Merck's 1899 Manual
Chapter 74 : Castor Oil: as purgative.
Chloroform: as in biliary calculi.
Cotton Root: as decoction
Castor Oil: as purgative.
Chloroform: as in biliary calculi.
Cotton Root: as decoction to relieve strangury.
Counter-Irritants: to lessen pain during pa.s.sage of calculus.
Lead Acetate.
Lithium Salts.
Mineral Waters.
Morphine: hypodermically as in biliary calculi.
Pota.s.sium Boro-Tartrate: more efficient than the magnesium salt; prepared by heating together four parts of cream of tartar, one of boric acid, and ten of water. 20 grn. three times a day well diluted.
Pota.s.sium Citrate: in hematuria with uric acid crystals.
Water, Distilled: as drink.
~Camp Fever.~--_See Typhus._
~Cancer.~--_See also, Uterine Cancer._
Acid, Acetic: as injection into tumors.
Acid, Carbolic: as application or injection into tumor to lessen pain, r.e.t.a.r.d growth and diminish fetor.
Acid, Chromic: as caustic.
Acid, Citric: as lotion to allay pain, 1 in 60.
Acid, Hydrochloric.
Acid, Lactic.
Acid, Salicylic: locally applied as powder or saturated solution.
Acids: internally in cancer of stomach.
Aluminium Sulphate: a caustic and disinfectant application.
Argenti Nitras: a saturated solution injected in several places; to be followed by an injection of table-salt 1 in 1000.
a.r.s.enic: as local application, causes cancer to slough out. Sometimes successful when the knife fails, but is dangerous. Internally, in cancer of stomach, lessens vomiting. Supposed to r.e.t.a.r.d growth of cancer in stomach and other parts.
a.r.s.enic Iodide.
Belladonna: locally relieves pain. Used internally also. Subnitrate: to relieve pain and vomiting in cancer of stomach.
Bromine Chloride: alone or combined with other caustics. To be followed by a poultice.
Bromine, Pure: as caustic to use round cancer.
Calcium Carbonate.
Caustic Alkalies: in strong solution dissolve the cells.
Charcoal Poultices: to lessen pain and fetor.
Chian Turpentine: benefits according to some--acc. to others, it is useless.
Chloral Hydrate: to lessen pain.
Chloroform: vapor as local application to ulcerated cancer.
Codeine: as a sedative in cases of abdominal tumor.
Cod-Liver Oil: in cachexia.
Coffee: disinfectant, applied as fine powder.
Conium: as poultices to relieve pain. Used internally also.
Ferro-Manganous preparations.
Gaduol: in cachexia.
Gas Cautery: a form of actual cautery.