A Concise Dictionary of Middle English
Chapter 43 : +Cheuen+, _v._ to succeed, to attain one's end, MD, C3, P; +cheeuen+, S2.--OF. _ch
+Cheuen+, _v._ to succeed, to attain one's end, MD, C3, P; +cheeuen+, S2.--OF. _chevir_, from _chef_. See +Cheef+.
+Cheuesance+, _sb._ success, profit, agreement, MD, PP; +cheuisaunce+, agreement, bargain, PP, C.--OF. _chevisance_.
+Cheuesen+, _v._ to procure, to get, MD; +chevisen+, MD; +cheviss+, to achieve one's purpose, S2; +cheuyce+, to lend, S3.--OF. _chevir_ (pr.
p. _chevissant_).
+Cheuetayn+, _sb._ captain, S2; +cheueteyn+, MD; +cheventeyn+, S2, PP, C; +cheuentayn+, MD, PP; +chefetayn+, MD; +chiveteyn+, MD; +chiftaigne+, PP.--AF. _chevetayn_ (_cheventeyn_); Late Lat. _capitaneum_, from Lat.
_capit-_ stem of _caput_, head. Cf. +Capitain+.
+Chewen+, _v._ to chew, S, S2; +cheowen+, MD.--AS. _ceowan_, pt. _ceaw_ (pl. _cuwon_), pp. _cowen_.
+Cheyne+, _sb._ chain, C2; see +Chaine+.
+Chibolle+, _sb._ a small kind of onion, MD, S2, P; +chebole+, a young onion, Palsg.; +chibole+, PP; +schybbolle+, Voc.; +chesbolle+, Voc.--OF.
_ciboule_; Late Lat. _caepulla_ from Lat. _caepa_, onion. Cp. It.
_cipolla_, cyboll (Florio) and G. _zwiebel_, onion (Weigand).
+Chiden+, _v._ to chide, dispute, MD; +chid+, MD; _imp. s._, S; +chit+, _pr. s._, MD, C3; +chidden+, _pt. pl._, S, W.--AS. _cidan_, pt. _cidde_.
+Chil+, _sb._ chill, coolness, MD, SkD; +chele+, S, S2, P.--AS. _ciele_ (Voc.), _cyle_.
+Chilce+, _sb._ childishness, S. _Chilc_; for AS. _cild_ + _s_; see Sievers, 258. For the French spelling, cf. +Milce+.
+Child+, _sb._ child, the child of a n.o.ble house, a t.i.tle of honour, young knight, S; +cild+, S, MD; +childre+, _pl._, S, S3; +childer+, MD, S, S2; +cyldren+, S; +cheldren+, S; +childrene+, _gen._, S.--AS. _cild_, pl. _cild_, also _cildru_, and in ONorth. _cildo_, _cildas_.
+Childen+, _v._ to bring forth children, W2.
+Child-had+, _sb._ childhood, S; +childhede+, _dat._, C2.--AS.
+Chimney+, _sb._ furnace, oven, also, fireplace, Sh., PP (_n._); +chymney+, W; +chymneye+, PP.--AF. _chimenee_, OF. _cheminee_; Late Lat.
_caminata_, a room with a stove; from Lat. _caminus_, a furnace; Gr.
+Chinche+, _adj._ and _sb._ n.i.g.g.ardly, a n.i.g.g.ard, MD, CM; +chiche+, MD; +chynchis+, _pl._, H.--OF. _chiche_, miserable, n.i.g.g.ardly (Cotg.): Sp.
_chico_, small; Lat. _cicc.u.m_ (acc.), the core of a pomegranate, a mere trifle.
+Chinchen+, _v._ to be n.i.g.g.ardly, Prompt.
+Chincherie+, _sb._ miserliness, Prompt.
+Chirche+, _sb._ church, S, S2, W2, PP, CM; +churche+, S, S2, PP; +cherche+, S2, C3; +kirke+, S, S2, P; +kyrke+, P, Voc., S3; +kirc+, S2; +circe+, S, Voc.; +cyrce+, S.--AS. _cyrce_; cp. OHG. _kiricha_ (Tatian).
+Chirche-gong+, _sb._ churching of women, S2, MD.--Cp. Icel.
+Chirche-haie+, _sb._ cemetery, MD; +chyrchehaye+, Voc.
+Chirche-?eard+, _sb._ church-yard, MD; +chyrche?arde+, Prompt.; +kyrke?erde+, Voc.; +kyrgarth+, Voc.; +cyrce-iaerd+, S.--Icel.
+Chirch-socne+, _sb._ congregation, S.--AS. _ciric-socn_ (Schmid); cp.
Icel. _kirkju-sokn_.
+Chiries+, _sb. pl._ cherries, S2, P. See +Chery+.
+Chiri-tyme+, _sb._ cherry-time, P.
+Chirken+, _v._ to twitter, chirp, MD, CM.
+Chirkyng+, _sb._ a grating, stridulent, hissing sound, C, CM; +chyrkynge+, _sibilatus_, Prompt.
+Chirm+, _sb._ noise of birds, MD; +charm+, ND; +chirme+, _dat._, S.--AS. _cirm_, _cyrm_.
+Chirmen+, _v._ to chirp and twitter, MD; +cherme+, Palsg.; +chyrmys+, _pr. s._, S3. See SkD (s.v. _chirp_), and Brugrnann, -- 420.
+Chisel+, _sb._ chisel, MD; +chysel+, Prompt.; +chyssell+, S3; +chesyll+, MD; +scheselle+, Voc.; +sceselle+, Voc.--North F. _chisel_, OF. _cisel_, It. _cesello_, see SkD (p. 793).
+Chit+, _pr. s._ disputes, C3; see +Chiden+.
+Chiteren+, _v._ to twitter, MD, CM; to chatter, C3.
+Chitering+, _sb._ twittering, MD; +chyteryng+, S2.
+Chivache+, _sb._ riding, expedition, CM, MD, C3; +chivachie+, C; +chevache+, CM.--AF. _chivauche_, _chevauchee_, OF. _chevalchee_, from _chevalchier_, to ride on horseback, from _cheval_, horse; Lat.
_caballum_, (acc.). See +Capul+.
+Chiualer+, _sb._ chevalier, knight, PP; +cheualere+, MD.--AF.
+Chivalrie+, _sb._ the knights of Christendom, S2; +chevalrye+, MD; +chyvalrie+, knightly deeds, MD; +chiualrye+, C2.--AF. _chivalrie_, _chevalerie_.
+Chiueren+, _v._ to s.h.i.+ver, tremble, Prompt., SkD (s.v. _s.h.i.+ver_); +cheueren+, PP; +sheeuering+, _pr. p._, S3.--Cp. Du. _huiveren_, to s.h.i.+ver.
+Chiueringe+, _sb._ s.h.i.+vering, trembling; +chyuerynge+, Prompt., p. 75; +chyueryng+, Palsg., Prompt.
+Chois+, _sb._ and _adj._ choice, MD, C2; +choys+, MD, C, C2.--OF.
_chois_, _cois_, from _choisir_, _coisir_, to choose. Of Teutonic origin. See +Chesen+.
+Choisly+, _adv._ choicely, MD; +chysly+, S2.
+Chol+; see +Chavel+.
+Chold+, _adj._ cold, S; see +Cold+.
+Choppen+, _v._ to chop, cut, mince, MD; +chappyd+, _pp._, MD.
+Chorle+; see +Cherl+.