Merck's 1899 Manual
Chapter 37 : 1 per cent. absol. HI.--Alterative.--~Dose:~ 30--60 min.Syrup, Hypophosphites--U.S.P.Ea

1 per cent. absol. HI.--Alterative.--~Dose:~ 30--60 min.

Syrup, Hypophosphites--U.S.P.

Ea. fl. dr. contains 2-1/2 grn. calc. hypophos., 1 grn. ea. of pot. and sod. hypophos.--Alterative, Tonic.--~Dose:~ 1--2 fl. drams.

~Syrup, Hypophosphites, Fellows'.~

Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Contains hypophosphites of potash, lime, iron, manganese; phosphorus, quinine, strychnine.--Alterative, Reconstructive.--~Dose:~ 1--2 fl. drs., 3 t. daily, in winegla.s.sful water.")

~Syrup, Hypophosphites, McArthur's.~

Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Contains chemically pure hypophosphites of lime and soda; prepared acc. to formula of Dr.

Churchill, Paris.--Alterative, Reconstructive.--~Dose:~ 2--4 fl. drs., in water, after meals.")

Syrup, Hypophosphites, with Iron--U.S.P.

Ea. fl. dr. contains 2-1/2 grn. calc. hypophos., 1 grn. ea, of pot. and sod. hypophos., 3/4 grn. iron lactate.--Alterative, Hematinic.--~Dose:~ 1--2 fl. drams.

Syrup, Iron Iodide--U.S.P.

10 per cent. ferrous iodide.--Alterative, Hematinic.--~Dose:~ 15--30 min.

Syrup, Iron, Quinine, and Strychnine Phosphates--U.S.P.

EASTON'S SYRUP.--Ea. fl. dr. contains 1 grn. ferric phosph., 1-3/4 grn.

quinine, one-ninetieth grn. strychnine.--Nervine, Hematinic.--~Dose:~ 1--2 fl. drs.

Syrup, Lime--U.S.P.

Antacid, Antidote to Carbolic Acid.--~Dose:~ 30--60 min.


(Diastase Takamine.)--Brownish powd.; alm. tastel.--SOL. in water; insol. in alcohol.--Starch-digestant (1 part stated to convert over 100 parts dry starch).--USED in amylaceous dyspepsia.--~Dose:~ 1--5 grn.


TANNIN ALb.u.mINATE, EXSICCATED, _Knoll_.--Light-brown, odorl., tastel.

powd.; contains 50% tannin.--SOL. in alkaline, insol. in acid fluids.--Intestinal Astringent and Antidiarrheal. Not acted upon in stomach, but slowly and equably decomposed in the intestines; thus causing no gastric disturbance, while gently yet firmly astringent on entire intestinal mucosa. Innocuous, and without by- or after-effects.--~Dose:~ 45--150 grn. daily, in 15--30 grn. portions. In urgent acute cases repet.i.tion in 2- or even 1-hourly intervals has proved useful for promptly creating the first impression, the frequency being decreased with the improvement. The dose for _nurslings_ is 5--8 grn.; for _children_, up to 15 grn.--["Merck's Digest" on "TANNALBIN"

contains clinical reports and detailed information.]


ACETYL-TANNIN.--Gray, slightly hygrosc. powd.; alm. odorl. and tastel.--SOL. in alkaline fluids, alcohol; insol. in water.--Intestinal Astringent. ~Dose:~ 5--15 grn.

~Tannin,~--see ACID, TANNIC.


TANNIN-FORMALDEHYDE, _Merck_.--Loose, reddish powd.--SOL. in alkaline liqs.; insol. in water.--SICCATIVE ANTISEPTIC and DEODORANT.--USES: Hyperidrosis, bromidrosis, ozena, etc.--APPLIED pure or in 25--50% triturations.--[Further information in "Merck's Digest" on "TANNOFORM,"

containing clinical reports.]


HEXAMETHYLENE-TETRAMINE-TANNIN.--Brown, sl. hygrosc. powd.; 87% tannin.--SOL. in dil. alkalies; insol. in water, alcohol, or dil.

acids.--Intestinal Astringent.--~Dose:~ 15 grn., several t. a day; children 3--8 grn.


_Preparations:_ Oint. (50 per cent.); Syr. (D., 1--4 drams).


DANDELION.--Bitter Tonic, Hepatic Stimulant.--_Preparations:_ Ext. (D., 10--30 grn.); F.E. (D., 1--2 drams).

~Tartar Emetic,~--see ANTIMONY AND POTa.s.sIUM TARTRATE.

~Tartar, Soluble,~--see POTa.s.sIUM TARTRATE.

~Terebene Merck.~

Colorl. or slightly yellowish liq.; resinifies when exposed to the light; thyme-like odor.--SOL. in alcohol, ether; slightly in water.--Expectorant, Antiseptic, Antifermentative.--USES: _Intern._, in chronic bronchitis, flatulent dyspepsia, genito-urinary diseases, emphysema, phthisis, bronchitis, dyspnea, etc.; _extern._, uterine cancer, gangrenous wounds, skin diseases, etc. In phthisical affections it is given by inhalation (about 2 oz. per week).--~Dose:~ 4--20 [min.], with syrup or on a lump of sugar.

~Terpin Hydrate Merck.--U.S.P.~

Colorl., l.u.s.trous prisms; slightly bitter taste.--SOL. in 10 parts alcohol, 100 parts ether; 200 parts chloroform, 250 parts water.--Expectorant, Antiseptic, Diuretic, Diaph.o.r.etic.--USES: Bronchial affections, whooping-cough, throat affections, tuberculosis, genito-urinary diseases, etc.--~Dose:~ _Expectorant_, 3--6 grn.; _diuretic_, 10--15 grn.; several t. daily.

~Terpinol Merck.~

Oily liq., hyacinthine odor.--SOL. in alcohol, ether.--Bronchial Stimulant, Antiseptic, Diuretic.--USES: To diminish expectoration and lessen odor in phthisis; also for tracheal and bronchial catarrhs.--~Dose:~ 8--15 [min.].


STANDARDIZED DRIED EXTRACT TESTICULAR SUBSTANCE, _Knoll_.--1 part represents 2 parts fresh gland.--Powd.--USES: Spinal and nervous diseases, impotence, etc.--~Dose:~ 30 grn., 3 or 4 t. daily.

~Tetraethyl-ammonium Hydroxide Merck.--10% Solut.~

Alkaline, bitter, caustic liq.--Solvent of Uric acid.--USES: Rheumatism, gout, etc.--~Dose:~ 10--20 [min.] 3 t. daily, well diluted.--CAUTION: Keep well-stoppered!

~Thalline Sulphate Merck.~--(_Not Thallium!_)

Yellowish needles, or cryst. powd.; c.u.marin-like odor; acid-saline-bitterish, aromatic taste; turns brown on exposure.--SOL.

in 7 parts water, 100 parts alcohol.--Antiseptic, Antipyretic.--USES: _Intern._, typhoid fever, malarial fever, etc.; _extern._, 1--2% injection for gonorrhea; in chronic gonorrhea a 5% solut. in oil is best.--~Dose:~ 3--8 grn.--MAX. D.: 10 grn. single, 30 grn. daily.

~Thalline Tartrate Merck.~--(_Not Thallium!_)

Cryst., or cryst. powd.--SOL. in 10 parts water, 300 parts alcohol.--USES, DOSES, ETC., as the Sulphate.

Chapter 37 : 1 per cent. absol. HI.--Alterative.--~Dose:~ 30--60 min.Syrup, Hypophosphites--U.S.P.Ea
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