The Bible Story
Chapter 45 : Locate Job's two sublime statements of faith, often quoted. 194, 200 S.A.What desc

Locate Job's two sublime statements of faith, often quoted. 194, 200 S.A.

What description of man, noted in literature, does Job give? 195 S.A.

What great question asked by Job is the theme of many poems, such as Tennyson's "In Memoriam"? 195 S.A.

Give the summary of the thought contained in the first cycle of speeches. 195 S.A.

Give the summary of the thought contained in the second cycle. 204 S.A.

Give the summary of the thought contained in the third cycle. 213 S.A.


What does Elihu add to the thought of the poem? 221 S.A.

What reply does the book of Job give to the question, "Why do good people suffer?" 231 S.A.

The Apocalypse a Rhapsody

Dr. Richard G. Moulton calls the Apocalypse a rhapsody, or a fusion of all other styles of Hebrew writing. Can you discover evidences of the dramatic lyric and narrative styles used? 456-478 S.A.

The proper preparation for appreciating the Apocalypse, it is said, is the study of other Hebrew rhapsodies, in particular Isaiah and Zechariah. What similarity can you find in "Visions of the Heavenly City" and Isaiah's "Awake, O Zion"? 286 S.A.

What similarity can you find both of style and content in the Apocalypse, 456-478 S.A., and Zechariah's "Vision Rhapsody"? 401-407 S.A.

Hero Poems

What is the book of Jashar? 306, 426, 493 H. T.

2. The Oratory in the Bible

Compare the opening sentences of the speech on Mars Hill with those of Paul's sermon at Antioch; how, or in what characteristic, does the contrast show that Paul was a great speaker? 380, 407 L.J.

Senator Albert J. Beveridge says Paul's speech on Mars Hill has never been excelled in brevity of statement and in force of thought, and that in these regards it compares favorably with Lincoln's speech at Gettysburg. How does Paul gain his audience's attention? How does he compliment the Greeks in the course of his speech? What is the substance of his argument against paganism? What thoughts form the message of this speech? 407, 408 L.J.

It is said that Moses' speeches to the children of Israel during their wanderings in the wilderness are examples of fine oratory, sometimes producing upon the people all the effect of drama. In his speech on pages 271, 272 H.T., what do you think of his methods of swaying his audience as compared to the modern orator's?


Daniel Webster's customary preparation for the delivery of an oration was to read Isaiah's magnificent address, "Comfort Ye My People." What oratorical beauties can you discover from a reading of this address? 284, 285 S.A.

3. Other Literary Forms Found in the Bible

What is the nature of the book of Ecclesiastes and the author's view of life? 242-246 S.A.

What is the nature of the book of Proverbs? 248 S.A.

Give the gist of the teachings of the Proverbs. 248 S.A.

Give in modern terms three principles of conduct taught in "Enter not into the Path of the Wicked" 255 S.A.

Wisdom Literature

Dr. Richard G. Moulton says there are three characteristic methods employed in stating the Proverbs: ant.i.thesis, comparison, and imagery. In the selection, "Praise of the Wise and Virtuous Woman," can you find examples of these three methods? 256 S.A.

The literary forms of the Proverbs are fourfold: the single couplet; cl.u.s.ters of couplets, where several independent sayings are gathered about a common theme; the epigram; and wisdom sonnets.

Note these four forms. 501 G.B.

249-257 S.A.


In what literary form are the writings of Paul? 413 S.A.

What can be said of the style of Paul's letters? 413 S.A.

How did Paul's wide experience contribute to his writings? 414 S.A.

Varied Styles

What type of story common to-day is told by one of the brothers of Abimelech? 333 H.T.

Do you think Nathan's method of bringing David to repentance peculiarly effective? Give three literary devices used by Nathan in support of your opinion. 432 H.T.

What three stories in the Bible are recognized as among the most charming love stories in the world?

49 H.T. 60 T.J., 35 T.J.


What is the circ.u.mstance of the only riddle in the Bible? 173 T.J.

What literary form did Jesus most often use in speaking to the people? 133 L.J.

4. The Literary Value of the Books of Prophecy


In what literary form are many of Isaiah's prophecies written? 277 S.A.

What qualities in Isaiah's poetry give it a high place in literature? 277 S.A.

Dr. Richard G. Moulton says that in Isaiah's poetry, men's thoughts are directed toward the great idea of a universal spiritual dominion. In "Comfort Ye My People," what pa.s.sages do you think have this purpose? 284, 285 S.A.

Chapter 45 : Locate Job's two sublime statements of faith, often quoted. 194, 200 S.A.What desc
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