A Concise Dictionary of Middle English
Chapter 33 : +Boun+, _pp._ prepared to go, ready to start, S3, CM, PP; +bon+, ready, S2; +bun+, S2;

+Boun+, _pp._ prepared to go, ready to start, S3, CM, PP; +bon+, ready, S2; +bun+, S2; +bown+, P, H.--Icel. _buinn_, prepared, _pp._ of _bua_, to get ready, to till; cp. AS. _ge-bun_, pp. of _gebuan_; cp. E. _bound_ (said of a s.h.i.+p.)

+Bounden+, _pp._ bound, S, C2; see +Binden+. [[Addition]]

+Bounen+, _v._ to get ready, to go, also to make ready, NED; +bowneth+, _pr. s._, NED; +bownd+, _pt. s._, prepared himself, got ready, S3.

+Bour+, _sb._ bower, chamber, womens' chamber, C, G; +bur+, _dat._, S; +boure+, S, S2, P; +bowre+, P; +bourez+, _pl._ sleeping-places, S2.--AS.

_bur_, a dwelling.

+Bourde+, _sb._ jest, PP, C3, G; +bourd+, S2, S3; +bord+, NED.--OF.


+Bourden+, _v._ to jest, C3, PP; +borde+, NED.--OF. _bourder_.

+Bourding+, _sb._ jesting, 83.

+Bourdon+, _sb._ pilgrim's staff, CM, HD; +bordun+, S2, PP; +burdon+, S, HD; +burdoun+, P, MD; +bordon+, MD, PP; +bordoun+, HD.--OF. _bourdon_ (Cotg.); Low Lat. _burdonem_; see +Burdon+.

+Boustious+, _adj._ noisy, S3; see +Boistous+.

+Bou?+, _sb._ bough, PP; +boh+, S; +bogh+, S2; +bowh+, PP; +bo?e+, _dat._, S; +boges+, _pl._, S; +buges+, S; +bughes+, S2; +bewis+, S3; +bewys+, S3; +bowes+, PP, S3; +boowes+, C; +bo?e+, _dat._, S.--AS.

_bog_, _boh_, Icel. _bogr_, shoulder, bow of a s.h.i.+p; cp. Gr. p????.

+Bowe+, _sb._ bow, W2, PP; +bouwe+, W2; +bowes+, _pl._, PP; +boys+, S3.--AS. _boga_.

+Bowe-lyne+, _sb._ bowline, MD; +bawelyne+, S2.

+Bowen+, _v._ to bow, bend, submit, to direct one's course, turn away, PP, S2, C2, W; +bouwe+, W2, PP; +boghen+, S2, H; +buwen+, S; +bu?en+, S; +buhen+, S; +bugen+, S; +beien+, S; +bowande+, _pr. p._ obedient, S2; +bues+, _pr. s._, S2.--AS. _bugan_.

+Boydekyn+, _sb._ poniard, bodkin, NED, Prompt.; +bodekyn+, Prompt.; +boydekins+, _pl._, C2.

+Boyste+, _sb._ box, PP, Prompt., Cath.; +boyst+, MD; +boist+, C3.--OF.

_boiste_ (F. _boite_).

+Bo?te+; see +Biggen+.

+Brac+, _sb._ a, cras.h.i.+ng sound, _fragor_; +brace+, outcry, S.--Icel.

_brak_; cp. AS. _(ge)braec_.

+Brace+, _sb._ couple of hounds, Prompt.--OF. _brace_, the two arms, a grasp; Lat. _brachia_, pl.

+Bracer+, _sb._ a guard for the left arm in archery, C; +braser+, Voc.

See Ascham, Toxophilus, ed. Arber, p. 108.

+Brade+, _sb._ roast flesh, S; +brede+, S.--AS. _br?de_.

+Bradit+; see +Brayden+.

+Brak+; see +Breken+.

+Brand+, _sb._ brand, firebrand, sword, MD; +brond+, brand, S2, C; +brondes+, _pl._, S; +brands+, i.e. fire-side, S2; +brondis+, torches, W.--AS. _brand_ (_brond_).

+Brant+, _adj._ steep, high, MD, HD; +brent+, JD; +brentest+, _superl._, S2.--AS. _brant_ (_bront_); cp. Swed. _brant_, Icel. _brattr_.

+Bras+, _sb._ bra.s.s, C2; +bres+, S; +breas+, S.--AS. _braes_.

+Brasten+; see +Bresten+.

+Bratful+; see +Bretful+.

+Bra+, _sb._ violence, MD; +brae+, _dat._, S.--Cp. Icel. _bra_. See +Bro+.

+Braun+, _sb._ brawn, CM; boar's flesh, PP; +brawnes+, _pl._, muscles, C2.--OF. _braon_, Prov. _bradon_ (_brazon_); Low Lat. _bradonem_; see Ducange.

+Brayde+, _sb._ a quick movement, a start, a while, moment, MD, CM; +braid+, S3; +braydes+, _pl._ grimaces, S2; +breides+, cunning tricks, MD. _Phr._: +at a brayde+, in a moment, S2.--Icel. _brag_, quick movement.

+Brayden+, _v._ to draw, pull, to draw away quickly, to twist, braid, to start, to move quickly, hasten (intr.), to wake up, MD, Prompt., S2, CM; +breyde+, CM, C2; +breide+, W2; +breyde+, _pt. s._, PP, CM, C2, C3; +brayde+, MD; +bradit+, S3; +broiden+, _pp._, MD; +broydyn+, _laqueatus_, Prompt.; +brayden+, MD; +browden+, MD, JD; +browded+, C, HD; +brouded+, C2; +broyded+, WW; +brayded+, MD.--AS. _bregdan_, pt.

_braegd_ (pl. _brugdon_), pp. _brogden_.

+Brea-+; see +Bre-+.

+Breas+, _sb._ bra.s.s, S; see +Bras+. [[Addition]]

+Bred+, _sb._ bread, S, PP; +breed+, C2, W2; +braed+, S; +bread+, S; +brad+, S; +brede+, S2; +breade+, _dat._, S.--ONorth. _bread_.

+Bred+, _sb._ board, tablet, MD, S (s.v. _wax_); +brede+, Prompt.--AS.


+Bred-ale+, _sb._ bride-feast, S; see +Bryd-ale+.

+Brede+, _sb._ bride, PP; see +Bryde+.

+Brede+, _sb._ roast-flesh, S; see +Brade+.

+Brede+, _sb._ breadth, S, S2, S3, C2, H; +breede+, C, W2. _Phr._: +on breid+, on breadth, abroad, S3; +did on breid+, did abroad, unfolded, S3.--AS. _br?du_.

+Breden+, _v._ to spread, S, Prompt.--AS. _br?dan_.

+Breden+, _v._ to roast, MD; +bret+, _pr. s._, S.--AS. _br?dan_.

+Breden+, _v._ to breed, to produce, to be produced, MD, PP; +bredden+, _pt. pl._, PP; +i-bred+, _pp._, S.--AS. _bredan_, to nourish. See +Brode+.

+Bred-gume+; see +Brydegome+.

+Bred-wrigte+, _sb._ bread-wright, baker, S. See +Bred+.

+Breech+, _sb. pl._ breeches, drawers, C2, C3; +brech+, S; +breche+, PP; +brek+, Voc.--AS. _brec_, pl. of _broc_; cp. Icel. _braekr_, pl. of _brok_.

+Breed+; see +Bred+.

Chapter 33 : +Boun+, _pp._ prepared to go, ready to start, S3, CM, PP; +bon+, ready, S2; +bun+, S2;
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