Bible Readings for the Home Circle
Chapter 41 : 9. How did Christ suggest that His disciples follow His example in teaching gospel trut

9. How did Christ suggest that His disciples follow His example in teaching gospel truth?

"Then said He unto them, Therefore every scribe which is instructed unto the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is an householder, _which bringeth forth out of his treasure things new and old_." Verse 52.

10. Which are some of the most touching and soul-winning of Christ's parables?

The parable of the lost sheep, and that of the prodigal son. Luke 15:3-7, 11-32.

NOTE.-Each parable is designed to teach some one great and important truth. The first twelve in the list here given are intended to teach the following lessons, respectively: (1) Good and evil in life and judgment. (2) Value of the gospel. (3) Seeking salvation. (4) The visible church of Christ. (5) Truths new and old. (6) Duty of forgiving others. (7) Call at various epochs. (8) Insincerity and repentance. (9) Need of righteousness.

(10) Watchful and careful profession. (11) Use of abilities. (12) Final separation of good and bad.

Christ's Parables

Parables Locality Matt. Mark Luke I. Recorded in only one Gospel The Tares Gennesaret 13:24-30 The hid treasure 13:44 The goodly pearl 13:45,46 The draw-net 13:47-50 Householder and 13:52 treasure The unmerciful servant Capernaum 18:23-35 Laborers in the Jerusalem 20:1-16 vineyard The two sons 21:28-32 Marriage of the king's Mt. of 22:1-14 son Olives The ten virgins 25:1-13 The ten talents 25:14-30 The sheep and goats 25:31-46 The seed growing Gennesaret 4:26-29 secretly Householder and 13:34-37 servants The two debtors Galilee 7:40-47 The good Samaritan Jerusalem 10:25-37 The friend at midnight 11:5-13 The rich fool 12:16-21 The wedding-feast 12:35-40 The wise steward 12:42-48 The barren fig-tree 13:6-9 The seat to take 14:7-11 The great supper 14:15-24 Tower; king going to 14:28-33 war The piece of money 15:8-10 The prodigal son 15:11-32 The unjust steward 16:1-12 Rich man and Lazarus 16:19-31 The unprofitable 17:7-10 servant The importunate widow 18:1-8 Pharisee and publican 18:9-14 The pounds 19:11-27 II. Recorded in two Gospels House on rock and sand Galilee 7:24-27 6:47-49 The leaven in meal Gennesaret 13:33 13:20,21 The lost sheep Jerusalem 18:12-14 15:3-7 III. Recorded in three Gospels New cloth on old Capernaum 9:16 2:21 5:36 garment New wine in old 9:17 2:22 5:37 bottles The sower Gennesaret 13:3-9 4:3-9 8:4-15 The mustard-seed 13:31,32 4:30-32 13:18,19 The wicked husbandmen Jerusalem 21:33-43 12:1-9 20:9-16 The fig-tree Mt. of 24:32,33 13:28,29 21:29-31 Olives

Miracles Of Christ


Healing The Lunatic. "A man approved of G.o.d ... by miracles and wonders."

Acts 2:22.

1. What testimony did the chief priests and Pharisees bear concerning Christ's work?

"Then gathered the chief priests and the Pharisees a council, and said, What do we? for _this man doeth many miracles_." John 11:47.

2. By what did Peter, on the day of Pentecost, say that Christ had been approved by G.o.d?

"Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of G.o.d among you _by miracles and wonders and signs, which G.o.d did by Him in the midst of you_, as ye yourselves also know." Acts 2:22.

3. By what means did Christ claim to cast out devils?

"But if I _with the finger of G.o.d_ cast out devils, no doubt the kingdom of G.o.d is come upon you." Luke 11:20. Matt. 12:28 says "by the _Spirit_ of G.o.d."

NOTE.-Under the third plague in Egypt,-that of turning the dust into lice,-the magicians, failing to duplicate it, said to Pharaoh, "This is the finger of G.o.d." Ex. 8:18, 19.

4. Upon what ground did Nicodemus rest his belief that Christ was a teacher from G.o.d?

"Rabbi, we know that Thou art a teacher come from G.o.d: _for no man can do these miracles that Thou doest, except G.o.d be with him_." John 3:2.

5. After the healing of the blind man, upon what charge did some of the Pharisees seek to prove that Christ was not of G.o.d?

"Therefore said some of the Pharisees, This man is not of G.o.d, _because He keepeth not the Sabbath day_." John 9:16, first part.

NOTE.-This was a false charge. Christ did keep the Sabbath, but not according to the Pharisees' idea of Sabbath-keeping. See reading on "Christ and the Sabbath," page 430.

6. What question did others raise in opposition to this view?

"Others said, _How can a man that is a sinner do such miracles?_ And there was a division among them." Same verse, last part.

7. What was the result of Christ's working miracles at His first Pa.s.sover?

"Now when He was in Jerusalem at the Pa.s.sover, in the feast-day, _many believed in His name, when they saw the miracles which He did_." John 2:23.

8. What question did the performing of these miracles lead many to ask?

"And many of the people believed on Him, and said, _When Christ cometh, will He do more miracles than these which this man hath done?_" John 7:31.

9. Why were many attracted to Christ?

"A great mult.i.tude followed Him, _because they saw His miracles which He did on them that were diseased_." John 6:2.

NOTE.-A miracle is the display of divine or superhuman power in some unusual or extraordinary manner; hence its nature to attract attention. Christ fed the five thousand with the multiplied loaves and fishes, and all men wondered. Every day G.o.d feeds millions of humanity with the multiplied fruits of the earth, and no one marvels. Christ, by a shortened process, changed water into wine, and everybody was astonished; but every year G.o.d does this in the usual way-through the vine-in almost limitless quant.i.ties, and no one is astonished. A divine miracle, therefore, whenever performed, is wrought to heal and to save, and to call attention to the source of divine power.

10. What did the people say when they saw these things?

"_He hath done all things well_: He maketh both the deaf to hear, and the dumb to speak." Mark 7:37.

11. What kinds of disease and sickness did Jesus cure?

"And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and _healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people_." "Great mult.i.tudes followed Him, and _He healed them all_." Matt. 4:23; 12:15.


Miraculous Draft Of Fishes. "Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets." Luke 5:4.

12. Who were brought to Him for healing?

"And they brought unto Him _all sick people that were taken with divers diseases and torments_, and those which were _possessed with devils_, and those which were _lunatic_, and those that had the _palsy_; and He healed them." Matt. 4:24.

13. To the woman who had been healed by touching His garment, what did Christ say made her whole?

"_Thy faith_ hath made thee whole." Matt. 9:22.

14. What did He say to the two blind men as He healed them?

Chapter 41 : 9. How did Christ suggest that His disciples follow His example in teaching gospel trut
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