Merck's 1899 Manual
Chapter 49 : a.r.s.enic: along with iron in anemia and functional inactivity of the ovaries and uter

a.r.s.enic: along with iron in anemia and functional inactivity of the ovaries and uterus.

Asafetida: along with aloes in anemia and torpor of the intestines.


Berberine Carbonate.

Cantharides: along with iron in torpor of the uterus.

Cimicifuga: at the proper time for a flow.

Cold Sponging: to brace the patient up.

Colocynth: in anemia with constipation.

Croton Oil.

Electricity: locally applied, sometimes useful.

Ergot: in plethoric subjects.

Eupatorium: in hot infusion, if due to cold.

Gold Salts: like asafoetida.

Guaiac.u.m: mild stimulant to the uterus.


Iron: in anemia, q.v.

Iron Iodide.

Iron Phosphate.

Levico Water.

Manganese Dioxide: in amenorrhea of young women; in delayed menstruation, or when a period has been missed through a chill.

Perseverance is required, especially in the last case.

Myrrh: a tonic emmenagogue.

Nux Vomica: in combination with iron in anemia.

Polygonum: in torpor; with iron in anemia, aloes in a constipated subject. Contra-indicated in a plethoric condition. Should be given a few days before menses are expected.

Pota.s.sium Iodide.

Pota.s.sium Permanganate: like manganese dioxide.

Pulsatilla: like aconite.


Rue: in atonic conditions of ovaries or of uterus. Plethora contra-indicates.

Salines: in constipation in plethoric cases.

Sanguinaria: like rue.

Santonin: in two doses of 10 grn. each, one or two days before the expected period.

Savine: like rue.

Senega: a saturated decoction in large doses, a pint daily, about two weeks before period.

Serpentaria: in anemia.

Silver Nitrate: locally, to os uteri at period.

Sitz Baths: hot, alone, or with mustard, for some days before the period; with mustard, if suddenly arrested.

Sodium Borate.

Spinal Ice Bag: to lumbar vertebrae.




Acids: for a tonic action on the mucous membranes in anemia of young women.

Acid, Gallic: in anemia due to a chronic mucous or other discharge.

Alkalies: potash and soda as gastric and hepatic tonics.

Aloes: as tonic and slight purgative.

a.r.s.enic: in the cases where iron fails of its effect or does not agree with the patient. Also in pernicious anemia.



Bullock's Blood: when iron fails, fresh or dried, by enema.

Chapter 49 : a.r.s.enic: along with iron in anemia and functional inactivity of the ovaries and uter
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