Austral English
Chapter 80 : "Boiled salt junk, with fat-hen (a kind of indigenous spinach)."1889. J. M. M
"Boiled salt junk, with fat-hen (a kind of indigenous spinach)."
1889. J. M. Maiden, `Useful Native Plants,' p. 16:
"Chenopodium murale, Linn., Australian spinach.
Bentham considers this may have been introduced."
1837. Jas. Mudie, `Felonry of New South Wales,' p. 6:
"The author has ventured to coin the word felonry, as the appellative of an order or cla.s.s of persons in New South Wales--an order which happily exists in no other country in the world. A legitimate member of the tribe of appellatives ...
as peasantry, tenantry, yeomanry, gentry."
1858. T. McCombie, `History of Victoria,' c. xv. p. 24:
"The inundation of the Australian colonies with British Felonry."
1888. Sir C. Gavan Duffy, `Contemporary Review,' vol. liii.
p.14 [`Century']:
"To shut out the felonry of Great Britain and Ireland."
Bat's-wing Fern-- Pteris incisa, Thunb.
Black Tree F. of New Zealand-- Cyathea medullaris, Sw.
Blanket F.-- Grammitis rutaefolia, R. Br.
Braid F.-- Platyzoma microphyllum, R. Br.
Caraway F.-- Athyrium umbrosum, J. Sm.
Curly F.-- Cheilanthes tenuifolia, Sw.
Deer's-tongue F.-- Acrostichum conforme, Sw.
Ear F.-- Pteris falcata, R. Br.
Elk's-horn F.-- Platycerium alcicorne, Desv.
Fan F.-- Gleichenia flabellata, R. Br.
Golden Swamp F.-- Acrostichum aureum, Linn.
Gra.s.s-leaved F. (q.v.)-- Vittaria elongata, Sw.
*Hare's-foot F.-- F. Davallia pyxidata, Cav.
Jersey F.-- Grammitis leptophylla, Sw.
*Lady F.-- Aspidium aculeatum, Sw.
*Maiden-hair F.-- Adiantum, spp.
Meadow-rue Water F.-- Ceratoptoris thalictroides, Brong.
Parasol F.-- Gleichenia circinata, Sw.
Pickled-cabbage F.-- Lomaria capensis, Willd.
Potato F. (q.v.)-- Marattia fraxinea, Sm.
p.r.i.c.kly F. (q.v.)-- Alsophila australis, R. Br.
p.r.i.c.kly-tree Fern-- Alsophila leichhardtiana, F. v. M.
Ribbon F.-- Ophioglossum pendulum, Linn.
s.h.i.+ny F.-- Polypodium aspidoides, Bail.
Snake's-tongue F.-- LyG.o.dium, spp.
The following are not in Baileys List:
Parsley F.-- Cheilanthes tenuifolia, Sw. (Name Parsley applied to a different Fern elsewhere.)
Sword F.-- Grammitis australis, R. Br.
Umbrella F., Tasmanian name for Fan F. (q.v.).
Other ferns not in this list appear elsewhere. See also Ferntree.
____ * Elsewhere the name is applied to a different species.
The Fern-bird-- Sphenoecus punctatus, Gray.
Chatham Island F.-b.-- S. rufescens, Buller.
Fulvous F.-b.-- S. fulvus, Gray.
1885. `Transactions of the New Zealand Inst.i.tute,'
vol. xviii. p. 125:
"The peculiar chirp of the fern bird is yet to be heard among the tall fern."