Merck's 1899 Manual
Chapter 1 : Merck's 1899 Merck & Co.MERCK'S MANUAL is designed to meet a need wh

Merck's 1899 Manual.

by Merck & Co.

MERCK'S MANUAL is designed to meet a need which every general pract.i.tioner has often experienced. Memory is treacherous. It is particularly so with those who have much to do and more to think of.

When the best remedy is wanted, to meet indications in cases that are a little out of the usual run, it is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to recall the whole array of available remedies so as to pick out the best. Strange to say, too, it is the most thoroughly informed man that is likely to suffer to the greatest extent in this way; because of the very fact that his mind is overburdened. But a mere reminder is all he needs, to make him at once master of the situation and enable him to prescribe exactly what his judgment tells him is needed for the occasion.

In MERCK'S MANUAL the physician will find a complete Ready-Reference Book covering the entire eligible Materia Medica. A glance over it just before or just after seeing a patient will refresh his memory in a way that will facilitate his coming to a decision. In this book, small as it is, he will find the essential data found in the ponderous Dispensatories, together with the facts of newest record, which can appear only in future editions of those works.

Part I affords at a glance a descriptive survey, in one alphabetic series, of the entire Materia Medica to-day in general use by the American profession. Part II contains a summary of Therapeutic Indications for the employment of remedies, arranged according to the Pathologic Conditions to be combated. Part III presents a Cla.s.sification of Medicaments in accordance with their Physiologic Actions.

The publishers may be allowed to state that they have labored long and earnestly, so to shape this little volume that it shall prove a firm and faithful help to the pract.i.tioner in his daily round of duty. They now send it forth in the confident hope that, the more it is put to the test of actual use, the more it will grow in the esteem of its possessor.




_Reader please note_:--

The ~GALENIC PREPARATIONS~ of the United States Pharmacopoeia, when not listed under their own t.i.tles, will be found under the t.i.tles of the drugs from which they are derived.

~FOODS AND DIETETIC PRODUCTS~ proper will be found under the t.i.tle: "Foods"; while Digestants, Hematinics, etc., are listed under their own t.i.tles.

~SMALL TYPE~ is employed for botanic drugs, gums, and some others of the older drugs and preparations which are so well known as to require but little description.

Those articles of which the ~MERCK~ brand is on the market, are--for convenience in prescribing--designated accordingly.

~Absinthin Merck.~

ABSINTHIIN--Yellow-brown, amorph. or cryst. powd.; very bitter.--SOL.

in alcohol, chloroform; slightly in ether; insol. in water.--Bitter Tonic (in anorexia, constipation, chlorosis, etc.).--~Dose:~ 1-1/2--4 grn.


WORMWOOD.--Dose: 20--40 grn.--Infus. (1--2:64) and oil (D., 1--3 min.) used.


GUM ARABIC.--SOL. in water, insol. in alcohol.--_Preparations:_ Mucilage, Syr.--both vehicles.

~Acetanilid Merck.--U.S.P.--Cryst. or Powd.~

ANTIFEBRIN.--Wh. scales or powd.; odorl.; burning taste.--SOL. in 194 parts water, 5 alcohol, 18 ether; very sol. in chloroform.--Antipyretic, a.n.a.lgesic, Antirheumatic, Antiseptic.--USES: _Intern._, fever, rheumatism, headache, alcoholism, delirium, neuralgia, sleeplessness in children, etc.; _extern._, like iodoform, and as a preservative of hypodermic solutions (1:500).--~Dose:~ 3--10 grn., in powd., alcoholic solut., or hot water cooled down and sweetened to taste. MAX. D.: 15 grn. single, 60 grn. daily.--CAUTION: Avoid large doses in fever!

~Acetyl-phenyl-hydrazine Merck.~

HYDRACETIN; PYRODIN.--Prisms, or tablets: silky l.u.s.ter; odorl.; tastel.--SOL. in 50 parts water; in alcohol, chloroform.--Antipyretic, a.n.a.lgesic, Antiparasitic--USES: _Intern._, to reduce fever generally, in rheumatism, etc.; _extern._, psoriasis and other skin diseases.--~Dose:~ 1/2--3 grn.--EXTERN. in 10% oint.

~Acid, Acetic, Merck.--Glacial.--U.S.P.--99.5%.--C.P.~

Caustic (in warts or corns) and Vesicant. Not used internally.--ANTIDOTES: Emetics, magnesia, chalk, soap, oil, etc.

