A Concise Dictionary of Middle English
Chapter 48 : +Coltre+; see +Culter+.+Columbine+, _sb._ columbine (flower), Alph., MD, Sh.; +columbyn

+Coltre+; see +Culter+.

+Columbine+, _sb._ columbine (flower), Alph., MD, Sh.; +columbyne+, Voc., Prompt.; +columby+, S3.--OF. _columbine_; Late Lat. _columbina_.

+Colvyr+; see +Culuer+.

+Colwie+, _adj._ grimy, S.

+Colwyd+, _pp._ _carbonatus_, Prompt. See +Cole+.

+Comaunde+, _v._ to command, PP, C; +comanden+, MD; +comaundet+, _pt.

s._, S2; +comande+, S2, MD; +c.u.mand+, S2.--OF. _comander_, _commander_; Late Lat. _commendare_, to order. Cf. +Comenden+.

+Comaundement+, _sb._ commandment, C, PP; +comandement+, C2.

+Comaundour+, _sb._ commander, C3, PP; +comandour+, S2.--OF.

_commandeor_; Late Lat. _commendatorem_.

+Combe+, _sb._ comb for hair, comb of a bird, Prompt., Voc.; +komb+, MD.--AS. _camb_.

+Combren+, _v._ to enc.u.mber, overwhelm, MD, S3; +comeren+, S3; +combrez+, _pr. s._, S2; +c.u.mrit+, _pt. s._, S2; +c.u.mmerit+, S3; +c.u.mbred+, _pp._, S2.--OF. _combrer_ to hinder, from _combre_, a heap, see Ducange (s.v. _c.u.mbra_); Lat. _c.u.mulum_ (acc.).

+Combre-world+, _sb._ c.u.mberer of the world, S3.

+Combust+, _pp._ burnt, MD, C3.--Lat. _combustus_, pp. of _comburere_, to burn.

+Come+, _sb._ a coming, S, S2, C3; +k.u.me+, S; +kime+, S; +c.u.me+, S; +comes+, _pl._, S.--AS. _cyme_.

+Comelyng+, _sb._ stranger, W, W2; +k.u.meling+, MD; +comling+, W; +comlyng+, S2; +comelingis+, _pl._, W; +c.u.mlyngis+, H.

+Comen+, _v._ to come, S; +c.u.men+, S; +k.u.men+, S; +c.u.m+, S2; +com+, S2; +c.u.minde+, _pr. p._, S; +comynde+, S2; +cominde+, S2; +comste+, comest thou, S2; +com+, _pr. s._, S2; +com+, _pt. s._, S, S2, G; +cam+, S, G, P; +kam+, S; +come+, _2 pt. s._, S, G; +coman+, _pt. pl._, S; +coomen+, C2; +comen+, MD, S, G; +come+, S2; +i-c.u.men+, _pp._, S; +i-k.u.men+, S; +i-c.u.me+, S; +i-comen+, S; +i-come+, S, S2; +comen+, S2, S3, G; +come+, S2.--AS. _c.u.man_; cp. Goth. _kwiman_.

+Comenden+, _v._ to commend, C2, PP; +commended+, _pp._, PP.--Lat.

_commendare_. Cf. +Comaunde+.

+Comers+, _sb. pl._, strangers, visitors, pa.s.sers-by, S2, PP; +comeres+, PP.

+Commoditie+, _sb._ advantage, profit, S3, ND, Sh.--OF. _commodite_ (Cotg.); Lat. _commoditatem_.

+Comp+, _sb._ contest, S; see +Camp+.

+Compainoun+, _sb._ companion, MD.--OF. _compagnon_; Late Lat.


+Companable+, _adj._ sociable, PP, C; +companabile+, H.--OF.

_compaignable_ (Cotg.).

+Companie+, _sb._ company, MD, C2; +compaynye+, S; +compainie+, S2.--OF.

_companie_, from _compain_, an a.s.sociate at meals; from Lat. _c.u.m_ + _panis_, bread.

+Comparisoun+, _sb._ comparison, MD, C2.--OF. _comparison_; Late Lat.


+Comparisounen+, _v._ to compare, MD, W (Mark 4. 30), S2.

+Compas+, _sb._ circle, circuit, device, craft, MD, C3, G; +compaas+, C; +compa.s.se+, S3; +c.u.mpas+, W2.--OF. _compas_; Late Lat. _compa.s.sum_ (acc.).

+Compa.s.sen+, _v._ to go round, to devise, contrive, MD; +c.u.mpas+, W2; +conpa.s.sed+, _pp._, S3.--AF. _compa.s.ser_.

+Compa.s.syng+, _sb._ craft, contrivance, C.

+Compeir+, _v._ to appear, S3.--OF. _comper-_, tonic stem of _compareir_; Lat. _comparere_.

+Comper+, _sb._ compeer, comrade, C, S2; +compere+, Prompt.; +c.u.mpers+, _pl._, MD.--Of OF. origin; Lat. _comparem_, (acc.).

+Complie+, _sb._ the last church-service of the day, compline, MD; +c.u.mplie+, S, MD.--OF. _complie_; Church Lat. _completa_ (_hora_).

+Compline+, _sb._ compline, MD; +complyn+, MD; +c.u.mplyne+, _completorium_, Prompt. See above.

+Composicion+, _sb._ arrangement, agreement, C, C2.--AF. _composicion_; Lat. _compositionem_.

+Comptroller+; see +Controller+.

+Comsen+, _v._ to commence, S2, PP, MD; +c.u.msen+, S2, PP.--OF.

_comencer_; Lat. _com_ + _initiare_.

+Comune+, _adj._ common, PP; +comun+, MD; +comyn+, MD; +comen+, S2.--AF.

_commun_; Lat. _communem_ (acc.).

+Comune+, _sb._ the commons, commonalty, PP; +commune+, C2; +comunes+, _pl._, PP; +comyns+, S2, PP.

+Comunlych+, _adv._ commonly, S2; +comunliche+, PP; +comunly+, C2.

+Comyn+, _sb._ c.u.mmin, C2, MD, Prompt.; +c.u.mmyn+, W.--OF. _comin_; Lat.

_cyminum_ (Vulg.); Gr. ??????.

+Comynalte+, _sb._ community, W2.--AF. _communalte_; OF. _communaulte_; Late Lat. *_communalitatem_, from _communalis_.

+Comyne+, _v._ to commune, W, W2; +commune+, C3.--OF. _communier_; Lat.


+Comynere+, _sb._ partic.i.p.ator, W.

+Comynte+, _sb._ community, W2; +comunete+, PP.--Lat. _communitatem_.

+Con+, _pr. s._ can, know, S. _Phr._: +con-onk+, thanks, S; see +Kunnen+.

+Conabill+, _adj._ suitable, convenient, B.--OF. _covenable_, _convenable_; Late Lat. _convenabilem_.

+Conand+, _sb._ covenant, B; +Connand+, B; +Cunnand+, B.--OF.

Chapter 48 : +Coltre+; see +Culter+.+Columbine+, _sb._ columbine (flower), Alph., MD, Sh.; +columbyn
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