Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland
Chapter 523 : _To_ BAFF, _v. a_. to beat. BAFF, _s._ a stroke or blow. BAIKIE, _s._ the stake to whi

_To_ BAFF, _v. a_. to beat.

BAFF, _s._ a stroke or blow.

BAIKIE, _s._ the stake to which a cow is fastened in the stall.

BAILIE, _s._ an alderman; the deputy of a baron in a borough of barony.

BAIR, BAR, _s._ a boar.

BAIRD, _s._ a bard or poet.

BAIRN, BARNE, _s._ a child.

BAIRNHEID, _s._ childhood.

BAIRNLY, _adj._ childish.

BAIRNLINESS, _s._ childishness.

BAIRNS-MAID, _s._ a nursery-maid.

BAIS, _adj._ having a deep or hollow sound: ba.s.s.

_To_ BAYT, _v. n_. to feed.

BAISEE, BAIVIE, _s._ a large fire; a great blaze.

BAKE, _s._ a biscuit.

BAKSTER, BAXSTER, _s._ a baker.

BALD, BAULD, _adj._ bold; intrepid.

BALDERDASH, _s._ foolish noisy nonsense.

BALK, BURRAL, _s._ an elevated ridge, raised by a plough.

BALLANT, _s._ a ballad; a song.

BALOW, BALOO, _s._ a lullaby; a term used by nurses when lulling children.

_To_ BAN, BANN, _v. a._ to curse.

BANNIN, _pr. pa_. swearing.

BANDKYN, _s._ a species of cloth, the warp of which is thread of gold and the woof silk, and adorned with figures.

BANDSTER, BANSTER, _s._ one who binds sheaves after the reapers in the harvest field.

BANE, _s._ a bone.

BANE-FYER, _s._ a bonfire.

_To_ BANG, _v. a_. to change place with impetuosity-- as, _to bang up_, to start to our feet suddenly.

BANNOCK, _s._ a cake of barley or pease meal baked on a girdle.

BANNOCK-FLUKE, _s._ a turbot.

BAP, _s._ a thick cake, baked in an oven, with yeast in it, and made of flour, oat meal, or barley meal, and sometimes a mixture of two of them.

BARE, _adj._ lean; meagre; naked; uncovered.

_To_ BARKEN, _v. n_. to become hard; to clot.

BARLA-BREIKIS, BURLEY-BRAKS, _s._ a game played in a corn-yard, running round the stacks.

BARLEY, _s._ a term used by children in games, when a truce, or a cessation for the time, is demanded.


Ba.s.sIE, _s._ an old horse.

BASTOUN, _s._ a heavy staff; a baton.

BAITH, _adj._ both.

BATIE, BAWTIE, _s._ a name applied to dogs, generally large ones, without reference to s.e.x.

BATS, _s. pl._ the bots, a disease in horses.

_To_ BATTER, _v. a_. to paste.

BAUCHLE, BACHEL, _s._ an old shoe.

BAUGH, _adj._ ungrateful to the taste.

BAUK, BAWK, _s._ a cross beam in the roof of a house.

BAUK, BAWK, _s._ a strip of land, two or three feet wide, left unploughed.

BAUSY, _adj._ strong; big.

_To_ BAW, _v. a_. to hush; to lull in the manner of nursing a child.

BAW, _s._ a ball.

BAWBEE, a halfpenny.

Chapter 523 : _To_ BAFF, _v. a_. to beat. BAFF, _s._ a stroke or blow. BAIKIE, _s._ the stake to whi
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