Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases
Chapter 150 : Kindly endorse your reply on the enclosed sheet
Kindly let us have your confirmation a
Kindly endorse your reply on the enclosed sheet
Kindly let us have your confirmation at your earliest convenience
Kindly let us know your pleasure concerning
Kindly read the enclosed list
Let me thank you for the opportunity to give this matter my personal attention
Let us a.s.sure you of our desire to cooperate with you
Let us a.s.sure you that we are very much pleased
Let us know if there is any further attention
Let us thank you again for opening an account with us
Looking forward to the early receipt of some of your orders
May I ask you to do us a great favor by
May we be favored with a reply
Meantime soliciting your forbearance
Meanwhile permit me to thank you for your kind attention
On referring to your account we notice
Our letter must have gone astray
Our relations with your house must have hitherto been very pleasant
Our services are at your command
Our stock has been temporarily exhausted
Owing to our inability to collect out-standing debts
Permit me to add
Permit us to express our sincere appreciation
Please accept the thanks of the writer
Please consider this letter an acknowledgment
Please favor us with a personal communication
Please feel a.s.sured that we shall use every endeavor
Possibly the enclosure may suggest to you
Promptly on receipt of your telegram
Pursuant to your letter
Recently we had occasion
Referring to your esteemed favor
Regretting our inability to serve you in the present instance
Reluctant as we are to believe
Requesting your kind attention to this matter
Should you decide to act upon this latter suggestion
So many requests of a similar nature come to us
Soliciting a continuance of your patronage
Thank you for your expression of confidence
Thanking you for your inquiry
Thanking you for your past patronage