Merck's 1899 Manual
Chapter 72 : Stimulants, Local: such as Ung. Resinae, afterwards followed by astringents. Thymol: on

Stimulants, Local: such as Ung. Resinae, afterwards followed by astringents.

Thymol: one per cent. in olive oil, local anesthetic.

Warm Bath: keep whole body, with exception of head, totally immersed for some days in very extensive burns or scalds. It relieves pain, although it may not save life.

Whiting and Water: mixed to the thickness of cream and smeared over, excluding the air, gives instant relief.

Zinc Ointment and Vaselin: in equal parts for dressing.

Zinc Oxide: as dusting powder.


Acid, Carbolic: as injection.

Blisters: most useful.

Fomentations: to relieve pain.


Iodine: When chronic, Lin. Iodi may be used as a blister, or the liquor, after blistering or aspiration.

~Cachexiae.~--_See also, Anemia, Scrofula, Syphilis, etc., and the list of Tonics._

Acid, Nitric: in debility after acute disease; in combination with the fresh decoction of bark.

Air: fresh.

Aliment: nutritious.

Ammonium Carbonate: with bark; after acute illness.

Arnica: Internally, in bad cases.


a.r.s.enic: in malarial, also in cancerous, cachexia; in chronic malaria, combined with iron.

Baths: Turkish bath, useful.

Calcium Phosphate.

Chalybeate Waters.

Cholagogues: most useful before, or along with other remedies, and especially in malarial cachexia before the administration of quinine.



Eucalyptus: in general cachectic conditions.

Euonymin: as cholagogue.


Glycerin: as a food.



Grape Cure.




Hydrastis: in malaria.



Iron: generally in all anemic conditions.

Levico Water.

Manganese: along with iron and as syrup of double iodide.

Ma.s.sage: exceedingly useful.

Mercury: in syphilitic cases.

Oils and Fat: cod-liver oil very useful. Cream as an addition to food; oil as inunction.

Phosphates: in scrofula, phthisis and malnutrition.

Podophyllin: as cholagogue, in children of a few months old improperly fed; in alcoholic excess; chronic morning diarrhea.

Pota.s.sium Iodide: in syphilitic and resulting conditions.

Purgatives, Saline: as adjuncts to cholagogues.

Chapter 72 : Stimulants, Local: such as Ung. Resinae, afterwards followed by astringents. Thymol: on
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