The Bible Story
Chapter 26 : First Disciples What reason did John the Baptist give for his coming? 74 L.J.In what wo
First Disciples
What reason did John the Baptist give for his coming? 74 L.J.
In what words did John the Baptist introduce Jesus? 74 L.J.
Who were the first disciples that followed Jesus? 74 L.J.
Whom did Andrew introduce to Jesus? 74, 77 L.J.
How did Philip become a disciple? 77 L.J.
Whom did Philip bring to Jesus? 77 L.J.
Find six names by which Jesus is addressed. 74-77 L.J.
How many disciples were found in two days? 74-77 L.J.
Name the great men in history who have had disciples and give the meaning of the word.
What was the difference between Jesus'
disciples and other like groups? 487 L.J.
First Miracle
What were the occasion and place of Jesus'
first miracle? 78 L.J.
Describe the miracle. 78 L.J.
Name an important result of this miracle. 78 L.J.
At the Pa.s.sover
What two of business men did Jesus find in the temple? 79 L.J.
Why was this called "Herod's temple"? 491 L.J.
From Nicodemus' first sentence, what would you judge was his att.i.tude toward Jesus and his estimate of him? 79 L.J.
What was Jesus' statement to Nicodemus and how did he explain it? 79, 80 L.J.
What does the gospel writer say of the nature and object of Divine Love? 80, 81 L.J.
Jacob's Well
What brought Jesus to Jacob's well? 82 L.J.
Why was the Samaritan woman astonished at being addressed by Jesus? 82 L.J.
What did Jesus say about living water? 82-85 L.J.
What did Jesus say about wors.h.i.+ping G.o.d? 85 L.J.
What were Jesus' words about himself? 86 L.J.
Describe the woman's work in the city. 86, 87 L.J.
The Good Samaritan
In the story of the Good Samaritan, what is brought out about the law of right living? 88 L.J.
How does Jesus reply to the question, "Who is my neighbor?" 88 L.J.
What three travelers met the unfortunate man by the wayside? 88 L.J.
Describe the actions of each traveler upon seeing the unfortunate man. 88-91 L.J.
Which man proved himself a neighbor? 91 L.J.
Jesus and the King's Officer
What event of Jesus' ministry had occurred previous to this time in Cana? 92 L.J.
Where was Capernaum, in relation to Cana? 24 L.J.
What words of Jesus, in regard to his departure into Galilee, bear out the proverb, "Familiarity breeds contempt"? 92 L.J.
For what purpose did the king's officer come to Jesus? 92 L.J.
By what words did Jesus test the king's officer? 92 L.J.
How was the officer's persistency and faith rewarded? 92, 93 L.J.
Choosing the Disciples
From what occupations did Jesus choose the Apostles? 94 L.J.
For what purposes did Jesus say he appointed the Twelve? 95 L.J.