A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels
Chapter 448 : Good-_natured_, Mama'h_ou_, s. Ma'r_oo_.A Grandfather, Too'b_oo_na.A Gr

Good-_natured_, Mama'h_ou_, s. Ma'r_oo_.

A Grandfather, Too'b_oo_na.

A Great-grandfather, Tooboona tahe'too.

A Great great-grandfather, Ouroo.

A Grandson, Mo'b_oo_na.

To grasp _with the hand_, Hara'wa_ai_.

Grasping _the antagonist's thigh when Tomo.


Gra.s.s, _used on the floors of their Ano'noho.


To grate _cocoa-nut kernel_, E'annatehea'r_ee_.

Great, _large, big_, Ara'h_ai_.

Green _colour_, P_oo_re p_oore_.

To groan, Er_oo_,whe.

The groin, Ta'pa.

To grow _as a plant_, &c. We'r_oo_a.

To grunt, _or strain_, Etee,_too_whe.

_The blind_ Gut, Ora'b_oo_b_oo_.

The Guts _of any animal_, A'a_oo_.


The Hair _of the head_, E'ror_oo_, s. E'roh_oo_r_oo_.

_Grey_ Hair, Hinna'heina.

_Red_ Hair, _or a red-headed man_, E'h_oo_.

_Curled_ Hair, P_ee_p_ee_.

_Woolly frizzled_ Hair, Oe'toeto.

_To pull the_ Hair, E'w_ou_a.

Hair, _tied on the crown of the head_, E'p_oo_te.

Half _of any thing_, Fa'_ee_te.

A Hammer, Et_ee_'te.

Hammer _it out_, Atoo'bian_oo_.

The Hand, E'r_ee_ma.

_A deformed_ Hand, P_ee_le'_oi_.

_A motion with the_ Hand _in dancing_, O'ne o'ne.

A Harangue, _or speech_, Oraro.

A Harbour, _or anchoring-place_, T_oo_'t_ou_.

Hardness, E'ta,e'ta.

A Hatchet, _axe, or adze_, Toe.

He, Nana.

The Head, _Oo_'po.

_A shorn_ Head, E'v_ou_a.

The Head-ache, _in consequence of drunkenness_, Eana'n_ee_a.

_The sense of_ Hearing, Faro.

The Heart _of an animal_, A'h_ou_too.

Heat, _warmth_, Mahanna,hanna.

Heavy, _not light_, T_ei_ma'ha.

_The sea_ Hedge-hog, Totera.

_A blue_ Heron, Otoo.

_A white_ Heron, Tra'pappa.

To hew _with an axe_, Teraee.

Hibiscus, _the smallest species of Hibiscus, with rough seed cases, that adhere to the clothes in walking_, P_ee_re,p_ee_re.

Hibiscus, _a species of Hibiscus with large yellow flowers_, Po_oo_'r_ou_.

The Hiccup, Et_oo_'ee, s. E_oo_'wha.

Hide, _to hide a thing_, E'h_oo_na.

High, _or steep_, Mato.

A Hill, _or mountain_, Ma_oo_, s. Ma_oo_'a, s. M_ou_a.

_One-tree_ Hill, _a hill so called in Matavia Bay_, Tal'ha.

To hinder, _or prevent_, Tapea.

The Hips, E'tohe.

Hips, _the black punctuated part of Tamo'r_ou_.

the hips_,

To hit _a mark_, Ele'ba_ou_, s. Wa'p_oo_ta.

Hiss, _to hiss or hold out the finger at T_ee_'he.


Hoa.r.s.eness, E'fao.

A Hog, Boa.

To hold _fast_, Mou.

Hold _your tongue, be quiet or silent_, Ma'm_oo_, A Hole, _as a gimblet hole in wood_,&c, E'r_oo_a, s. Poota.

To hollow, _or cry aloud to one_, T_oo_'o.

_To keep at_ Home, Ate'_ei_ te Efarre.

Honesty, Eea'_ou_re.

_A fish_ Hook, Ma't_au_.

_A fish_ Hook _of a particular sort_, W_ee_te,w_ee_te.

The Horizon, E'pa_ee_, no t'Era_ee_.

Hot, _or sultry air, it is very hot_, Poh_ee_'a.

A House, E'farre, s. Ewharre.

A House _of office_, Eha'm_oo_te.

_A large_ House, Efarre'pota.

A House _on props_, A'whatta.

_An industrious_ Housewife, Ma'h_ei_ne Am_au_'hattoi How _do you, or how is it with you, Tehanooe.

Chapter 448 : Good-_natured_, Mama'h_ou_, s. Ma'r_oo_.A Grandfather, Too'b_oo_na.A Gr
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