The Journal of Negro History
Chapter 26 : _The New York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy_, Aug. 21, 1766.THREE GUINEAS REWARD Ran-a

_The New York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy_, Aug. 21, 1766.


Ran-away from the subscriber on Wednesday evening last, a Mulato Fellow named Harry (sometimes calls himself Waters), speaks good English and tolerable German, he is about five feet 8 inches high, well made, and about 25 years of age, has taken away with him, a blue broadcloth coat, with a red cape, a pair of blue Negro Cloth trowsers and a short jacket, with oznaburg jacket and trowsers, much stained with tar. AS HE IS A SMART SENSIBLE FELLOW, HE MAY PROBABLY Pa.s.s FOR A FREEMAN. A Reward of Three Guineas will be given to any person who will deliver the said fellow to the Warden of the Work-house, or to the subscriber in Charleston.


N.B. Captains of Vessels and others are cautioned from carrying off, or concealing the said Mulatto, as they may depend upon being treated with the utmost rigour of the law.--If he returns of his own accord he will be forgiven.

Feb. 11, 1786.

_The State Gazette of South Carolina_, Feb. 20, 1786.


Ran away from Elk Forge Caecil County, Maryland, on the 2nd inst., Aug.

1784, Negro George about 35 or 40 years of age 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high, slender bodied, thin visage, not very black, PLAUSIBLE, AND COMPLACENT; CAN SPEAK PRETTY GOOD ENGLISH, A LITTLE FRENCH, AND A FEW WORDS OF HIGH DUTCH, HAS BEEN IN THE WEST INDIES AND IN CANADA, AND HE WAS FORMERLY A WAITING MAN TO A GENTLEMEN, HAS THEREBY HAD AN OPPORTUNITY OF GETTING ACQUAINTED WITH THE DIFFERENT PARTS OF AMERICA. His chief employ, lately, has been in the kitchen and at cooking, at which he is very complete: is also a barber. He has a variety of cloaths with him, and probably may procure a pa.s.s. 'Tis thought he will endeavour to get off by water; therefore, all concerned in that way are desired to take notice. Whoever will secure said fellow in any gaol and give notice to the subscriber, so that he may have him again, shall receive the above reward, and reasonable charges if brought home.


_The Maryland Gazette_, August 19, 1784.


Ran-away on the 23rd March, LEWIS, well known in this city where he has been a Hair Dresser these several years, is of a good size, a stout well-made fellow, well-featured, and between 24 and 25 years of age, SPEAKS BOTH FRENCH AND ENGLISH FLUENTLY, IS VERY ARTFUL, AND WILL PROBABLY ATTEMPT TO Pa.s.s AS A FREEMAN.

Whoever will apprehend him and deliver him to the Master of the Work-house, in Charleston, or to any of the gaolers in this State, shall be ent.i.tled to a Reward of Twenty Dollars, and all reasonable expenses.

All Masters of Vessels and others are forbid employing, harbouring or carrying him off, as on conviction they will be prosecuted to the extent of the law.

Apply to the Printers of the City Gazette.

April 1, 1799.

_The City Gazette and Daily Advertiser_, April 1, 1799.


Will _be sold before the Store of Messrs. Aerstein & Co., on Thursday next the 10th inst., at twelve o'clock, a valuable negro named WILL about 22 years of age; he is well adopted for a Waiting Man for a single gentleman who travels or as a Steward of a s.h.i.+p of Packet. HE SPEAKS FRENCH AND SPANISH, READS AND WRITES and never known to be guilty of any mean or bad tricks which blacks in common are addicted to, such as pilfering or drinking. His deportment is agreeable and polite. Seized by virtue of an execution for Drain a.s.sessment and Arrearages of Taxes, and to be sold as the Property of Col._ ALEXANDER MOULTRIE.

_Condition, cash payable in dollars, at 4s 8d, the property not to be altered until the terms are complied with.[1]_


_A few articles of_ Household Furniture as _the property of the estate of_ James Paterson, _deceased, for arrearages of State and City Taxes.

Condition, cash, purchasers to pay for Sheriff's bills of sale._

City Sheriff's Office, Jan. 4.

J. H. STEVENS, City Sheriff.

_City Gazette & Daily Advertiser_, Jan. 5, 1799.


[1] This advertis.e.m.e.nt appears also under another heading.


For Jack who has again run-away.

The subscriber's servant Jack, who calls himself John Leech, again absconded last night. He is a short well made young Mulatto, probably about five feet five inches high, about twenty-five years of age, and plausible; he has a thick bushy head of hair, like a negro's; thick lips, a film on his left eye, over which he sometimes wears a peace of green silk. He belonged when he was a child, to the late Ephraim Mitch.e.l.l, esq. deceased, and afterwards to Francis Bremar, esq. from whom the subscriber bought him.

He is well acquainted all over the state, having waited upon his former masters when traveling, and also upon the subscriber when he went on the Circuits. HE CAN WRITE HIMSELF AND MAY FORGE A Pa.s.s OR CERTIFICATE OF FREEDOM. He had on, when he went off, a pair of overalls, and waistcoat of servant's cloth of a light grey mixed colour almost new, and carried several changes with him nearly of the same colour, and several coatees like them, with capes, cuffs and welts to the pockets of green cloth; but he may change his clothes; he also carried away a great coat of a drab colour spotted. He may go to Goose-creek or to the vicinity of Belville, Statesburg or Columbia, or attempt to go to the northward, but if its most suspected, that he will endeavour to get on board of some vessel. Whoever will deliver him to the subscriber, or to the Master of the Work-house or lodge him in any gaol of the State, shall receive the above reward, and if he should be harboured by any one that the reward will be doubled upon the harbourers being prosecuted to conviction by the informer. All Masters of Vessels and others are warned against employing him or carrying him out of the city.


_The Carolina Gazette_, Feb. 4, 1802.



Ran away from Mr. Davis Stone in Loudoun County, Virginia, on the 19th ult., a Virginia-born NEGRO MAN, named WILL between 5 and six feet high, stout made twenty seven years old, of a black, complexion, round shouldered and down look, when spoken to is apt to grin, is an artful sensible fellow, much accustomed to driving a wagon, is good at any kind of plantation business, tolerably ingenious, and I am informed, has a pa.s.s; had on, and took with him one white hat, one white ca.s.simere coat, a little worn, one blue broadcloth ditto, almost new, a drab coloured coat and breeches, quite new, one red waistcoat, one ca.s.simere ditto, one striped ditto, one pair ca.s.simere breeches, a pair of fustian ditto, several s.h.i.+rts, both coa.r.s.e and fine, one pair of mixed yarn stockings, blue and white, shoes with buckles, and the soles are nailed; it is probable that he may change his clothes, AS HE HAS PLENTY OF MONEY. Whoever takes up the said fellow and secures him in any gaol, so that I may get him again or deliver him to me near the Falls Church shall receive the above Reward and all reasonable charges, paid by


N.B. He crossed the ferry at Elk Ridge-Landing on his way to Baltimore, on Sunday the third instant.

--> All masters of vessels and others are forewarned from harbouring him, at their peril.

Nov. 5, 1793.

_The Maryland Journal and Baltimore Advertiser_, Nov. 5, 1793.

Chapter 26 : _The New York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy_, Aug. 21, 1766.THREE GUINEAS REWARD Ran-a
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