The Works of Aphra Behn
Chapter 160 : _Abd_. None else, and that's too distant to befriend you._Leon_. Oh, take my Life
_Abd_. None else, and that's too distant to befriend you.
_Leon_. Oh, take my Life, and spare my dearer Honour!
--Help, help, ye Powers that favour Innocence.
[_Enter Women_.
_Just as the Moor is going to force in_ Leonora, _enters to him_ Osmin _in haste_.
_Osm_. My Lord, _Alonzo_--
_Abd_. What of him, you Slave--is he not secur'd?
Speak, dull Intruder, that know'st not times and seasons, Or get thee hence.
_Osm_. Not till I've done the Business which I came for.
_Abd_. Slave!--that thou cam'st for.
[_Stabs him in the Arm_.
_Osm_. No, 'twas to tell you, that _Alonzo_, Finding himself betray'd, made brave resistance; Some of your Slaves h'as killed, and some h'as wounded.
_Abd_. 'Tis time he were secured; I must a.s.sist my Guards, or all is lost.
_Leon_. Sure, _Osmin_, from the G.o.ds thou cam'st, To hinder my undoing; and if thou dy'st, Heaven will almost forgive thy other Sins For this one pious Deed.-- But yet I hope thy Wound's not mortal.
_Osm_. 'Tis only in my Arm--and, Madam, for this pity, I'll live to do you Service.
_Leon_. What Service can the Favourite of the Moor, Train'd up in Blood and Mischiefs, render me?
_Osm_. Why, Madam, I command the Guard of Moors, Who will all die, when e'er I give the Word.
Madam, 'twas I caus'd _Philip_ and the Cardinal To fly to th' Camp, And gave 'em warning of approaching Death.
_Leon_. Heaven bless thee for thy Goodness.
_Osm_. I am weary now of being a Tyrant's Slave, And bearing Blows too; the rest I could have suffer'd.
Madam, I'll free the Prince.
But see, the Moor returns.
_Leon_. That Monster's Presence I must fly, as from a killing Plague.
[_Ex. with her Women_.
_Enter_ Abdelazer _with_ Zarrack, _and a Train of Moors_.
_Abd_. It is prodigious, that a single Man Should with such Bravery defend his Life Amongst so many Swords;--but he is safe.
_Osmin_, I am not us'd to sue for Pardon, And when I do, you ought to grant it me.
_Osm_. I did not merit, Sir, so harsh a Usage.
_Abd_. No more; I'm asham'd to be upbraided, And will repair the Injury I did thee.
_Osm_. Acknowledgment from you is pay sufficient.
_Abd_. Yet, _Osmin_, I shou'd chide your Negligence, Since by it _Philip_ lives still, and the Cardinal.
_Osm_. I had design'd it, Sir, this Evening's Sacrifice.
_Abd_. _Zarrack_ shall now perform it--and instantly: _Alonzo_ too must bear 'em company.
_Zar_. I'll shew my Duty in my haste, my Lord.
[_Ex_. Zar.
_Osm_. Death! I'm undone; I'll after him, and kill him.
[_Offers to go_.
_Abd. Osmin_, I've business with you.--
[Osm. _comes back bowing.
As they are going off, enter_ Leonora, Ordonio, _other Lords, and Women_.
_Leon_. Oh Prince! for Pity hear and grant my Suit.
_Abd_. When so much Beauty's prostrate at my Feet, What is't I can deny?--rise, thou brightest Virgin That ever Nature made; Rise, and command my Life, my Soul, my Honour.
_Leon_. No, let me hang for ever on your Knees, Unless you'll grant _Alonzo_ Liberty.
_Abd_. Rise, I will grant it; though _Alonzo_, Madam, Betray'd that Trust I had repos'd in him.
_Leon_. I know there's some Mistake; let me negotiate Between my Brother and the Gallant Moor.
I cannot force your Guards, There is no Danger in a Woman's Arm.
_Abd_. In your bright Eyes there is, that may corrupt 'em more Than all the Treasures of the Eastern Kings.
Yet, Madam, here I do resign my Power; Act as you please, dismiss _Alonzo's_ Chains.
And since you are so generous, to despise This Crown, which I have given you, _Philip_ shall owe his Greatness to your Bounty, And whilst he makes me safe, shall rule in Spain.
--_Osmin_-- [_Whispers_.
_Ord_. And will you trust him, Madam?
_Leon_. If he deceive me, 'tis more happy far To die with them, than live where he inhabits.
_Osm_. It shall be done.
_Abd_. Go, _Osmin_, wait upon the Queen; And when she is confin'd, I'll visit her, Where if she yield, she reigns; if not, she dies. [_Aside_.
[_Ex_. Abd. _one way_, Leon. Osm. _and the rest another_.
SCENE III. _A Prison_.