Merck's 1899 Manual
Chapter 5 : ~Antikamnia.~ Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Coal-tar derivative.--Wh., odorl.p


Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Coal-tar derivative.--Wh., odorl.

powd.--Antipyretic, a.n.a.lgesic.--~Dose:~ 5--15 grn., in powd. or tabl.")

~Antimony Oxide, Antimonous, Merck.~

Expectorant.--~Dose:~ 1--3 grn.--_Preparation:_ Antimonial Powder (33%).

~Antimony Sulphide, Black, Merck.~--(_Purified Antimony Sulphide, U.S.P._).

Diaph.o.r.etic, Alterative.--~Dose:~ 10--30 grn.

~Antimony Sulphide, Golden, Merck.--C.P.~

Alterative, Diaph.o.r.etic, Emetic, Expectorant.--~Dose:~ 1/6--1-1/2 grn.--INCOMPATIBLES: Sour food, acid syrups, metallic salts.

~Antimony, Sulphurated, Merck.~

KERMES MINERAL.--Alterative, Diaph.o.r.etic, Emetic.--USES: Cutaneous diseases and syphilis; alterative generally.--~Dose:~ 1--2 grn. in pill; as emetic, 5--20 grn.--_Preparation:_ Pills Antimony Compound (0.6 grn.).

~Antimony & Pota.s.sium Tartrate Merck.--U.S.P.--Pure, Cryst. or Powd.~

TARTAR EMETIC.--~Dose:~ _alter._, 1/32--1/16 grn.; _diaphor._ and _expect._, 1/12--1/6 grn.; _emetic_, 1/2 grn. every 20 minutes.--_Preparation:_ Wine Antimony (0.4%).--ANTIDOTES (as for antimonial compounds in general): Tannic acid in solut., freely; stimulants and demulcents.


Sodium salt of nosophen.--Greenish-blue powd., of faint iodine odor.--SOL. in water.--Antiseptic.--USES: Chiefly in vesical catarrh.--EXTERN. in 1/10--1/2 per cent. solut.


PHENYL-DIMETHYL-PYRAZOLONE.--SOL. in 1 part of water, 2 alcohol.---~Dose:~ 10--20 grn.--APPLIED (as Styptic) in 20 per cent.

solut. or pure.--INCOMPATIBLES: Acids, alkalies, cinchona preparations, copper sulphate, spirit nitrous ether, syrup ferrous iodide; also tinctures of catechu, ferric chloride, iodine, kino, and rhubarb.


NARCEINE-SODIUM and SODIUM SALICYLATE, _Merck_.--Reddish, slightly hygroscopic powd.; 50% narceine.--SOL. in water.--Antispasmodic, Sedative, and Hypnotic.--USES: Whooping-cough, laryngitis stridula, irritating coughs, etc.--~Dose:~ (5% solut., 3--4 t. daily): under 1/2 year 3--5 drops, 1/2 year 5--8 drops, 1 year 8--10 drops, 2 years 10--12 drops, 3 years 15--20 drops, older children 20--40 drops.--CAUTION: Keep from air!

~Ant.i.toxin, Diphtheria.~

From serum of blood that has been subjected to poison of diphtheria.--Limpid liq., generally preserved with 1/2% carbolic acid or other preservative.--~Dose~ (children): _Prophylactic_, 200--250 ant.i.toxic units; _ordinary_ cases, 600--1000 units; _severe_ cases (or those seen late, or of nasal or laryngeal type), 1500--3000 units; given hypodermically, and repeated in about 8 hours if necessary.

Adults receive twice as much. CAUTION: The various brands differ in strength.

~Apiol, Green, Merck.--Fluid.~

Greenish, oily liq.--SOL. in alcohol, ether.--Emmenagogue, Antiperiodic.--USES: Dysmenorrhea, malaria.--~Dose:~ 5--10 [min.], 2 or 3 t. daily, in capsules; in malaria 15--30 [min.].


Not completely defined.--(Stated: "True active principle of parsley, in 4-min. capsules.--Emmenagogue.--~Dose:~ 2 or 3 caps., with meals.")

~Apocodeine Hydrochlorate Merck.~

Yellow-gray, very hygroscopic powd.--SOL. in water.--Expectorant, Sedative Hypnotic.--USES: Chronic bronchitis, and other bronchial affections. Acts like codeine, but weaker; induces large secretion of saliva, and accelerates peristalsis.--~Dose:~ 3--4 grn. daily, in pills.--INJECTION: 1/6--1/2 grn., in 2% aqueous solut.


CANADIAN HEMP.--Diuretic.--~Dose:~ 5--20 grn.--_Preparation:_ F.E.


~Apomorphine Hydrochlorate Merck.--U.S.P.--Cryst. or Amorphous.~

~Dose:~ _Expect._, 1/60--1/20 grn.; _emetic_, 1/15--1/8 grn.--INJECT.

(emetic): 1/10--1/5 grn.--ANTIDOTES: Strychnine, chloral, chloroform.--INCOMPATIBLES: Alkalies, pota.s.sium iodide, ferric chloride.--CAUTION: Keep dark and well-stoppered!

~Aqua Levico, Fortis and Mitis.~

NATURAL a.r.s.eNO-FERRO-CUPRIC WATERS, from springs at Levico, Tyrol.--ALTERANT TONIC.--USES: Anemic, chlorotic, neurasthenic, and neurotic conditions; in scrofulous, malarial, and other cachexias; and in various chronic dermatoses.--~Dose:~ Tablespoonful of Aqua Levico Mitis, diluted, after meals, morning and night. After a few days, increase dose gradually, up to 3 tablespoonfuls. After one or two weeks, subst.i.tute for the two doses a single daily dose of one tablespoonful of Aqua Levico Fortis, best with meal. Some days later, augment this dose gradually as before. Const.i.tutional effects and idiosyncrasies are to be watched, and dosage modified accordingly. Decreasing dosage at conclusion of treatment, with a return to the "Mitis," is usual.

~Arbutin Merck.~

White needles; bitter.--SOL. in alcohol; slightly in water.--Diuretic.--USES: Instead of uva-ursi.--~Dose:~ 5--15 grn. 4 t.


~Arecoline Hydrobromate Merck.~

White cryst.--SOL. in water, alcohol.--Myotic.--APPLIED in 1% solut.


8% solut. silver phosphate in 15% solut. ethylene-diamine.--Alkaline liq., turning yellow on exposure.--Antiseptic and Astringent, like silver nitrate.--USES: Chiefly gonorrhea.--Inject. in 1:4000 solut.


Silver-casein compound; 4.25 per cent. silver.--Wh. powd.--SOL. in hot water; ammonia increases solubility.--Antiseptic.--USES: Chiefly in gonorrhea, in 1--2 per cent. solut.


DITHYMOL DI-IODIDE.--Reddish-brown, tastel. powd.; 46% iodine.--SOL. in chloroform, ether, fatty oils; sparingly in alcohol; insoluble in water or glycerin.--Succedaneum for iodoform externally.--APPLIED like the latter.--INCOMPATIBLES: Ammonia, corrosive sublim., metallic oxides, starch, alkalies or their carbonates; also heat.--CAUTION: Keep from light!

Arnica Flowers--U.S.P.

_Preparation:_ Tr. (D., 10--30 min.).

Arnica Root--U.S.P.

_Preparation:_ Ext. (D. 1--2 grn.); F.E. (D., 5--10 min.); Tr. (D., 20--40 min.).


Chapter 5 : ~Antikamnia.~ Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Coal-tar derivative.--Wh., odorl.p
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