The Journal of Negro History
Chapter 31 : JAMES BRICE._The Maryland Gazette_, January 4, 1798.Ran-away from the subscriber on the


_The Maryland Gazette_, January 4, 1798.

Ran-away from the subscriber on the 19th of October last, Negro Jacob, 35 years of age, about 6 feet high, smooth face, high forehead, his wool growing in a peak leaves his temples bare, speaks low and rather hoa.r.s.e, had on and took with him when he went away, a brownish cotton coat, a blue coa.r.s.e short coat with metal b.u.t.tons, old breeches, osnabrig s.h.i.+rt, and a match coat blanket; his Sunday apparel, a purple cloth coat with rimmed b.u.t.tons, nankeen breeches, mixed worsted stockings, and half boots; HE PROFESSES TO BE A METHODIST, AND HAS BEEN IN THE PRACTICE OF PREACHING OF NIGHTS; it is expected he is harbouring about the city of Annapolis, West river, South river, South river Neck, or Queen Anne, as he has a wife at Miss Murdoch's. Whoever takes up and secures said fellow in any gaol so that I get him again, shall receive the above reward paid by

THOMAS GIBBS, living near Queene Anne.

N.B. All masters of vessels and others are forewarned harbouring employing or carrying off said fellow at their peril.

March 7, 1800. T. G.

_The Maryland Gazette_, September 4, 1800.

Ran away from the subscriber, living in Anne Arundel county, on the 21st of February, a negro man named d.i.c.k, about forty years of age, five feet six inches high, round full face, large eyes, very bow legged, slow of speech, and fond of smoking a pipe, HE IS A METHODIST PREACHER, took along with him a country cloth coat, and one gray coloured, and breeches, two osnabrig s.h.i.+rts, short kersey coat and trousers, shoes nailed. Whoever takes up the said negro, and secures him in any gaol shall receive the above reward, and if brought home all reasonable charges paid by me.


Feb. 24, 1800.

_The Maryland Gazette_, Sept. 4, 1800.

Philadelphia, Sept. 4, 1746.

RUN AWAY on the 16th of July from Thomas Rutter, of this city, a Negro Man, named d.i.c.k, commonly CALLED PREACHING d.i.c.k,[2] aged about 27 Years.


_The Pennsylvania Gazette_, Sept. 4, 1746.

[2] It is not known whether d.i.c.k was a Methodist or Baptist Preacher.


Ran-Away from the subscriber on the 8th of November last, a negro fellow named Simbo. He was formerly the property of Francis Burns dec. of Onslow County, HE IS A METHODIST PREACHER, AND CAN READ AND WRITE.--He is about 6 feet high, very black and smooth skin, and speaks very distinct.

He is supposed to be lurking some times down Neuse river, and at others up the same, and so he ranges through Craven, Jones, and Onslow Counties.

Any person apprehending the said negro, and delivering him to the subscriber, within five miles of Swansborough, shall be ent.i.tled to the above reward.--Or any person who will so secure him that I get him again, shall receive Twenty Dollars.

The most probable method to catch him, will be at Methodist meetings.--All masters of vessels and others are forewarned from harbouring employing or carrying him away, at their peril.

June 27.


_The Newbern Gazette_, August 15, 1800.


RUN AWAY ON THE 4TH INST., AT NIGHT FROM _James Leonard_ in Middles.e.x County, _East-New-Jersey_, a Negro Man named _Simon_, aged 40 Years, is well-set Fellow, about 5 feet 10 Inches high, has large Eyes, and a Foot 12 inches long; he was bred and born in this Country, talks good English can read and write, is very slow in his speech, CAN BLEED AND DRAW TEETH PRETENDING TO BE A GREAT DOCTOR AND VERY RELIGIOUS, AND SAYS HE IS A CHURCHMAN. Had on a dark grey Broadcloth Coat, with other good Apparel, and peeked toe'd Shoes. He took with him a black Horse, about 13 Hands and a Half high, a Star in his Forehead, branded with 2 on the near Thigh or Shoulder, and trots; also a black hunting Saddle about half worn.

Whoever takes up and secures the said Negro, so that his Master may have him again shall have _Three Pounds Reward_ and reasonable Charges, paid by


_The Pennsylvania Gazette_, Sept. 11, 1740.

Whereas Cambridge, _a Negro Man belonging to_ James Oliver _of_ Boston _doth absent himself sometimes from his Master: SAID NEGRO PLAYS WELL UPON A FLUTE, AND NOT SO WELL ON A VIOLIN. This is to desire all Masters and Heads of Families not to suffer said Negro to come into their Houses to teach their Prentices or Servants to play, nor on any other Accounts. All Masters of Vessels are also forbid to have anything to do with him on any Account, as they may answer it in the Law.

N.B. Said Negro is to be sold: Enquire of said_ Oliver.

_The Boston Evening Post_, Oct. 24, 1743.


Absconded on or about the 1st instant, a Negro Fellow, named Pero. He is remarkably tall being nearly 6 feet in height, his hands have been frost bitten, in consequence of which he has lost several of his finger nails.

He speaks the French and English languages; Pa.s.sES FOR A DOCTOR AMONG PEOPLE OF HIS COLOR, AND IT IS SUPPOSED PRACTICES IN THAT CAPACITY ABOUT TOWN. The above reward will be paid on his delivery at the Work-House, or the Subscriber


N.B. All masters of vessels are forewarned from carrying him off the State as they will be prosecuted to the utmost rigor of the law.

_The City Gazette and Daily Advertiser_, June 22, 1797.


RUN AWAY in April last from Richard Tilghman of Queen Anne County in Maryland a Mulatto slave, Named Richard Molson, of Middle stature, about forty years old, and has had the Small Pox, HE IS IN COMPANY WITH A WHITE WOMAN NAMED MARY, WHO IS SUPPOSED NOW GOES FOR HIS WIFE; AND A WHITE MAN NAMED _GARRETT CHOISE_, AND _JANE_ HIS WIFE, which said White People are servants to some Neighbors of the said RICHARD TILGHMAN. The said fugatives are Supposed to be gone to CAROLINAS or some other of his Majesty's Plantations in AMERICA. Whoever shall apprehend the said Fugatives and cause them to be committed into safe custody, and give Notice thereof to their Owners shall be well rewarded. The White man has one of his fore fingers disabled.

Whoever shall carry them to the Sheriff of PHILADELPHIA shall have Twenty Pounds current money paid him or them or shall convey the Molatta to the said sheriff shall have Ten Pounds, or whoever shall convey the Molatta to the said RICHARD TILGHMAN shall have Fifteen Pounds reward.--

_The American Weekly Mercury_ (Philadelphia), Aug. 11, Aug. 25 and Sept. 1, 1720.

Chapter 31 : JAMES BRICE._The Maryland Gazette_, January 4, 1798.Ran-away from the subscriber on the
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