A Concise Dictionary of Middle English
Chapter 169 : +Queynte+, _pt. s._ was extinguished, S2; see +Quenchen+.+Queyntelich+, _adv._ skilful
+Queynte+, _pt. s._ was extinguished, S2; see +Quenchen+.
+Queyntelich+, _adv._ skilfully, neatly, MD; +queynteli+, S3; see +Cointeliche+.
+Queyntise+, _sb._ skill, S3; see +Cointise+.
+Quide+, _sb._ speech, bequest, MD; +cwide+, S, MD.--AS. _cwide_; cp.
OHG. _quiti_, 'testimonium' (Tatian). See +Queen+.
+Quidities+, _sb. pl._, S3.--From Late Lat. _quiditas_, a term of the Schoolmen; that which relates to the essence of a thing, having reference to the question _quid est_, what is it? Cp. OF. _quidditatif_, 'quidditative, doubtful, full of quirks, contentions, wrangling'
+Quik+, _adj._ and _adv._ living, quick, flowing (of water), S, S2, W; +quic+, S, S2; +quek+, S2; +quyk+, S3, W, W2; +cwic+, S; +cwike+, S; +cwuce+, S; +quicke+, S; +quike+, _pl._, S, S2; +quyke+, S, C; +quycke+, S3.--AS. _cwic_ (_cuc_); cp. OHG. _quek_ (Otfrid).
+Quikie+, _v._ to cause to revive, also, to be kindled, PP; +quike+, C3; +quyke+, C; +cwikien+, MD.--AS. _cwician_.
+Quikliche+, _adv._ quickly, PP; +quicliche+, S2.
+Quiknen+, _v._ to give life, to receive life, SkD; +quykene+, W, W2.
+Quiste+, _sb._ will, bequest, S; see +Queste+.
+Quiten+, _v._ to repay, PP; see +Quyten+.
+Quitter+, _sb._ filth that runs from a wound, HD: +quytur+, rottenness, HD; +quytere+, W2; +quitture+, DG.
+Quod+, _pt. s._ quoth, S, S2, C2; see +Queen+.
+Quok+, _pt. s._ quaked, C2; see +Quaken+.
+Quoynte+, _adj._ skilful, MD, HD; see +Coint+.
+Quoynteliche+, _adv._ skilfully, MD; see +Cointeliche+.
+Quoyntyse+, _sb._ quaintness of dress, PP; +quointise+, stratagem, S2; see +Cointise+.
+Quyk+, _adj._ living, moving, S3, W, W2; see +Quik+.
+Quyk-myre+, _sb._ quagmire, S3.
+Quyknar+, _sb._ giver of life, S3.
+Quyr-boilly+, _sb._ boiled leather, used for making defensive armour, C2.--OF. _cuir bouilli_ (Cotg.).
+Quyrry+, _sb._ the quarry, the dog's share in the slaughtered game, S3; +quyrre+, SkD (s.v. _quarry_, p. 824); +guerre+, SkD.--OF. _cuiree_; Late Lat. _coriata_, from Lat. _corium_, hide, skin (OF. _cuir_).
+Quyten+, _v._ to requite, repay, settle, satisfy, S2, C2, C3, PP, W, H; +quiten+, S2, PP; +quitte+, _pt. s._ G; +qwit+, H; +quyt+, _pp._, PP; +y-quit+, C2.--OF. _quiter_; Late Lat. _quietare_.
+Quytly+, _adj._ quite, H; +whitely+, H.
+Quytter+, _v._ to twitter, S3.
+Quytur+, _sb._ rottenness, HD (p. 660); see +Quitter+.
+Ra+, _sb._ roe, deer, CM; see +Roo+.
+Rabete+, _sb._ a war-horse; +rabett+, HD; +rabyghte+, HD; +rabetis+, _pl._, WA.--Icel. _rabitr_, an Arabian steed; cp. Icel. _rabitar_, Arabs, see CV; cp. OF. _arrabi_ (BH).
+Rac+, _sb._ driven vapour, S2; see +Wrak+.
+Rachenteges+, _pl._ chains, S; see +Raken-teie+.
+Racke+, _v._ to stretch rent to its full value, S3. Cp. ODu. _racken_, to rack, _recken_, to stretch, reach out.
+Rad+, _adj._ afraid, S2, SD, H, JD, B; +redd+, WA; +rade+, S2, H; +radde+, S2.--Icel. _hraeddr_.
+Rad+, _pt. s._ rode, S2; see +Riden+.
+Rad+, _adj._ quick, S; +rade+, ready, S; see +Rae+.
+Radde+, _pt. s._ advised, S2; see +Reden+.
+Raddour+, _sb._ violence, WA; see +Reddour+.
+Rade+, _sb._ road, S2; see +Rode+.
+Radnesse+, _sb._ terror, SD; +radnes+, B.
+Radyous+, _adj._ radiant, s.h.i.+ning, S3; +radious+, S3; +radius+, S3.--Lat. _radiosus_; cp. F. _radieux_. See +Ray+.
+Raed+, _sb._ advice, counsel, S; see +Rede+.
+Raeh+, _adj._ fierce, cruel, SD, S; +reh+, SD.--AS. _hreoh_.
+Raeueden+, _pt. pl._ spoiled, S; see +Reuen+.
+Raeueres+, _sb. pl._ robbers, S; see +Reuere+.
+Rafte+, _pt. s._ reft, robbed, C2; see +Reuen+.
+Rage+, _sb._ madness, S2.--AF. _rage_; Lat. _rabiem_.
+Rage+, _v._ to toy wantonly, C; +ragid+, _pp._, been wanton, WA.
+Ragerie+, _sb._ wantonness, CM.