumenten+, _v._ to argue, C3, S2.

+A-risen+, _v._ to arise, MD; +aryse+, PP; +aris+, _imp. s._ S; +arys+, PP; +arist+, _pr. s._, S, S2, C3; +aros+, _pt. s._, S, PP; +aroos+, PP; +arisen+, _pp._, MD; +arise+, S2.--AS. _a-risan_. (+A-+ 1.)

+A-rist+, _sb._ rising, resurrection, NED; +aristes+, _gen._, S; +ariste+, _dat._, S.--AS. _?-rist_. (+A-+ 1.)

+Ariue+, _v._ to arrive, to come to sh.o.r.e, S; +aroue+, _pt. s._, NED; +ariuede+, _pl._ S2; +aryue+, _pp._, S; +aryven+, NED.--AF. _ariver_; Late Lat. _arribare_, _arripare_, _adripare_, from Lat. _ad_ + _ripa_, sh.o.r.e. (+A-+ 7.)

+Ariue+, _sb._ landing, arrival, C, NED.

+A-rixlien+, _v._ to rule; +arixlye+, S. (+A-+ 1.)

+A-ri?t+, _adv._ in a right way, straightway, S2; +aryght+, C2; +ari?te+, S; +origt+, _S._ (+A-+ 2.)

+Ark+, _sb._ an ark, chest, MD; +arrke+, S; +arc+, S2.--Lat. _arca_; cp.

OF. _arche_.

+Ark+, _sb._ segment of a circle, C2, MD.--OF. _arc_; Lat. _arc.u.m_ (acc.), a bow.

+Arles+, _sb._ an earnest, NED, JD, HD.--Probably a plural in form from an OF. *_erle_, *_arle_; Lat. *_arrhula_, dim. of _arrha_, for _arrhabo_; Gr. ???a??; Heb. _'erabon_. Cp. OF. _erres_, _arres_: Sp.

_arras_ (Minsheu); Lat. _arrhas_, pl. acc. of _arrha_. See +Ernes+.

+Arly+, _adj._ and _adv._ early, S2, H; see +Erly+.

+Arm+, _sb._ arm, MD; +earmes+, _pl._, S, MD; +armes+, _interj._ arms!

an oath, by G.o.d's arms, S3, NED. _Phr._: +Gog's arms+, S3.--AS. _earm_: Icel. _armr_: Goth. _arms_.

+Arm+, _adj._ poor, wretched, MD; +aerm+, MD; +erme+, _dat._ S; +arme+, _pl._ S; +earme+, MD.--AS. _earm_: Icel. _armr_: Goth. _arms_.

+Armen+, _v._ to arm, C3, PP; +i-armed+, _pp._, S.--AF. _armer_; Lat.


+Armes+, _sb. pl._ weapons, coat-armour, MD, P.--AF. _armes_.

+Arm-heorted+, _adj._ tender-hearted, S.--Cp. AS. _earm-heort_.

+Arm-hertnesse+, _sb._ compa.s.sion, S.

+Arminge+, _sb._ the act of arming, putting on of armour, C2.

+Armipotent+, _adj._ mighty in arms, C.--Lat. _armipotentem_.

+Armony+, _sb._ harmony, S3.--F. _harmonie_; Lat. _harmonia_; Gr.


+Armure+, _sb._ armour, weapons, P, C2, C3, G; +armoure+, C2; +armuris+, _pl._, W, W2.--AF. _armure_ (_armoure_), _armeure_; Lat. _armatura_.

+Arn+, _sb._ eagle, HD; +aryn+, H; see +Ern+.

+Arnde+, _pt. s._ ran, S; see +Rennen+.

+A-rode+, on the rood (the cross), NED, S, S2. (+A-+ 2.)

+A-rowe+, _adv._ in a row, one after another, S; +areawe+, S; +arewe+, NED. (+A-+ 2.)

+Arr-+; see +Ar-+.

+Arr+, _sb._ scar, wound, NED, JD; +ar+, HD; see +Erre+.

+Arred+, _pp._ scarred, JD.

+a.r.s.enik+, _sb._ a.r.s.enic, C3.--OF. _a.r.s.enic_; Lat. _a.r.s.enic.u.m_; Gr.

??se?????, yellow orpiment, orig. the masculine, male, from ??s??, a male.

+Arskes+, _pl._ newts, S2; see +Ask+.

+Arsmetike+, _sb._ arithmetic, NED; +arsmetrike+, C.--OF. _arismetique_: Prov. _arismetica_; Lat. _arithmetica_; Gr. ?????t??? (t????), the art of counting.

+Arst+, _adj._ and _adv. superl._ first, G, P; see +Erst+. [[listed under headword +Er+]]

+Art+, _sb._ a quarter of the heaven, point of the compa.s.s, NED, S3; +airt+, NED, JD; +airth+, NED; +airtis+, _pl._, S3.--Gael. _ard_; OIr.

_aird_, top, height, point.

+Artou+, art thou, S2; +artow+, S2, C2, C3. See +Ert+.

+Arwe+, _sb._ arrow, NED; +arewe+, S2; +arwes+, _pl._ S2, C2, P; +arewis+, W2; +arowis+, W2.--AS. _arwe_ for *_arhwe_; cp. Goth.

_arhwazna_, arrow, the thing belonging to the bow, from *_arhw_ = Lat.


+Arwe+, _adj._ cowardly, timid, lazy, sluggish, vile, base, Prompt.; +are?+, S; +arh+, MD; +ar?+, NED; +erewe+, S; +arewe+, _sb._ betrayer, enemy, S, MD.--AS. _earg_ (_earh_); Icel. _argr_; cp. OHG. _arg_ (Otfrid).

+Arwed+, _pp._ made cowardly, PP.

+Ar?en+, _v._ to be timid, to frighten, NED.

+As+, _sb._ unit, a single bit, a jot, ace, NED, C2; +ace+, S3; +ase+, PP. _Phr._: +ambes as+, double aces, C2.--OF. _as_; Lat. _as_.

+Asailen+, _v._ to leap upon, a.s.sail, PP; +a.s.saile+, PP, S; +a.s.saille+, C2, PP; +asailid+, _pp._, PP; +a.s.sal?eit+, S2.--AF. _a.s.sailir_, OF.

_asalir_; Late Lat. _adsalire_. (+A-+ 7.)

+A-saken+, _v._ to deny, renounce; +asoke+, _pt. s._, S.--AS. _of-sacan_ (Schmid). (+A-+ 3.) Cf. +Of-saken+.

+Asaut+, _sb._ a.s.sault, S2; +a.s.saut+, C, PP.--OF. _asaut_. (+A-+ 7.)

+Ascapie+, _v._ to escape, PP; +askapie+, PP; +ascapen+, PP.--OF.

_escaper_ (Picard). Cf. +Achape+.

+Ascaunce+, _conj._ as though, C3, NED.

Chapter 14 : +Argument+, _sb._ proof, clear proof, proof presumptive, NED; +argumens+, _pl._, PP.--A
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