A Concise Dictionary of Middle English
Chapter 53 : +Crepen+, _v._ to creep, S, C2; +crope+, MD; +creap+, _pt. s._, MD; +crep+, MD; +crope+
+Crepen+, _v._ to creep, S, C2; +crope+, MD; +creap+, _pt. s._, MD; +crep+, MD; +crope+, MD; _2 pt. s._, P; +crupen+, _pl._, MD; +crepte+, _pt. s._ (_weak_), MD; +cropen+, _pp._, MD.--AS. _creopan_, pt. _creap_ (pl. _crupon_), pp. _cropen_.
+Creste+, _sb._ crest (of bird, helmet), summit, MD, Prompt.; +creistis+, _pl._, S3.--OF. _creste_; Lat. _crista_.
+Cresten+, _adj._ Christian, S2; see +Cristen+.
+Creyme+, _sb._ the sacred oil, S2; see +Creme+.
+Cribbe+, _sb._ crib, manger; +crib+, MD; +crybbe+, Prompt.; +cribbe+, S, MD. Cp. OHG. _crippea_ (Tatian).
+Crike+, _sb._ creek, MD; +krike+, MD, S; +cryke+, C, Prompt.--Icel.
+Crimosine+, _sb._ and _adj._ crimson, S3; +crimosin+, SkD; +crammasyn+, S3.--OF. _cramoisin_ (_cramoisi_); Low Lat. _carmesinum_; from Pers.
_qirmisi_, crimson; from Skt. _krmi_, a worm, insect, (i.e. the cochineal insect).
+Crisme+, _sb._ consecrated oil for anointing, MD; +crysme+, oil, Prompt.--Church Lat. _chrisma_, sacred oil; Gr. ???sa Cf. +Creme+.
+Crisme-child+, _sb._ the child anointed at baptism, MD.
+Crisme-clo+, _sb._ the chrisom, the cloth tied round the head of the anointed child, S. Cp. Church Lat. _chrismalis pannus_.
+Crisome+, _sb._ the chrisom-cloth, _crismale_, Voc.; +crysome+, Palsg.; +crisom+, Cotg. (s.v. _cresmeau_).
+Crist+, _adj._ and _sb._ anointed, Christ, MD, S2, W, W2.--Lat.
_Christus_; Gr. ???st??, anointed.
+Cristen+, _adj._ and _sb._ Christian, S, C2, C3; +christen+, S, S2; +cresten+, S2.--Lat. _Christia.n.u.s_.
+Cristendom+, _sb._ Christianity, S, S2, C3; +crystendom+, S2.--AS.
+Cristenly+, _adv._ in a Christian manner, C3.
+Cristes-messe+, _sb._ Christmas, MD; +Cristema.s.se+, C2.
+Cristiente+, _sb._ Christendom, MD; +cristiante+, S3; +cristianytee+, S2, C3.--OF. _crestiente_, _cristientet_; Church Lat. _Christianitatem_.
+Cristnien+, _v._ to make Christian, to baptize, MD, S2; +i-cristned+, _pp._, S2; +y-cristned+, _pp._, S2; +cristned+, C3.--AS. _cristnian_.
+Critouns+, _sb. pl._ refuse of the frying-pan, W2.--OF. _cretons_ (Cotg.).
+Crochette+, _sb._ a small hook, crotchet (in music), MD; +crochettes+, _pl._ crockets, S3.--OF. _crochet_ (Bartsch).
+Croft+, _sb._ field, enclosure, PP, S2, MD.--AS. _croft_; cp. ODu.
_crocht_, a field on the downs.
+Croh+, _sb._ a crock, waterpot, MD; +croos+, _pl._, S.
+Crois+, _sb._ cross, PP, S, S3; +croys+, PP, S2, C2, C3; +croiz+, MD; +croice+, MD, S2.--OF. _crois_, _croiz_; Lat. _crucem_, see Brachet. Cf.
+Crouche+, +Cros+.
+Crok+, _sb._ a hook, curl, a crooked way, wile, deceit, MD, Voc.; +crokes+, _pl._, S; +crocks+, HD. _Phr._: +went on croke+, went astray, H.--Icel. _krokr_.
+Croken+, _v._ to bend, to curl hair, to turn aside, MD, W2; +crokid+, _pp._ curved, W2; +i-croked+, S.
+Croket+, _sb._ curl, MD, HD.
+Crokke+, _sb._ crock, pot, S2, PP; +crocke+, S, Voc.--AS. _crocca_.
+Crom-bolle+, _sb._ crumb-bowl, S3.
+Cromme+, _sb._ crumb, C3; +crumme+, MD; +crume+, MD; +crome+, MD; +crowm+, Voc.--AS. _cruma_.
+Crommen+, _v._ to cram, MD, S2; see +Crammen+.
+Crone+, _sb._ an old hag, S2, MD, C3; +crony+, SkD. Cp. ODu. _kronie_, _karonie_, an old sheep; Picard _carone_ = F. _charogne_, see SkD (p. 797). See +Caroigne+.
+Cronicle+, _sb._ chronicle, MD.--OF. _cronique_. For the intrusive _l_ cp. _manciple_, _participle_, _principle_, _syllable_, _canticle_, _treacle_, _cardiacle_.
+Cronique+, _sb._ chronicle, S2; +chronique+, C.--OF. _cronique_; Late Lat. _chronica_; Gr. ???????, annals.
+Croos+, _sb. pl._ water-pots, S; see +Croh+.
+Crop+, _sb._ top, upper part of a tree, crop of corn, Voc., PP, S2; +croppe+, Prompt., Palsg.; +croppes+, _pl._, young shoots, C; +croppis+, S3.--AS. _crop_.
+Crope+, _2 pt. s._ didst creep, P; +cropen+, _pp._, MD; see +Crepen+.
+Crope+, _sb._ crupper, HD; +croupe+, CM, SkD.--OF. _crope_ (F.
+Croper+, _sb._ crupper, the hinder part of a horse, C3.--OF.
_croupiere_ (Cotg.).
+Cropiers+, _sb. pl._ the housings on a horse's back, HD.
+Cropone+, _sb._ the b.u.t.tock, HD.--AF. _cropoun_.
+Cros+, _sb._ cross, PP, MD; +crosse+, P, MD.--ONorse, _cros_ (_cors_); cp. Ir. _cros_, Prov. _cros_. Cf. +Crois+.
+Crosselet+, _sb._ a small crucible, C3; +croslet+, C3. See SkD (s.v.
+Crouche+, _sb._ the cross of Christ, crucifix, sign or representation of the cross, MD, PP, HD; +cruche+, PP; +crowch+, S.--Cp. OHG. _cruci_ (_kruzi_) in Otfrid; Lat. _cruci-_ (stem of _crux_). Cf. +Crois+.
+Crouchen+, _v._ to sign with the cross, MD; +cruchen+, MD; +crowche+, MD; +crouched+, _pt. s._, MD.
+Croud+, +Croude+, _sb._ a musical instrument (stringed), H, W; see +Crowde+.