Merck's 1899 Manual
Chapter 42 : Iodole. Magnesia. Solution Gutta-percha. Sozoiodole salts. ~Abscess.~--_See also, Suppu



Solution Gutta-percha.

Sozoiodole salts.

~Abscess.~--_See also, Suppuration, Boils, Anthrax._

Acid, Boric: a powerful non-irritating antiseptic dressing.

Acid, Carbolic: as dressing and as injection after evacuation.

Acid, Tannic.

Aconite: in full dose often aborts.

Alcohol: as a pure stimulant where a large quant.i.ty of pus is being poured out, draining the system.

Ammoniac and Mercury Plaster.

Arnica Tincture.

Belladonna: internally, and locally as a liniment or plaster, to abort the preliminary inflammation--e.g. of breast--afterwards to ease pain in addition.

Calcium Phosphate: where abscess is large or chronic, as a tonic.

Calcium Sulphide: small doses, frequently repeated, to hasten maturation or healing, especially in deep-seated suppuration.

Caustic for opening abscess in liver, also in chronic abscess where the skin is much undermined, also used to prevent scarring if otherwise opened.

Chlorine Water.

Cod-Liver Oil: in scrofulous cases and in the hectic.

Counter-irritation: to surrounding parts, to check formation or hasten maturation.


Creosote: same as Carbolic Acid, as a stimulant to indolent inflammatory swellings.

Ether: to produce local anesthesia, used as a spray before opening an abscess.


Gaduol: in scrofulous and hectic cases.

Gold Chloride.

Hydrogen Peroxide: to wash out cavity of tubercular or slow abscess.

Ice: after opening.

Iodine: as injection into the sac, and internally to cause absorption of products of inflammation.


Iodoform Gauze: packed into cavity.


Lead Water.

Menthol: in ethereal solution 10 to 50 per cent., locally applied with camel's hair pencil.



Naphtol: 75 grn., alcohol, 10 fl. drs., hot distilled water q.s. to make 3 fl. oz. Inject a few drops.

Oak.u.m: as a stimulating and antiseptic dressing.

Oleate of Mercury and Morphine: relieves the pain, allays the inflammation, and causes the absorption of the products.

Pota.s.sium Permanganate: as antiseptic.

Poultices: advantageously medicated, e.g. with belladonna or opium, to allay pain or inflammation.


Resorcin: in syphilitic and other unhealthy sores as an antiseptic.

Salicylic Acid: as antiseptic dressing.

Sarsaparilla: in chronic abscess with profuse discharges.

Sheet Lead: is useful in the chronic abscess of the leg as a dressing.

Silver Nitrate: a strong solution in spirit of nitrous ether, painted around the area of inflammation, will check it in superficial parts.

Sodium Gold and Chloride: in scrofulous abscesses as a tonic.

Sozoiodole salts.

Strontium Iodide.

Chapter 42 : Iodole. Magnesia. Solution Gutta-percha. Sozoiodole salts. ~Abscess.~--_See also, Suppu
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