Austral English
Chapter 98 : 105. Sacred G.-- Hierochloe redolens, R. Br. (Australasia, not endemic.) Called also Sc
105. Sacred G.-- Hierochloe redolens, R. Br. (Australasia, not endemic.) Called also Scented Gra.s.s, and Sweet-scented Gra.s.s.
106. Scented G.-- Chrysopogon parviforus, Benth. (A.) See also 105.
107. Seaside Brome G.-- (i.q. Brome Gra.s.s. See 21.)
108. Silt G.-- (i.q. Seaside Millet. See 50.)
109. Seaside Glumeless G.-- Gymnostychum gracile, Hook. f. (N.Z.)
110. Snow G. (q.v.)-- (i.q. Paper Gra.s.s. See 72.) (N.Z.)
111. Spear G. (q.v.)-- Aciphylla colensoi. (N.Z.) Called also Spaniard (q.v.).
Heteropogon contortus, Roem. and Shult. (N.Z.), and all species of Stipa (A., T.).
112. Spider G.-- Panic.u.m divaricatissimum, R. Br. (A.)
113. Spinifex G. (q.v.)-- Spinifex hirsutus, Labill. (A., T., N.Z., not endemic.) Called also Spiny Rolling Gra.s.s.
114. Star G.--Blue-- Chloris ventricosa, R. Br. (A.)
115. Star G.--Dog's Tooth-- C. divaricata, R. Br. (A.)
116. Star G.--Lesser-- C. acicularis, Lindl. (A.)
117. Sugar G.-- Pollinia fulva, Benth.(A.)
118. Summer G.-- (i.q. Hairy-Finger Gra.s.s. See 36.)
119. Sweet G.-- Glyceria stricta, Hook. f. (A., T., N.Z.)
120. Sweet-scented G.-- (i.q. Sacred Gra.s.s. See 105.)
121. Traveller's G. (N.O. Aroideae).-- (i.q. Settlers' Twine, q.v.)
122. Tussock G.-- (See 93 and 72.)
123. Tussock G.-- Broad-leaved Oat-- Danthonia flavescens, Hook. f. (N.Z.)
124. Tussock G.--Erect Plumed-- Arundo fulvida, Buchanan. (N.Z.) Maori name, Tot-toi (q.v.).
125. Tussock G.--Narrow-leaved Oat-- Danthonia raoulii, Steud. (N.Z.)
126. Tussock G.--Plumed-- Arundo conspicua, A. Cunn. (N.Z.) Maori name, Toi-toi (q.v.).
127. Tussock G.--Small-flowered Oat-- Danthonia cunninghamii, Hook. f. (N.Z.)
128. Petrie's Stipa G.-- Stipa petriei (new species). See 101. /?111?/ (N.Z.)
129. Umbrella G.-- (i.q. Australian Millet. See 47.)
130. Wallaby G.-- Danthonia penicileata, F. v. M. (A., N.Z.)
131. Weeping G.-- (i.q. Meadow Rice Gra.s.s. See 102.)
132. Weeping Polly G.-- (i.q. Paper Gra.s.s. See 72.)
133. Wheat G.--Blue-- Agropyrum scabrum, Beauv. (A., T., N.Z.)
134. Wheat G.--Short-awned-- Tritic.u.m multiflorum, Banks and Sol. (N.Z.)
135. White-topped G.-- Danthonia longifolia, R. Br. (A.)
136. Windmill G.-- Chloris truncata, R. Br. (A.)
137. Wire G.-- Ehrharta juncea, Sprengel; a rush-like gra.s.s of hilly country. (A., T., N.Z.) Cynodon dactylum, Pers.; so called from its knotted, creeping, wiry roots, so difficult to eradicate in gardens and other cultivated land. (Not endemic.) See 26.
138. Wiry G.--.
(i.q. Paper Gra.s.s. See 72.)
139. Wiry Dichelachne G.-- Stipa teretefolia, Steud. (A., T., N.Z.)
140. Woolly-headed G.-- Andropogon bombycinus, R. Br. (A.)
141. Vand.y.k.e G.-- Panic.u.m flavidum, Retz. (A.)
1883. F. M. Bailey, `Synopsis of Queensland Flora,' p. 693:
"Gra.s.s-leaved fern... . Frond varying in length from a few inches to several feet, and with a breadth of from one to five lines... . This curious gra.s.s-like fern may be frequently seen fringing the stems of the trees in the scrubs of tropical Queensland, in which situation the fronds are usually very long."
Blue-winged Parrakeet Euphema aurantia, Gould.
Bourke's P.-- E. bourkii, Gould.
Gra.s.s-P.-- E. elegans, Gould.
Orange-bellied P.-- E. chrysogastra, Lath.
Orange-throated P.-- E. splendida, Gould.
Red-shouldered P.-- E., Shaw.