The Bible Story
Chapter 35 : What happened soon after? 470 L.J.What did the sailors do after the storm struck? 470 L
What happened soon after? 470 L.J.
What did the sailors do after the storm struck? 470 L.J.
How did Paul try to encourage the hopeless sailors? 470, 473 L.J.
What happened on the fourteenth night? 473 L.J.
Tell what happened when it was day. 474 L.J.
What happened on the island of Malta? 474, 477 L.J.
Describe the remainder of the trip to Rome. 477 L.J.
In Rome
What liberty was Paul permitted by the authorities at Rome? 478 L.J.
How did he employ his time there? 478, 481 L.J.
Name some of the perils that Paul says he has pa.s.sed through in his life. 482 L.J.
What spirit did Paul show in his farewell words? 482 L.J.
Most of the questions on this volume are of a literary nature and will be found in Part IV, "The Bible in Literature."
The Prophets
What broader meaning does the word prophet have than that of merely signifying a predicter of future events? 263 S.A.
Name the four great prophets. 263 S.A.
Why were the Minor Prophets so called? 263 S.A.
What was the work of the prophets? 263 S.A.
Who was the greatest prophet of the Old Testament? 264 S.A.
What was the condition of the kingdom of Judah when Isaiah came to prophesy? 264 S.A.
How did Isaiah respond to his vision? 264, 265 S.A.
What alliance did Ahaz form in spite of Isaiah's advice? 266, 267 S.A.
What do you think of the effectiveness of the words used by Isaiah where he threatens Judah against invasion by the a.s.syrians? 283 S.A.
What prophecy did Isaiah make to Hezekiah about the future of Judah? 268, 271 S.A.
For what purpose did Sennacherib invade Judah? 271 S.A.
Tell how Rabshakeh tried to turn the common people away from their allegiance to King Hezekiah. 271-273 S.A.
How did Isaiah encourage King Hezekiah? 274 S.A.
What further word did Sennacherib send to Hezekiah? 274 S.A.
How was Judah saved from the a.s.syrians? 275, 276 S.A.
(Questions on the literary value of Isaiah's poems may be found in Part IV.)
Give the condition of Judah in the time of Jeremiah. 297 S.A.
In what way does the life of Jeremiah compare with that of Savonarola? 297 S.A.
What were the circ.u.mstances of Jeremiah's call? 298-301 S.A.
Sum up in a few words Jeremiah's message to the people. 305 S.A.
What did the king do to the roll of Jeremiah's prophecy? 305-308 S.A.
When Jeremiah continued to rebuke the people, what happened to him? 309-312 S.A.
How did Jeremiah escape? 312, 313 S.A.
How was Jeremiah treated by the foreign conqueror? 314-318 S.A.
Who was appointed governor over the Jews who remained in their land? 318 S.A.
Where did Jeremiah and the royal governor make their headquarters? 318 S.A.
How did Gedaliah treat the Jews? 318-320 S.A.
What was Gedaliah's fate? 320 S.A.