The Paston Letters
Chapter 273 : Item, spone for grene gynger of iij. quarters & ij. d. wight.Item, a grete gilt chalis
Item, spone for grene gynger of iij. quarters & ij. d. wight.
Item, a grete gilt chalis with a patent longing to the same, weying xlij. unces j. quarter.
Item, a litil standing pece chacid plumtes, with a kover to the same, x. unces j. quarter.
Item, a blak notte standing of silver and gilt, with a kover to the same, weying xviij. unc'.
Item, a grete maser with a prend in the botom, and the armes of Seint Jorge, weying xv. unc' j. quarter & di.
Item, a nother maser sownde in the botom and a sengilbonde, viij. unc' & j. quarter.
Item, a lytil maser with a foote, weying viij. unc'.
Item, a nother maser with a lytill foote, weing viij. unc'.
Item, a nothir litill maser with an higher foote, weying x. unces & j. quarter.
Item, xx^ti spones on a bundell, weying xvj. unc. j. quarter.
Item, vj. spones with acorns, weying v. unc' & di. quarter.
Item, a peyre bedes of corall with paternostris of silver and gilt, and a knopp of smale perle, weying vj. unc' j. quarter.
In primis, j. standing cuppe covered playne with a rounde knoppe, weyeng xxv. unces.
j. nodir cuppe of golde covered playne with a chacid knoppe, weying xxiij. unces iij. quarters.
j. layer of gold with a crokid spoute, weyeng xiij. unces iij. quarters.
j. nothir layer of golde, weyeng xiij. unces j. quarter j. d.
j. chaleis of fyne golde in pecis broken, xxiiij. unces.
j. coppe of golde covered, chacid with a perle, xxj. unces.
j. salte covered with a berall gairnes.h.i.+d, v. unces j. quarter.
j. nothir salt covered, garnyshed with stones, v. unces iij. quarter.
j. par of gilt basouns covered, weyeng viij^xx. xix. unces & di.
j. salte gilte, weyeng xxviij. unces di. quarter.
j. cover to the same, weyeng viij. unces j. quarter.
j. nothir salte gilte withoute a cover, xxvij. unces iij. quarters.
j. standing pees gilte, with a cover Skern, x.x.xvij. unces j. quarter.
j. nothir standing pees gilte with a cover, A. P.
xxj. unces di. & di. quarter.
j. flatte pees covered, gilt, A. P.
xviij. unces & di.
j. potte for grene gynger gilte, x. unces & di. iiij. d. ob.
j. cover to the same, weying j. unce & j. quarter.
j. stonding cuppe covered parcell gilt, Sir Buk, xvj. unces & j. quarter.
j. salt covered parcell gilt, Sir Ric.', xij. unces & di.
j. paxe parcell gilte, Staunton, xiij. unces.
j. standing cuppe with a kever, parcell gilt, Staunton, xix. unces & di.
j. goblett for Rynesh wyne covered, xj. unces & di. quarter.
j. powder boxe, vj. unces j. quarter di. quarter.
j. noder powder boxe, viij. unces j. quarter.
j. candilstykke with a lous [_loose_] sokett and j. preket, P.
xvij. unces di. quarter.
ij. candilstikkes with ij. lous preketes, Skern, x.x.xj. unces j. quarter di.
di. doss. [_half a dozen_] sylver spones, s.h.i.+pton, vj. unces di. & di. quarter.
di. doss. spones, Stanton, vij. unces.
j. bason, P.
xlv. unces di.
j. bason, Sparke, lx. unces.
j. bason, Sturmer, with a spoute, x.x.xiiij. unces. j. quarter j. d. q.
j. bason, Sturmer, withoute a spoute, x.x.xij. unces j. quarter di. quarter j. d. q^a.
j. bason, Rous, l. unces iij. quarters.
j. ewer, P.
xvj. unces & di. & di. quarter.
j. ewer, Sparke, xx. unces.
j. ewer, Sturmer, xiiij. unces j. quarter and di. quarter q^a.