Merck's 1899 Manual
Chapter 68 : Codeine: in place of opium when the latter disagrees.
Cod-Liver Oil: one of the most us
Codeine: in place of opium when the latter disagrees.
Cod-Liver Oil: one of the most useful of all remedies.
Colchic.u.m: in acute cases.
Conium: the vapor to relieve cough.
Copaiba: like Balsam Peru.
Creosote: inhaled to allay cough.
Crude Petroleum: in capsules or pills in chronic bronchitis.
Cubebs: like copaiba.
Digitalis: where heart is feeble, especially in the aged.
Ethyl Iodide.
Eucalyptus: stimulant expectorant.
Euphorbia Pilulifera.
Gaduol: a most useful remedy.
Galbanum: like ammoniac.
Grindelia: expectorant when the cough is troublesome.
Guaiacol Vapor.
Hydrastis: in chronic coryza.
Hypnal: for cough.
Iodides and Iodine: as inhalation or liniment to chest, to lessen expectoration in chronic bronchitis; in the hoa.r.s.e hollow cough of infants after measles.
Ipecacuanha: the wine as spray in much expectoration; in emetic doses in children where the bronchioles are blocked up with mucus.
Iron: when expectoration is profuse.
Koumys regimen: sometimes very useful.
Levico Water: as tonic.
Lobelia: when there is spasmodic dsypnea.
Mercury: to diminish congestion.
Morphine: to quiet cough, in small doses.
Oil Sandalwood.
Opium: to lessen secretion and cough.
Peronin: in place of morphine for the cough.
Phosphates: in very chronic cases.
Physostigma: in chronic cases with great dyspnea.
Plumbic Acetate: in profuse secretion.
Pota.s.sium Carbonate: in viscid secretion.
Pota.s.sium Iodide: in combination with antim. tart. in cases of great dyspnea.
Sanguinaria: with other expectorants.
Senega: when expulsive efforts are feeble.
Serpentaria: like senega.
Spinal Ice-bag: in excessive secretion.
Squill: where expectoration is thick.
Steam Inhalations.
Stramonium: in dry cough.
Strychnine: as respiratory stimulant.
Sulphur: where expectoration is copious, bronchitis severe, and const.i.tutional debility.