~Acid, Acetic, Merck.--U.S.P.--36%.~

~Dose:~ 15--40 [min.], well diluted.

Acid, Acetic, Diluted--U.S.P.

6 per cent.--~Dose:~ 2--4 drams.

~Acid, Agaricic, Merck.~

AGARIC, LARICIC or AGARICINIC, ACID.--Powd.; odorl.; almost tastel.--SOL. in ether or chloroform; in 130 parts cold and 10 parts boiling alcohol.--Antihidrotic.--USES: Night-sweat of phthisis, and to check the sudorific effects of antipyretics.--~Dose:~ 1/6--1/2 grn., at night, in pills.

~Acid, a.r.s.enous, Merck.--U.S.P.--Pure, Powder.~

White powd.; odorl.; tastel.--SOL. very slightly in water or alcohol.--Antiperiodic, Antiseptic, Alterative.--USES: _Intern._, malarial fever, skin diseases, ch.o.r.ea, neuralgia, gastralgia, uterine disorders, diabetes, bronchitis; _extern._, to remove warts, cancers, etc.--~Dose:~ 1/60--1/30 grn. 4 t. daily.--MAX. D.: About 1/12 grn.

single; about 1/6 grn. daily.--_Preparation:_ Solut. (1%).--EXTERN. on neoplasms in large amounts to get _quick results:_ otherwise it is dangerous. Keep from healthy tissues, lest dangerous absorption may occur.--ANTIDOTES: Emetics; stomach pump or siphon if seen immediately; hot milk and water with zinc sulphate or mustard. After vomiting, give milk or eggs, and magnesia in milk. If saccharated oxide of iron or dialyzed iron is handy, use it. If tincture of iron and ammonia water are within reach, precipitate former with latter, collect precipitate on a strainer, and give it wet. Always give antidotes, be the case ever so hopeless.--INCOMPATIBLES: Tannic acid, infusion cinchona, salts of iron, magnesium, etc.

~Acid, Benzoic, from Benzoin,--Merck.--U.S.P.--Sublimed.~

Pearly plates, or needles; aromatic odor and taste.--SOL. in 2 parts alcohol; 3 parts ether; 7 parts chloroform; 10 parts glycerin; 500 parts water. (Borax, or sod. phosphate, increases sol. in water.)--Antiseptic, Antipyretic, Expectorant.--USES: _Intern._, to acidify phosphatic urine, reduce acidity of uric-acid urine, control urinary incontinence, also in chronic bronchitis and jaundice; _extern._, wound dressing (1:100), in urticaria, etc.--~Dose:~ 10--40 grn. 6 t. daily.--INCOMPATIBLES: Corrosive sublimate, lead acetate, etc.

~Acid, Boric, Merck.--U.S.P.--C.P., Cryst. or Impalpable Powder.~

~Dose:~ 5--15 grn.

~Acid, Camphoric, Merck.--C.P., Cryst.~

Colorl. needles or scales; odorl.; feebly acid taste.--SOL. in alcohol, ether; very slightly in water; 50 parts fats or oils.--Antihidrotic, Antiseptic, Astringent, Anticatarrhal.--USES: _Extern._, 2--6% aqueous solut., with 11% of alcohol to each 1% of acid, in acute skin diseases, as gargle or spray in acute and chronic affections of respiratory tract; _intern._, night-sweats, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, gonorrhea, angina, chronic cyst.i.tis, etc.--~Dose:~ 8--30 grn., in powd.--MAX. D.: 60 grn.

~Acid, Carbolic, Merck.~--Absolute, C.P., Loose Crystals or Fused.--U.S.P.

PHENOL.--~Dose:~ 1/2--2 grn., well diluted or in pills.--_Preparations:_ Glycerite (20%); Oint. (5%).--ANTIDOTES: Soluble alkaline sulphates after emesis with zinc sulphate; raw white of egg; calcium saccharate; stimulants hypodermically.--INCOMPATIBLES: Chloral hydrate, ferrous sulphate.

MERCK'S "Silver Label" Carbolic Acid is guaranteed not to redden under the proper precautions of keeping.

~Acid, Carbolic, Iodized, Merck.--N.F.~

IODIZED PHENOL.--Solut. of iodine in carbolic acid.--Antiseptic, Escharotic.--USES: Uterine dilatation.--APPLIED pure, by injection.

Chapter 1 : Merck's 1899 Merck & Co.MERCK'S MANUAL is designed to meet a need wh
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