Merck's 1899 Manual
Chapter 60 : Alkalies: in indigestion due to obstruction to the flow of bile. Alkaline Mineral Water

Alkalies: in indigestion due to obstruction to the flow of bile.

Alkaline Mineral Waters: in catarrh of the bile-duct, early stage of cirrhosis, and obstruction to the hepatic circulation.

Aloes: in constipation, and in deficient secretion of bile.

Ammonium Chloride: in jaundice due to catarrh of the bile-ducts, early stage of cirrhosis; deficient intestinal secretion.

Ammonium Iodide: in catarrh of duodenum and biliary ducts, in the early stage of cirrhosis, in the malarial cachexia; efficacy increased by the addition of a.r.s.enic.

Angostura: in bilious fevers.

Argenti Oxidum.

Bromides and Chloral Hydrate.

Bryonia: in bilious headache.

Calomel: in excessive production with deficient secretion; calomel or blue pill at night and a black draught in the morning.

Calumba: as stomachic tonic.

Carlsbad Water: a tumbler sipped warm on rising very useful.



Euonymin: at night, followed in the morning by a saline purge.

Friedrichshall Water: a winegla.s.sful in a tumbler of hot water slowly sipped on rising.

Horse Exercise.

Hydrastis: when chronic gastric catarrh is present, in chronic catarrh of the duodenum and bile-ducts, with insp.i.s.sation of the bile and gallstones.



Manganese: in malarial jaundice.

Mercurial Cathartics: in moderate doses night and morning, or in small doses more frequently repeated. Especially useful when the stools are pale, is the b.i.+.c.hloride.

Mercury Iodide, Green.

Mercury Oxide, Yellow.

Milk Cure: in obstinate cases.

Mustard Plaster.


Podophyllum: in place of mercury when stools are dark.

Rhubarb: as hepatic stimulant.



Sodium Phosphate: in bilious sick headache; also in catarrh of the gall-duct in children: dose, 10 grn.

Stillingia: in cirrhosis; torpidity and jaundice following intermittent fever; ascites due to hepatic changes; to be combined with Nux Vomica, in deficient secretion.

~Bites and Stings.~--_See Stings and Bites._

~Bladder Affections.~

Acid, Carbolic.


Berberine Sulphate: for atony.






~Bladder, Catarrh of.~--_See also, Cyst.i.tis._

Acid, Benzoic.

Ammonium Borate.



Chapter 60 : Alkalies: in indigestion due to obstruction to the flow of bile. Alkaline Mineral Water
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