Merck's 1899 Manual
Chapter 12 : ~Copper Acetate, Normal, Merck.--Pure, Cryst.~ ~Dose:~ 1/8--1/4 grn.--ANTIDOTES (_for a

~Copper Acetate, Normal, Merck.--Pure, Cryst.~

~Dose:~ 1/8--1/4 grn.--ANTIDOTES (_for all copper salts_): Encourage vomiting, stomach pump, then milk and sugar or white of egg freely; pure pota.s.sium ferrocyanide (10 or 15 grn.).

~Copper a.r.s.enite Merck.~

Yellowish-green powd.--SOL. in alkalies; slightly in water.--Intestinal Antiseptic, Antispasmodic, Sedative.--USES: Cholera infantum, dysentery, whooping-cough, dysmenorrhea, etc.--~Dose:~ 1/120 grn. every 1/2 hour until relieved, then every hour.--MAX. D.: 1 grn. single and daily.

~Copper Sulphate Merck.--U.S.P.--Pure, Cryst.~

~Dose~: _Nervine_ and _alterative_, 1/6--1/3 grn.; _emetic_, 2--5 grn.

~Cornutine Citrate Merck.~

Brown, very hygroscopic scales or ma.s.s.--SOL. in water (incompletely).--USES: Hemorrhage from genito-urinary organs, paralytic spermatorrhea, etc.--~Dose~: _Hemostatic_, 1/12--1/6 grn.; _spermatorrhea_, 1/20--1/10 grn. daily.

~Cotarnine Hydrochlorate~,--see STYPTICIN.

Cotton-Root Bark--U.S.P.

Emmenagogue, Oxytocic.--_Preparation:_ F.E. (D., 30--60 min.).


SAPONIFIED DEPHENOLATED COAL-TAR CREOSOTE, _Pearson_.--Dark syrupy liq.; tar odor.--SOL. in alcohol, ether, chloroform; milky emulsion with water; sol. in water to 2-1/2%.--Disinfectant, Deodorizer, Styptic, Anticholeraic, etc.--USES: Non-poisonous subst.i.tute for carbolic acid, etc. Removes odor of iodoform. _Intern._, dysentery, diarrhea, meteorism, gastric catarrh, worms, thrush, diphtheria, etc.; enema 1/2% solut. in dysenteric troubles; _extern._, 1/2 to 2% solut.

in surgical operations, 1/10--1/2% injection for gonorrhea, 2--5% ointment in scabies and pediculi, erysipelas, cyst.i.tis, burns, ulcers, etc.--~Dose:~ 1--5 [min.] 3 t. daily, in pills. In cholera 16 [min.]

every 1/2--1 hour for 5 doses, then at longer intervals.--CAUTION: Aqueous solut. should be freshly made when wanted.

~Creosote Carbonate.~

CREOSOTAL.--Light-brown, odorl., sl. bitter liq.--SOL. in oils (5 parts cod-liver oil), alcohol, ether; insol. in water.--Ant.i.tubercular.--~Dose:~ 20 min., grad. increased to 80 min., 3 t. per day.

~Creosote from Beechwood, Merck.--U.S.P.~

~Dose:~ 1--3 [min.], gradually increased to limit of tolerance, in pills, capsules, or with wine or brandy.--MAX. INITIAL D.: 5 [min.]

single; 15 [min.] daily.--ANTIDOTES: Emetics, stomach pump, soluble sulphates (such as Glauber or Epsom salt).--CAUTION: Wherever Creosote is indicated for internal medication, Creosote from Beechwood should be dispensed; and under no circ.u.mstances should "Creosote from Coal Tar"

be given, unless explicitly so directed. Wood Creosote and Coal-Tar Creosote differ very widely in their action on the human body: Wood Creosote is comparatively harmless; Coal-Tar Creosote decidedly poisonous.--_Preparation:_ Water (1%).

MERCK'S Beechwood Creosote is _absolutely free from the poisonous coerulignol_ found in some of the wood creosote on the market.

