A Concise Dictionary of Middle English
Chapter 62 : +Dide+, _pt. s._ did, caused, put, S; see +Don+. [[Addition]]+Diefles+, _sb. gen._ devi

+Dide+, _pt. s._ did, caused, put, S; see +Don+. [[Addition]]

+Diefles+, _sb. gen._ devil's, S; see +Deuel+.

+Dier+, _sb._ wild animal, beast; +diere+, _dat._, S; see +Deer+.

+Dier-chin+, _sb._ deer-kind, beasts, S.

+Diere+, _adj._ dear, S; see +Dere+.

+Diere-wur+, _adj._ precious, S; see +Derewure+.

+Diete+, _sb._ diet, food, MD, C; +dyetis+, _pl._, PP.--OF. _diete_; Late Lat. _dieta_, Lat. _diaeta_; Gr. d?a?ta.

+Dieten+, _v._ to diet; +di?ete+, _pr. subj._ S2, PP.

+Die+, _pr. s._ doeth, S; see +Don+.

+Dieule+, _sb. dat._ devil, S; see +Deuel+.

+Diffacen+, _v._ to deface, MD; +deface+, to obliterate, C2; +defaste+, _pp._, S3.--OF. _deffacer_.

+Dif-faden+, _v._ to fade away, MD; +defade+, to cause to fade, S3; +defadide+, _pp._, HD.

+Diffame+, _sb._ dishonour, disgrace, MD, S3, C2; +defame+, C3.--OF.


+Diffamen+, _v._ to spread abroad a rumour, also to slander, MD, S2; +defame+, C2; +diffameden+, _pt. pl._, W; +defamed+, _pp._, W, C3.--AF.

_diffamer_, to slander; Lat. _diffamare_, to spread abroad a report.

+Digne+, _adj._ worthy, proud, MD, C, C2, C3, S2, S3; +dygne+, S2.

_Phr._: +digne as dich-water+, i.e. making people keep their distance, S3.--OF. _digne_; Lat. _dignum_.

+Dignelich+, _adv._ worthily, P; +dyngneliche+, S2.

+Dignete+, _sb._ worth, dignity, high office, MD; +dignitee+, C2; +dingnetes+, _pl._, S2.--AF. _dignete_; Lat. _dignitatem_. Cf.


+Dihten+, _v._ to order, rule, prepare, adorn, MD, S2; +di?ten+, MD; +di?tti+, S2; +diht+, _pr. s._, S; +dightes+, S2; +dihte+, _pt. s._, S; +di?te+, S2; +diht+, _pp._, S2; +di?t+, MD, S2; +dight+, MD, S3; +ydi?t+, S2, S3; +dy?t+, S2; +dicht+, S2; +ydy?t+, S3; +dygth+, H.--AS.

_dihtan_; Lat. _dictare_.

+Dilatacioun+, _sb._ extension, diffuseness, S2, C3.--Lat.


+Dilitable+, _adj._ delightful, S2; see +Delitable+. [[Addition]]

+Dim+, _adj._ dim, MD; +dym+, C; +dymme+, MD; +dimme+, _pl._, S.--AS.


+Dimliche+, _adv._ dimly, softly (of sound), MD; +dimluker+, _comp._, S.

+Dimnes+, _sb._ dimness, S2.

+Dinnen+, _v._ to din, MD; +dunien+, MD; +denie+, S; +dinede+, _pt. s._, MD; +donyd+, MD; +dynnit+, MD.--AS. _dynian_; cp. Icel. _dynja_. See +Dyn+.

+Dint+, _sb._ blow, S, S2; see +Dent+.

+Dinten+, _v._ to strike, S.

+Diopendion+, _sb._ a kind of barley-sugar, S2; see +Dia-penidion+.

+Dirige+, _sb._ the name of an anthem in the office for the dead beginning with the words from Ps. 5. 8, '_Dirige_, Dominus meus,' MD, S3; +dyrge+, MD; +dorge+, MD.

+Dis-+; see +Des-+.

+Disburse+, _v._ to pay out of a purse, Sh.; +deburs+, S3.--OF.


+Dischargen+, _v._ to unload, MD; +deschargen+, MD; +dischargiden+, _pt.

pl._, W.--AF. _descharger_.

+Dischevele+, _pp._ with hair in disorder, MD, C.--OF. _deschevele_, pp.

of _descheveler_, to dischevel (Cotg.).

+Disciple+, _sb._ disciple, W (John 20. 2); +disciplis+, _pl._, PP, W; +diciples+, S; +deciples+, S; +decipelis+, S2.--AF. _disciple_; Lat.

_discipulum_ (acc.).

+Disciplesse+, _sb._ a woman-disciple, W.

+Discipline+, _sb._ chastis.e.m.e.nt, MD; +disceplines+, _pl._ flagellations, S.--OF. _discipline_ (Cotg.); Church Lat. _disciplina_ (Ducange).

+Disclaundre+, _v._ to slander, S2, C3.

[[Printed between +Disciple+ and +Disciplesse+, with expected cross-reference to +Sclaundre+ (verb) missing.]]

+Disclaundre+, _sb._ evil fame, S2, PP; +desclandre+, MD; +dislander+, ND. See +Sclaundre+.

+Disclose+, _v._ to disclose, S3; +desclosen+, S2.--OF. _desclore_ (subj. _-close_); Lat. _disclaudere_.

+Discomfiten+, _v._ to defeat, to put to the rout, MD; +dyscowmfytyn+, Prompt.; +disconfet+, _pt. s._, MD; +disconfite+, MD; _pp._, MD; +disc.u.mfyst+, S3; +dysconfited+, S3.--OF. _desconfire_ (pp.

_desconfit_); Lat. _dis_ + _conficere_.

+Discomfiture+, _sb._ defeat, MD; +disconfiture+, C.--AF.

_desc.u.mfiture_, _desconfiture_.

+Disconfort+, _sb._ discomfort, C; +discomfort+, W.

+Disconforten+, _v._ to trouble, discomfort, C; +disconfort+, S3; +discomforten+, MD.--OF. _desconforter_.

+Discoueren+, _v._ to discover, uncover, MD, C3; +diskeuer+, MD; +discure+, S3.--OF. _descovrir_, _descuvrir_.

Chapter 62 : +Dide+, _pt. s._ did, caused, put, S; see +Don+. [[Addition]]+Diefles+, _sb. gen._ devi
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