The Bible Story
Chapter 30 : The Rich Young Man What question did a rich young man ask Jesus? 211 L.J.What claims of
The Rich Young Man
What question did a rich young man ask Jesus? 211 L.J.
What claims of righteousness did the young man make? 211 L.J.
Give Jesus' words in reply. 211 L.J.
What was Jesus' statement regarding rich men? 211, 212 L.J.
What did the story of the Foolish Rich Man teach? 212 L.J.
Raising of Lazarus
For what purpose did Mary and Martha send for Jesus? 215 L.J.
When Jesus, after a delay, reached Bethany, with what news was he met? 216 L.J.
With what words did both sisters greet Jesus? 216-219 L.J.
What effect did the raising of Lazarus have on the Jews? 220 L.J.
What two others had Jesus raised from the dead? 130, 141 L.J.
To what miracle did the Jews probably refer when they asked their question? 219, 197 L.J.
For what does Jesus thank G.o.d in his prayer? 220 L.J.
At Jericho
Tell the story of blind Bartimaeus. 221 L.J.
How did Zacchaeus come to Jesus' notice? 222 L.J.
What did Zacchaeus do to show his repentance? 222 L.J.
Supper at Bethany
When the last Pa.s.sover in Jesus' life came, what inquiry did the people make one of another? 229 L.J.
Describe the scene at the supper at Bethany. 229 L.J.
What was Judas' argument? 229 L.J.
What prediction did Jesus make in regard to the fame of Mary's deed? 230 L.J.
Entry into Jerusalem
How did Jesus ride into Jerusalem? 233 L.J.
What did the mult.i.tude say? 234 L.J.
How did Jesus reply to the Pharisees' objections? 234 L.J.
How did the sight of Jerusalem affect Jesus, and why? 234 L.J.
At what other time did Jesus weep? 219, 234 L.J.
A few days later what did the Jerusalem mult.i.tude shout in regard to Jesus? 276 L.J.
Crucifixion Week
What did Jesus do on Monday of Crucifixion week? 237 L.J.
When did Jesus perform a similar work in the temple? 237, 79 L.J.
Besides cleansing the temple what other lines of activity did Jesus engage in? 237 L.J.
On Tuesday of Crucifixion week what questions were put to Jesus by his enemies? 238 L.J.
In what way did Jesus answer the questions? 238, 239 L.J.
Tell Jesus' story of the Wicked Husbandman. 238, 239 L.J.
What question was raised about tribute money? 240 L.J.
What was Jesus' decision in regard to the paying of tribute money? 240 L.J.
What did Jesus say was the greatest commandment? 240 L.J.
How large was the widow's mite according to Jesus' estimate? Why? 243 L.J.
For what purpose did certain Greeks come to the disciples? 243 L.J.
Give the substance of Jesus' words at this time. 243, 244 L.J.
Tell the story of the Faithful Servant. 244-246 L.J.
Tell the story of the Judgment of the King. 246, 247 L.J.