~Creosote Phosphite.~

PHOSPHOTAL.--Oily liq.: 90% creosote.--SOL. in alcohol, glycerin, oils.--Ant.i.tubercular, Anticachectic.--~Dose:~ Same as of creosote; in pills, wine, or elixir.


~Dose:~ 15--60 grn.--_Preparations:_ F.E. (1:1); Oil (D., 5--15 min.); Oleores. (D., 10--30 min.); Tr. (1:5); Troches (1/2 min. oleores.).

~Cupro-hemol Merck.~

Hemol with 2% copper.--Dark-brown powd.--USES: Subst.i.tute for usual copper compounds in tuberculosis, scrofula, nervous diseases, etc.--~Dose:~ 1--3 grn., 3 t. daily, in pills.

~Curare Merck.--Tested.~

~Dose:~ 1/12--1/6 grn., hypodermically, 1 or 2 t. daily, or until effect is noticed.--CAUTION: Avoid getting it into a wound, as this may prove fatal!

~Curarine Merck.--C.P.~

Deliquescent brown powd.--SOL. in water, alcohol, chloroform.--Ant.i.tetanic, Nervine, etc.--USES: Rectal teta.n.u.s, hydrophobia, and severe convulsive affections.--INJECTION: 1/60--1/12 grn.--ANTIDOTES: Strychnine, atropine, artificial respiration and stimulants.


LADIES' SLIPPER.--~Dose:~ 15--30 grn.--_Preparation:_ F.E. (1:1).

~Dermatol~,--see BIs.m.u.tH SUBGALLATE.


LEVULOSE.--Wh. powd.--SOL. in water.--Subst.i.tute for sugar in diabetes.

~Diastase (of Malt) Merck.--Medicinal.~

Yellowish-white to brownish-yellow, amorph. powd.; tastel.--USES: Aid to digestion of starchy food.--~Dose:~ 1--3 grn. pure or with pepsin.

~Dietetic Products~,--see FOODS AND DIETETIC PRODUCTS.

~Digitalin, "German," Merck.~

Yellowish-white powd.--SOL. in water, alcohol; almost insol. in ether, chloroform.--Non-c.u.mulative, reliable Heart-tonic, Diuretic; well adapted to injection.--~Dose:~ 1/16--1/4 grn., 3 or 4 t. daily, in pills or subcutaneously.--ANTIDOTES: Emetics, stomach pump, tannic acid, nitroglycerin, morphine early, strophanthin later; alcoholic stimulants, etc.


~Dose:~ 1--3 grn.--_Preparations:_ Ext. (D., 1/4--1/2 grn.); F.E.

(1:1); Infus. (15:1000); Tr. (15:100).--See also, Digitalin and Digitoxin.

~Digitoxin Merck.--Cryst.~

Most active glucoside from digitalis.--White cryst. powd.--SOL. in alcohol, chloroform; slightly in ether; insol. in water.--Prompt, reliable, powerful Heart-tonic; of uniform chemical composition and therapeutic activity.--USES: Valvular lesions, myocarditis, etc.--~Dose:~ 1/240--1/120 grn., 3 t. daily, with 3 [min.] chloroform, 60 [min.] alcohol, 1-1/2 fl. oz. water. ENEMA: 1/80 grn. with 10 [min.]

alcohol, 4 fl. oz. water, 1 to 3 t. daily.--MAX. D.: Daily, 1/32 grn.


Not completely defined.--(Stated: "1 fl. oz. represents 45 [min.] each fl. extracts viburn. prunifol., viburn. opulus, dioscorea villosa, aletris farinosa, helonias dioica, repens, caulophyllum, scutellaria.--Antispasmodic, Anodyne.--USES: Dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, etc.--~Dose:~ 10--30 [min.].")


~Duboisine Sulphate Merck.~

Chapter 12 : ~Copper Acetate, Normal, Merck.--Pure, Cryst.~ ~Dose:~ 1/8--1/4 grn.--ANTIDOTES (_for a
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