A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels
Chapter 450 : The Lips, _Oo_t_oo_.Little, _small_, _Ee_te.A Lizard, 'Moo.Loathsome, _nauseous_,
The Lips, _Oo_t_oo_.
Little, _small_, _Ee_te.
A Lizard, 'Moo.
Loathsome, _nauseous_, E,a'wawa.
_A sort of_ Lobster, _frequent in the isles_, T_ee_on_ai_.
To loll _about, or be lazy_, Tee'py.
To loll _out the tongue_, Ewha'tor_oo_ t'Arere.
To look _for a thing that is lost_, Tap_oo_n_ee_.
A Looking-gla.s.s, H_ee_o'_ee_'otta.
Loose, _not secure_, A_oo_'w_ee_wa.
A Looseness, _or purging_, Hawa,'hawa.
To love, Ehe'nar_oo_.
Lover, _courtier, wooer_, Eh_oo_'noa.
A Louse, _Oo_'t_oo_.
Low, _not high, as low land_, &c. Hea,hea, s. Papoo.
The Lungs, T_ee_too,'arapoa.
l.u.s.ty, _fat, full of flesh_, Oo'p_ee_a.
Maggots, E'h_oo_h_oo_.
A Maid, _or young woman _, T_oo_'n_ee_a.
To make _the bed_, Ho'hora, te Moe'ya.
The Male _of any animal, male kind_, E'ota.
A Man, Taata, s. Taane.
_An indisposed or insincere_ Man, Taata,ham'an_ee_no.
A Man-of-war _bird_, Otta'ha.
Many, _a great number_, Wo'rou,wo'rou, s. man_oo_, man_oo_.
_A black_ Mark _on the skin_, E_ee_'r_ee_.
Married, _as a married man_, Fan_ou_'nou.
A Mat, E'vanne.
_A silky kind of_ Mat, Moe'a.
_A rough sort of_ Mat, _cut in the P_oo_'rou.
middle to admit the head_,
A Mast _of a s.h.i.+p or boat_, T_ee_ra.
Mature, _ripe; as ripe fruit_, Para, s. Pe.
Me, _I_, W_ou_, s. M_ee_.
A Measure, E'a.
To measure _a thing_, Fa'_ee_te.
To meet _one_, Ewharidde.
To melt, _or dissolve a thing, T_oo_'t_oo_e.
as grease &c._
The middle, _or midst of a thing_, Teropoo.
Midnight, O't_oo_ra,h_ei_'po.
To mince, _or cut small_, E'p_oo_ta.
Mine, _it is mine, or belongs to me_, No'_oo_.
To miss, _not to hit a thing_, _Oo_'happa.
Mist, _or fog_, Ry'po_ee_a.
To mix _things together_, A'p_oo_e,'p_oo_e.
To mock _or scoff at one_, Etoo'h_ee_.
Modesty, Mamma'ha_oo_.
Moist, _wet_, Wara'r_ee_.
A Mole _upon the skin_, At_oo_'noa.
_A lunar_ Month, Mara'ma.
A Monument _to the dead_, Whatta'r_au_.
The Moon, Mara'ma.
The Morning, Oo'po_ee_'po_ee_.
To-morrow, Bo'bo, s. A,Bo'bo.
_The day after to_-morrow, A'bo'bo d_oo_ra.
_The second day after to_-morrow; Po_ee_,po_ee_,addoo.
A Moth, E,pepe.
A Mother, Ma'd_oo_a, wa'h_ei_ne.
A motherly, _or elderly woman_, Pa'tea.
Motion, _opposed to rest_, O_o_a'ta.
A Mountain, _or hill, Ma_oo_a, s. Mo_u_a.
Mountains _of the highest order_, Mo_u_a tei'tei.
Mountains _of the second order_, Mo_u_a 'haha.
Mountains _of the third or lowest order_, Pere'ra_ou_.
Mourning, '_Ee_va.
Mourning _leaves, viz. those of the Ta'pa_oo_.
cocoa-tree, used for that purpose_,
The Mouth, Eva'ha.
_To open the_ Mouth, Ha'mamma.
A Mult.i.tude, _or vast number_, Wo'r_ou_, wo'r_ou_.
Murdered, _killed_, Matte, s. matte roa.
A Murderer, Taata toa.
A Muscle-sh.e.l.l, No_u,ou_.
Music _of any kind_, H_ee_va.
A Musket, _pistol, or firearms P_oo_,p_oo_, s. Poo.
of any kind_,
Mute, _silent_, Fateb_oo_a.
To matter, or _stammer_, E'wha_ou_.
The Nail _of the fingers_, Aee'_oo_.
A Nail _of iron_, _E_ure.