Merck's 1899 Manual
Chapter 15 : IMPERIAL GRANUM.--"Unsweetened food, prepared from the finest growths of wheat; co

IMPERIAL GRANUM.--"Unsweetened food, prepared from the finest growths of wheat; contains no glucose, cane sugar, or malt."

INFANT FOOD, Keasbey & Mattison's.


MALTED MILK, Horlick's.

MALTINE.--"Extraction of all the nutritive and digestive properties of wheat, oats, and malted barley."--Maltine M'f'g Co., Brooklyn, N.Y.

MALTZYME.--See under "M."

MELLIN'S FOOD.--"Consists of dextrin, maltose, alb.u.minates, and salts."

NESTLE'S FOOD.--"40% sugar, 5% fat, 15% proteids, 30% dextrin and starch."


PANOPEPTONE.--"Bread and beef peptone; containing the entire edible substance of prime, lean beef, and of best wheat flour."

PEPTOGENIC MILK POWDER.--"For modifying cow's milk to yield a food for infants, which, in physiological, chemical and physical properties, is almost identical with mother's milk."

PEPTONIZED MILK.--See Peptonizing Tubes.

PEPTONOIDS, BEEF.--"From beef and milk, with gluten."

PEPTONOIDS, LIQUID.--"Beef Peptonoids in cordial form."

SACCHARIN.--Antidiabetic and Hygienic Subst.i.tute for Sugar.--See under "S."

SANOSE.--"80% purest casein, 20% purest alb.u.mose."

SOMATOSE.--"Deutero- and hetero-alb.u.moses."

TROPHONINE.--"Containing the nutritive elements of beef, egg, and wheat gluten."


FORMALDEHYDE-PROTEID, _Merck;_ from Casein.--Yellowish powd., almost odorl. and tastel.--Protective Vulnerary, forming a film from which formaldehyde is gradually liberated, thus persistently disinfecting the wound-surface.

~Formaldehyde Merck.~

Aqueous solut. formaldehyde gas; about 35%.--Colorl., volatile liq.; pungent odor.--Non-corrosive Surgical and General Antiseptic (in wounds, abscesses, etc., for clothing, bed-linen, walls, etc.); preservative of collyria and anatomical or botanical specimens.--APPLIED in vapor or solut.: In surgery, 1/4--1/2% solut.; general antisepsis, 1/4--2% solut. or in vapor: for collyria, 1/10% solut.; for hardening anatomical specimens, 4--10% solut. [Other brands of this preparation are sold under special names, such as "Formalin", "Formol", etc. The MERCK article is sold under its true chemical name: "Formaldehyde."]

~Formaldehyde, Para-,~--see PARAFORMALDEHYDE.

~Formalin or Formol,~--see FORMALDEHYDE.


HEXAMETHYLENE-TETRAMINE, _Merck._--Alkaline cryst. powd.--SOL. in water, slightly in alcohol.--Uric-acid Solvent and Genito-urinary Antiseptic.--USES: Gout, cyst.i.tis, etc.--~Dose:~ 15--30 grn. daily, taken in the morning, or morning and evening, in lithia water or carbonated water.


BUCKTHORN.--Laxative.--_Preparation:_ F.E. (D., 15--30 min.).

~Fuchsine, Medicinal, Merck.~

Fuchsine free from a.r.s.enic.--SOL. in water.--Antiseptic, Antinephritic.--USES: _Intern._, nephritis, cyst.i.tis; said to reduce anasarca and arrest alb.u.minuria.--~Dose:~ 1/2--3 grn., several t.

daily, in pills.--CAUTION: Do not confound with Fuchsine _Dye!_


ALCOHOLIC EXTRACT COD-LIVER OIL, _Merck._--Brown, oily liq.; bitter, acrid taste; contains the therapeutically active principles of cod-liver oil (iodine, bromine, phosphorus, and alkaloids), without any of the inert ballast of the oil.--Alterative, Nutrient.--USES: Instead of cod-liver oil.--~Dose:~ 5--30 [min.], as elixir or wine.--[Further information in "Merck's Digest" on "GADUOL," containing detailed information, formulas, etc.]

~Gall, Ox, Insp.i.s.sated, Merck.--Purified, Clearly Sol.~

Laxative, Digestive.--USES: Typhoid fever, deficiency of biliary secretion, etc.--~Dose:~ 2--5 grn., several t. daily, in capsules or pills.

~Gallanol Merck.~

GALLIC ACID ANILIDE.--Wh. or grayish powd.--SOL. in alcohol, ether; sl.

in water, chloroform.--Antiseptic Dermic.--USES: _Extern._, instead of chrysarobin or pyrogallol; acute or chronic eczema, 1--7 parts in 30 parts ointment; psoriasis, 20% solut. in chloroform or traumaticin; moist eczema, 25% with talc.u.m; favus, prurigo and tricophyton, 20% solut. in alcohol with little ammonia.

~Gallobromol Merck.~

DIBROMO-GALLIC ACID.--Small, grayish cryst.--SOL. in alcohol, ether, 10 parts water.--Sedative, Antiseptic, Astringent.--USES: _Intern._, instead of pota.s.sium bromide; _extern._, cyst.i.tis, gonorrhea, gleet, and other skin diseases.--~Dose:~ 10--30 grn.--EXTERN. in 1--4% solut., powd., or paste.


~Dose:~ 1--5 grn.--Enters in Comp. Cathartic Pills.


Lauded by Unna as an ideal water-soluble vehicle for the application of dermics. Forms a smooth, h.o.m.ogeneous covering without any tendency to stickiness. Does not stain the skin or the linen. Readily takes up 50% ichthyol, 40% salicylic acid, resorcin, or pyrogallol, 5% carbolic acid, and 1% mercuric chloride. Keeps insoluble drugs well suspended.

~Gelseminine (Alkaloid) Merck.--C.P.~

White microscopic cryst.--SOL. in alcohol, ether, chloroform.--(The _hydrochlorate_ and _sulphate_ are sol. in water.)--Antineuralgic, Antispasmodic.--USES: Neuralgia, rheumatism, dysmenorrhea, etc.; also antidote to strychnine.--~Dose:~ 1/120--1/30 grn.--MAX. D.: 1/30 grn.

single, 1/5 grn. daily.--ANTIDOTES: Emetics early, atropine, strophanthin, artificial respiration, external stimulation.

~(The salts of Gelseminine are not described because used substantially as the above.)~


YELLOW JASMINE.--_Preparations:_ F.E. (D., 2--5 min.), Tr. (D., 10--30 min.).--See also, Gelseminine.

Chapter 15 : IMPERIAL GRANUM.--"Unsweetened food, prepared from the finest growths of wheat; co
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