A Concise Dictionary of Middle English
Chapter 40 : _cercher_ (_sercher_); Lat. _circare_, to go round, from _circus_, a circle.+Cercle+, _
_cercher_ (_sercher_); Lat. _circare_, to go round, from _circus_, a circle.
+Cercle+, _sb._ circle, MD, C; +sercle+, Prompt., W2.--OF. _cercle_; Lat. _circulum_ (acc.), dimin. of _circus_.
+Cerclen+, _v._ to circle, MD; +sirculit+, _pp._, S3.--OF. _cercler_; Lat. _circulare_.
+Circulat+, _adj._ revolving, S3.
+Cere+, _v._ to cover with wax, SkD, C3; +cered+, _pp._ shrouded in waxed cloth, SkD.--Lat. _cerare_, to wax, from _cera_, wax.
+Cere-cloth+, _sb._ waxed linen (for dead bodies), Sh.; +searcloth+, SkD.
+Cerements+, _sb. pl._ (see above), Sh.
+Cerge+, _sb._ wax taper, MD; +serge+, MD, JD, Cath.; +cerges+, _pl._, S.--OF. _cerge_, _cierge_; Late Lat. _ceria_, fem. from Lat. _cereus_, from _cera_, wax.
+Cerial+, _adj._ sacred to Ceres, C.--Lat. _Cerialis_, _Cerealis_.
+Ceriously+, _adv._ minutely, with full details, S2, C3; see +Seryowsly+.
+Certes+, _adv._ certainly, S, C2, C3; +sertes+, S2, PP; +certis+, S3, P.--OF. _certes_, (Constans): OSp. _certas_; Lat. _certas_, pl. f. of _certus_, certain.
+Ceruse+, _sb._ ceruse, white lead, with which women painted their faces, MD; +ceruce+, C.--OF. _ceruse_ (Cotg.); Lat. _cerussa_; cp. Gr.
????t??, a cerate or salve used as a cosmetic, from ?????, bees-wax.
+Cessen+, _v._ to cease, C2, C3; +cesen+, MD.--AF. _cesser_; Lat.
+Cetewale+, _sb._ zedoary, a root resembling ginger, MD, C2, Prompt., SB; +setewale+, MD, HD; +setwale+, Prompt.; +setuale+, Prompt.; +sedewale+, MD; +sedwale+, MD; +zedewale+, Alph.--AF. _cetewale_, OF.
_citoual_, _citouart_; Low Lat. _zedoarium_; Arab. _jadwar_ (from the Persian).
+Ceen+, _sb. pl._ countries, S; see +Cue+.
+Chaf+, _sb._ chaff, straw, MD; +chaff+, MD; +chaffe+, W, Prompt.; +chef+, MD; +caf+, H; +cafe+, H.--AS. _ceaf_.
+Chaffare+, _sb._ business, selling, merchandise, S2, C2, C3; +chaffar+, C3; +chafare+, S; +cheffare+, S; +chapfare+, MD; +cheapfare+, MD.--AS.
_ceap_ + _faru_, a journey, business; cp. Icel. _kaupfor_.
+Chaffaren+, _v._ to chaffer, S2, C3, P, W.
+Chaflet+, _sb._ a small stage or platform, S3, HD.--A dimin. of OF.
_chafaut_, _chaffaut_, see Ducange (s.v. _chaaffallum_). See +Skaffaut+.
+Chaine+, _sb._ chain; +chayne+, MD; +cheyne+, Prompt., C2; +chyne+, MD.--AF. _chaine_ (_cheine_); OF. _chaaine_, _cadene_; Lat. _catena_.
+Chaire+, seat, chair, MD; +chayere+, MD; +chaier+, W2; +chaere+, S, MD.--AF. _chaiere_, _chayere_, seat, throne; Lat. _cathedra_; Gr.
+Chald+, _adj._ cold, S; see +Cold+.
+Chalenge+, _sb._ false claim, accusation, claim, MD, W2; +calenge+, MD; +chalaunge+, MD.--AF. _chalenge_, _chalange_, OF. _calenge_; Lat.
+Chalengen+, _v._ to accuse, charge, claim, MD, W, S2, P; +chalange+, H; +calengynge+, _pr. p._, W2; +chalangede+, _pt. s._, S2; +chalanged+, _pp._ accused, P.--AF. _chalenger_, _chalanger_, 'calumniate.'
+Chalengere+, _sb._ accuser, W2.
+Chamber+, _sb._ chamber, MD; +chambur+, MD; +schambyr+, Voc.; +chambre+, C2, C3, PP; +chombre+, MD; +chaumbre+, MD, PP; +chawmere+, MD; +chamer+, Voc.; +chalmer+, S3.--AF. _chambre_; Lat. _camera_.
+Chamberere+, _sb._ handmaid, MD, S2, C2; +chambrere+, MD; +chomberier+, MD.--OF. _chamberiere_.
+Chamberling+, _sb._ chamberlain; +chaumberling+, MD; +chamberlein+, MD; +schamberleyne+, Voc.; +chamberlayn+, MD; +chamerlane+, Voc.--OF.
_chambrelenc_ (cp. It. _camerlengo_ in Florio); OHG. _chamarlinc_; Lat.
_camera_ + OHG. _-linc_. On the suffix see SkD.
+Chamelle+; see +Camel+.
+Chamelot+, _sb._ camlet, S3; see +Camelot+.
+Champaine+, _adj._ and _sb._ level, level country, CM, S3.--AF.
+Champartie+, _sb._ share in land, partners.h.i.+p in power, C; +chanpartye+, S3.--OF. _champart_, field-rent, see Cotg.; Lat. _campi partem_.
+Champion+, _sb._ a fighter in the duel, a champion, MD; +champioun+, C, G.--AF. _champion_; Late Lat. _campionem_.
+Chan-+; see +Chaun-+.
+Chanoun+; see +Canoun+.
+Chape+, _sb._ the locket of a scabbard, Cotg., Cath.; +schape+, Cath.
(_n._).--OF. _chappe_ (Cotg.).
+Chapele+, _sb._ chapel, S, MD; +chapelle+, MD; +schapelle+, Voc.--AF.
_chapele_, OF. _capele_; Church Lat. _capella_.
+Chapelein+, _sb._ chaplain, MD; +chapeleyne+, MD, C; +chapeleyns+, _pl._, S2.--AF. _chapelein_; Church Lat. _capella.n.u.s_.
+Chapiter+, _sb._ the capital of a column, SkD.--OF. _chapitel_; Lat.
_capitellum_, dimin. of _caput_.
+Chapitre+, _sb._ a chapter, division of a book, a meeting of clergy, MD, PP; +chapiter+, S3; +chapitere+, PP; +chapitle+, PP; +chapitele+, PP; +capitle+, summary, W.--OF. _chapitre_, _chapitle_; Lat.
_capitulum_, dimin. of _caput_.
+Chapitre-hous+, _sb._ chapter-house, PP; +chapitel-hous+, PP.
+Chapman+, _sb._ merchant, C, PP; +chapmon+, S2, PP; +chepmon+, S; +chapmen+, _pl._, S, S2, C3, PP.--AS. _ceapman_.
+Chapmanhode+, _sb._ trade, S2, C3.