The Works of Aphra Behn
Chapter 86 : This strange unusual something in my Soul, That pleads so movingly for _Silvio_ there;

This strange unusual something in my Soul, That pleads so movingly for _Silvio_ there; And makes me wish him not allied to me?

[A noise of rural Musick is heard within the Trees, as Pipes, Flutes, and Voices.

Hah! what pleasant Noise is this? sure 'tis i' the Air-- Bless me, what strange things be these!

Enter Swains playing upon Pipes, after them four Shepherds with Garlands and Flowers, and four Nymphs dancing an amorous Dance to that Musick; wherein the Shepherds make Love to the Nymphs, and put the Garlands on their Heads, and go out; the Nymphs come and lay them at _Cleonte's_ Feet, and sing.

1 Nymph. _Here at your Feet, we tribute pay, Of all the Glories of the May._

2 Nymph. _Such Trophies can be only due To Victors so divine as you,_

Both. _Come, follow, follow, where Love leads the way, To Pleasures that admit of no Delay._

1 Nymph. _Come follow to the amorous Shade, Covered with Roses, and with Jessamine._

2 Nymph. _Where the Love-sick Boy is laid, Panting for Love's charming Queen._

Both. _Come follow, follow, where we lead the way, To Pleasures that admit of no delay._ [Lead her out.

_The Scene changes to a fine Arbour, they leave her and vanish._

_Cleo._ I am all Wonder.

Enter _Silvio_ in rapture, not yet seeing _Cleonte_.

_Silv._ I'm all on Fire, till I enjoy my Sister; Not all the Laws of Birth and Nature Can hinder me from loving-- Nor is't just: Why should the charm of fair _Cleonte's_ Eyes, Me less than Aliens to her Blood surprize?

And why (since I love Beauty every where, And that _Cleonte_ has the greatest share) Should not I be allowed to wors.h.i.+p her?

The empty Words of Nature and of Blood, Are such as Lovers never understood.

Prudence in love 'twere Nonsense to approve, And he loves most that gives a Loose to Love.

_Cleo._ _Silvio_ here!

_Silv._ Hah-- yonder she's! [Sees her.

And now my Pa.s.sion knows no Bounds, nor Laws.

_Cleonte_, come, come satisfy my Flame.

[Runs to her, and takes her pa.s.sionately by the hand.

These private Shades are ours, no jealous Eye Can interrupt our Heaven of Joy.

_Cleo._ What mean you? do you know I am your Sister?

_Silv._ Oh that accursed Name!-- why should it check me? [He pauses.

Wouldst thou had rather been some mis-begotten Monster, That might have startled Nature at thy Birth: Or if the Powers above would have thee fair, Why wert thou born my Sister?

Oh, if thou shouldst preserve thy Soul, and mine, Fly from this Place and me; make haste away, A strange wild Monster is broke in upon thee; A thing that was a Man, but now as mad As raging Love can make him.

Fly me, or thou art lost for ever.

_Cleo._ Remember, _Silvio_, that you are my Brother, And can you hurt your Sister? [Weeps.

_Silv._ Shouldst thou repeat those Ties a thousand times, 'Twill not redeem thee from the Fate that threatens thee.

Be gone, whilst so much Virtue does remain about me, To wish thee out of Danger.

_Cleo._ Sure, _Silvio_, this is but to try my Virtue.

[Weeps still.

_Silv._ No, look on my Eyes, _Cleonte_, and thou shalt see them flame with a strange wicked Fire.

[Looks wildly on her.

Yet do not look, thy Eyes increase it.

--Alas! [Turns away, and hides his Eyes.

And I shall still forget I am thy Brother: Go, go, whilst I have power to take my Eyes away, For if they turn again, it will be fatal.

_Cleo._ Pray hear me, Sir.

_Silv._ Oh, do not speak; thy Voice has Charms As tempting as thy Face; but whilst thou art silent and unseen, Perhaps my Madness may be moderate; For as it is, the best Effects of it Will prompt me on to kill thee.

_Cleo._ To kill me!

_Silv._ Yes; for shouldst thou live, adorn'd with so much Beauty, So much my Pa.s.sion is above my Reason, In some such fit as does possess me now I should commit a Rape, a Rape upon thee: Therefore be gone, and do not tempt Despair, That merciless rude thing, but save thy Honour, And thy Life.

_Cleo._ I will obey you, Sir. [Goes into the Garden.

_Silv._ She's gone-- and now [Walks, and talks in stopping.] my hot Fit abates-- she is my Sister-- that is, my Father's Daughter-- but-- what if his Wife deceiv'd him-- or perhaps-- (which is the likelier thing) my Mother play'd the false one-- for 'twas her Trade to do so-- and I'm not Son to _Ambrosio_-- Oh, that she were in being to confess this Truth, for sure 'tis Truth; then I might love, and might enjoy _Cleonte_-- enjoy _Cleonte_! [In transport.] Oh that Thought! what Fire it kindles in my Veins, and now my cold Fit's gone-- [Offers to go, but starts and returns.]

--No, let me pause a while-- For in this Ague of my Love and Fear, Both the Extremes are mortal-- [Goes into the Garden.

Enter _Ambrosio_ and _Marcel_.

_Amb._ I'm reconcil'd to you, since your Brother _Silvio_ would have it so.

_Mar._ My Blood flows to my Face, to hear him named.

_Amb._ Let there be no more Differences between you: But _Silvio_ has of late been discontented, keeps home, and shuns the Conversation which Youth delights in; goes not to Court as he was wont. Prithee, _Marcel_, learn thou the cause of it.

_Mar._ I do believe I shall, my Lord-- too soon. [Aside.

_Amb._ I'm now going to my _Villa_, and shall not return till Night; by the way I mean to visit your Wife, that was design'd to be, the rich _Flavia_, and see if I can again reconcile her to you; for your Neglect has been great, and her Anger is just.

_Mar._ I rather wish it should continue, Sir, for I have yet no Inclinations to marry.

_Amb._ No more, I'll have it so, if I can.

_Mar._ I'm silent, Sir. [Ex. _Ambrosio_ and _Marcel_.

Enter as from out of the Garden, _Cleonte_, _Clarinda_, _Francisca_, _Dormida_, from amongst the Trees, sadly; _Silvio_ who starts at sight of them.

_Cleo._ I am satisfied you knew not of my Brother's being in the Garden.

[To _Franc._

_Silv._ _Clarinda_ with my Sister! and in our House! she's very fair-- and yet how dull and blasted all her Beauties seems, when they approach the fair _Cleonte's_-- I cannot shun a tedious Compliment; to see the fair _Clarinda_ [Goes to _Clarinda_.] here, is a Happiness beyond my Hope; I'm glad to see her kind to the Sister, who always treated the Brother with so much Scorn and Rigour.

_Clar._ _Silvio_! sure I'm betray'd. [Aside.

[He talks to her.

Chapter 86 : This strange unusual something in my Soul, That pleads so movingly for _Silvio_ there;
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