Merck's 1899 Manual
Chapter 11 : ~Cinchonidine Merck.--Pure, Cryst.~ SOL. in dil. acids; insol. in water.--~Dose:~ _Toni
~Cinchonidine Merck.--Pure, Cryst.~
SOL. in dil. acids; insol. in water.--~Dose:~ _Tonic_, 1--2 grn., in pills or syrup; _antiperiodic_, 15--30 grn., between paroxysms.
~Cinchonidine Sulphate.--U.S.P.~
SOL. in alcohol; sl. in water.--~Dose:~ Same as Cinchonidine.
~Cinchonine Merck.--U.S.P.--Pure, Cryst.~
SOL. in dil. acids; insol. in water.--~Dose:~ Same as Cinchonidine.
~Cinchonine Sulphate Merck.--U.S.P.~
SOL. in 10 parts alcohol, 70 water.--~Dose:~ Same as Cinchonine.
Cinnamon, Ca.s.sia--U.S.P.
Ca.s.sIA BARK.--~Dose:~ 10--30 grn.--_Preparation:_ Oil (D., 1--3 min.).
Cinnamon, Ceylon--U.S.P.
~Dose:~ 10--30 grn.--_Preparations:_ Oil (D., 1--3 min.); Spt. (10 per cent. oil); Tr. (1:10); Water (one-fifth per cent. oil).
ERYTHROXYLON.--_Preparation:_ F.E. (D., 20--60 min.).--See also, Cocaine.
~Cocaine Hydrochlorate Merck.--U.S.P.--C.P., Cryst. or Powder.~
~Dose:~ 1/2--1-1/2 grn.--MAX. D.: 2 grn. single; 6 grn.
daily.--ANTIDOTES: Chloral, amyl nitrite, caffeine, morphine, digitalis, alcohol, ammonia.
MERCK'S Cocaine Hydrochlorate strictly conforms to the U.S.P. and all other known tests for its purity.
~(Other salts of Cocaine are not described because used substantially as the above.)~
~Codeine Merck.--U.S.P.--Pure, Cryst. or Powd.~
~Dose:~ 1/2--2 grn.--INJECTION: 1/4--1 grn.
~Codeine Phosphate Merck.~
White powd.--SOL. in 4 parts water; slightly in alcohol.--Best codeine salt for hypodermic use; most sol., least irritating.--INJECTION: 1/2--1 grn.
~(Other salts of Codeine are not described because used substantially as the above.)~
~Colchicine Merck.--Cryst.~
Yellow cryst. powd.; very bitter taste.--SOL. in water, alcohol, ether, chloroform.--Alterative, a.n.a.lgesic.--USES: Rheumatism, gout, uremia, chronic sciatica, asthma, cerebral congestion, and rheumatic sciatica.--~Dose:~ 1/120--1/30 grn., 2 or 3 t. daily.--ANTIDOTES: Stimulants.
Colchic.u.m Root--U.S.P.
_Preparations:_ Ext. (D., 1/2--2 grn.); F.E. (D., 2--8 min.); Wine (5--20 min.).
Colchic.u.m Seed--U.S.P.
_Preparations:_ F.E. (D., 3--10 min.); Tr. (D., 20--60 min.); Wine (D., 20--60 min.).
Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Caps, each containing 1/250 grn.
colchicine dissolved in 3 min. methyl salicylate.--Antirheumatic, Antipodagric.--~Dose:~ 2--4 caps, with meals and at bedtime.")
~Collodion, Cantharidal, Merck.--U.S.P.~
(Blistering, or Vesicating, Collodion).--Olive-green, syrupy liq.--Represents 60% cantharides.--USES: Blister instead of cantharides.
Collodion, Styptic.--U.S.P.
20 per cent. tannic acid.--USES: Bleeding wounds.
~Dose:~ 3--10 grn.--_Preparations:_ Ext. (D., 1--3 grn.); Comp. Ext.
(D., 3--10 grn.).
~Colocynthin (Glucoside) Merck.--C.P.~
Yellow powd.--SOL. in water, alcohol.--Cathartic (not drastic and toxic, as the extract).--~Dose:~ 1/6--2/3 grn.--INJECTION: 1/6 grn.; rectal 4--16 [min.] of 4% solut. in equal parts glycerin and alcohol.
~Coniine Hydrobromate Merck.~
White needles.--SOL. in 2 parts water, 2 parts alcohol; chloroform, ether.--Antispasmodic, Antineuralgic, etc.--USES: Teta.n.u.s, cardiac asthma, sciatica and whooping-cough; large doses have been given in traumatic teta.n.u.s.--~Dose:~ 1/30--1/12 grn., 3--5 t. daily: children, 1/640--1/40 grn., 2--4 t. daily.--INJECTION: 1/20--1/15 grn.--ANTIDOTES: Emetics, stomach siphon; atropine, strychnine; picrotoxin with castor oil; caffeine, and other stimulants.
HEMLOCK.--_Preparations:_ Ext. (D., 1/2--2 grn.); F.E. (D., 2--5 min.).--See also, Coniine Hydrobromate.
LILY OF THE VALLEY.--_Preparation:_ F.E. (D., 15--30 min.).--See also, Convallamarin.
~Convallamarin Merck.~
Yellowish-white, amorph. powd.--SOL. in water, alcohol.--Cardiac Stimulant, Diuretic.--USES: Heart disease, oedema, etc.--~Dose:~ 3/4--1 grn., 6 to 8 t. daily.--INJECTION: 1/2 grn. every 4 hours, in sweet solut., gradually increasing to 5 grn. daily.--MAX. D.: 1 grn. single; 5 grn. daily.
Dose: 20--60 grn.--Preparations: Ma.s.s (94 per cent.); Oil (D., 5--15 min.); Resin (D., 5--15 grn.).