Merck's 1899 Manual
Chapter 71 : Acetanilid.
Acid, Boric: useful as ointment or lint dressings, or as boric oil.
Acid, C
Acid, Boric: useful as ointment or lint dressings, or as boric oil.
Acid, Carbolic: 1 per cent. solution relieves pain and prevents suppuration.
Acid, Picric: dressing.
Acid, Salicylic: 1 in 60 olive oil.
Alkalies: soon remove the pain on exposure to the air after application.
Alum: finely powdered over foul, bleeding granulations.
Antipyrine: in solution or ointment.
Argenti Nitras: wash with a solution of 4 to 8 grn. to the oz. and wrap in cotton wool. Subgallate. Subnitrate: a thick paste with glycerin protective.
Calcium Bisulphite (sol.).
Carron Oil: in recent burns.
Chalk, Oil and Vinegar: applied as a paste of a creamy consistence, relieves pain at once.
Chlorinated Soda: in dilute solution.
Chloroform, Olive Oil and Lime Water: soon relieves the pain.
Cocaine: as lotion to allay the pain.
Cod-Liver Oil.
Cold: Instant application.
Collodion: flexible, to protect from air.
Cotton Wool: to protect from irritation and so lessen pain.
Creosote: like Carbolic Acid.
Digitalis: in shock.
Gallae Unguentum: 1 part to 8 of lard, to prevent cicatrix.
Iodoform: local anesthetic and antiseptic.
Iodoformogen: the same.
Lead Carbonate: _i.e._ white-lead paint, for small burns; should be applied instantly.
Lead Water.
Linimentum Calcis (lime-water with linseed oil).
Morphine and Atropine: to allay pain.
Oil and Litharge: applied as a varnish, containing 5 per cent.
Salicylic Acid.
Ol. Menthae Piperitae: painted on.
Phytolacca: to relieve pain.
Pota.s.sium Chlorate: solution 5 grn. to 1 oz.
Rhubarb Ointment: one part of root to two of lard.
Rhus Toxicodendron.
Soap Suds: instead of alkali, if it is not at hand.
Sodium Bicarbonate: immediate application of a saturated solution.
Sozoiodole-Pota.s.sium: as dusting-powder, with starch.
Sozoiodole-Sodium: as wash.