Austral English
Chapter 199 : "In the `Dream of a s.h.a.groon,' which bore the date Ko Matinau, April 1851
"In the `Dream of a s.h.a.groon,' which bore the date Ko Matinau, April 1851, and which first appeared in the `Wellington Spectator' of May 7, the term `Pilgrim' was first applied to the settlers; it was also predicted in it that the `Pilgrims'
would be `smashed,' and the s.h.a.groons left in undisputed possession of the country for their flocks and herds."
1893. `The Argus,' March 25, p. 4, col. 6:
"Here, close together, are eggs of the lyre-bird and the pilot-bird--the last very rare, and only found quite lately in the Dandenong Ranges, where the lyre-bird, too, has its home."
They bear terminal or axillary cl.u.s.ters of white, rose, or yellow flowers, and being very beautiful plants, are frequently cultivated in conservatories. A gardener's name for some of the species is Rice-flower. Several of the species, especially P. axiflora, F. v. M., yield excellent fibre, and are among the plants called Kurrajong (q.v.); another name is Toughbark. For etymology, see quotation, 1793.
1793. J. E. Smith, `Specimen of Botany of New Holland,'
p. 32:
"Gaertner ... adopted the name of Pimelea from the ma.n.u.scripts of Dr. Solander. It is derived from pimelae, fat, but is rather a pleasantly sounding than a very apt denomination, unless there may be anything oily in the recent fruit."
18W. `Goldfields of Victoria,' p. 22:
"Sometimes 100 to 200 tons of payable quartz would be raised from one of these so-called reefs, when they would pinch out, and it would be found that they were unconnected with other leaders or veins."
The name, with various epithets, is given to a few other trees besides those of the Natural Order Coniferae,; the following is a list of the various Pines in Australasia. They belong to the Natural Order Coniferae,, unless otherwise indicated--
Black Pine-- Frenela endlicheri, Parlat.
Irenela robusta,A. Cunn.
(Of Otago)-- Podocarpus ferruginea,Don.; Maori name, Miro (q.v.).; P. spicata, R. Br.; Maori name, Mai, or Matai (q.v.).
Celery-topped P. (q.v.)-- (In Australia)-- Phyllocladus rhomboidalis, Rich.
(In New Zealand)--
P. trichomanoides, Don.; Maori name, Tanekaha (q.v.); P. glauca, and P. alpinus; Maori name, Toatoa, and often also called Tanekaha.
Colonial P.-- Araucaria cunninghamii, Ait.
Common P.-- Frenela robusta, A. Cunn.
Cypress P.-- Frenela endlicheri, Parlat.
F. rhomboidea, Endl.
F. robusta (var. microcarpa), A. Cunn.
F. robusta (var. verrucosa), A. Cunn.
Dark P.-- (In Western New South Wales)-- Frenela robusta, A. Cunn.
Dundathu P.-- Dammara robusta, F. v. M.
Hoop P.-- Araucaria cunninghamii, Ait.
Huon P. (q.v.)-- Dacrydium franklinii, Hook.
Illawarra Mountain P.-- Frenela rhomboidea, Endl.
Kauri P. (q.v.) Agathis australis, Salis.
Lachlan P.-- Frenela robusta, A. Cunn.
Light P.-- (Of Western New South Wales)-- Frenela rhomboidea, Endl.
Macquarie P.-- Dacrydium franklinii, Hook.
Mahogany Pine-- Podocarpus totara, A. Cunn.; Maori name, Totara, (q.v.).
Moreton Bay P.-- Araucaria cunninghamii, Ait.
Mountain Cypress P.-- Frenela parlatorii, F. v. M.
Murray P.-- Frenela endlicheri, Parlat.
Murrumbidgee P.-- Frenela robusta, A. Cunn.
New Caledonian P.-- (Of New Caledonia and the New Hebrides)-- Araucaria cookii, Cook.
Norfolk Island P.-- Araucaria excelsa, Hook.
Oyster Bay P. (q.v.)-- (In Tasmania)-- Frenela rhomboidea, Endl.
Port Macquarie P.-- Frenela macleayana, Parlat.
p.r.i.c.kly P.-- (In Queensland)-- Flindersia maculosa, F. v. M., N.O. Meliaceae; called also Leopard Tree (q.v.).
Queensland Kauri P.-- Dammara robusta, F. v. M.
Red P.-- (In Australia)-- Frenela endlicheri, Parlat.
(In New Zealand)-- Dacrydium cupressinum, Soland; called also Rimu (q.v.).
Rock P.-- (In Western New South Wales)-- Frenela robusta (var. verrucosa), A. Cunn.
Screw P.-- Panda.n.u.s odoratissimus, Linn., N.O. Pandaneae; not endemic in Australia.
Scrub P.-- Frenela endlicheri, Parlat.
She P.-- (In Queensland)-- Podocarpus elata, R. Br.