A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels
Chapter 454 : The Sky, E'ra_ee_.To sleep, Moe._The long_ Sleep, _or death_, Moe roa.To sleep, _
The Sky, E'ra_ee_.
To sleep, Moe.
_The long_ Sleep, _or death_, Moe roa.
To sleep, _when sitting_, T_oo_'roore,moe.
A Sling, E'ma.
Slow, Marra,marroa,s.Fate.
Small, _little_, _Ee_te.
_The sense of_ smelling, Fata't_oo_, s._Oo_too,too,too.
Smell _it_, H_oi_na.
To smell, Ahe'_oi_.
Smoke, E'_oo_ra.
Smooth, Pa'ya.
s.m.u.tting _the face with charcoal for funeral ceremonies_, Bap'para.
_A sea_ Snake, _that has alternate rings of a white and black colour_, P_oo_h_ee_'ar_oo_.
To s.n.a.t.c.h _a thing hastily_, E'h_ai_r_oo_.
Sneezing, Mach_ee_'_ai_.
Snipe, _a bird resembling a snipe, of a black and brown colour_, T_ee_'t_ee_.
Snot 'H_oo_pe.
Soberness, _sobriety, sober, not given_ T_ei_r_ei_da.
_to drunkenness_,
To soften, Epar_oo_'par_oo_.
Softness, _that is, not hard_, Maroo.
The Sole _of the foot_, Tap_oo_'y.
A Son My'de.
A Son-in-law, H_oo_'noa.
A Song, Heeva.
A Sore, _or ulcer_, O'pai.
Soreness, _or pain_, Ma'may.
Sound, _any sound that strikes the ear_, Pa'_ee_na.
A Span, Ewhae ono.
To speak, Paraou.
Speak; _he speaks not from the heart, Neeate _oo_t_oo_ te parou his words are only on his lips_, no nona.
A Spear, _or lance_, Tao.
To spill, Emare.
To spit, Too't_oo_a.
_To_ spread, _or to expand a thing, as_ Ho'hora.
_cloth, &c_.
To squeeze, _or press hard_, Ne,'ne_ee_.
To squeeze, _or press gently with the hand_, Roro'm_ee_.
Squint-eyed, Matta'areva.
_A fighting_ Stage _in a boat_, E't_oo_t_ee_.
To stamp _with the feet, to trample on Tata'hy.
a thing_,
Stand _up_, Atearenona.
A Star, E'f_ai_too, s. Hwettoo.
A Star-fish, Eve'r_ee_.
To startle, _as when one dreams_ Wa'hee, te'dirre.
Stay, _or wait a little_, A'r_ee_a, s. Ar_ee_'ana.
To steal, 'Woreedo.
Steep, _as steep rocks, or cliffs_, Mato.
_A walking_ Stick, 'Tame.
Stinking, _ill-smelled, as stinking water,&c_. Na'm_oo_a, s. N_ee_'n_ee_o.
Stink, _to stink or smell ill_, F_ou_, f_ou_.
To stink, _as excrement_, P_ee_ro,p_ee_ro.
The Stomach, 'Para_ee_'a.
A Stone, Owhay.
_A polished_ Stone, used to beat victuals P_ai_'noo.
into a paste_,
Stones, _upright stones which stand on the paved area before huts_, T_oo_'t_oo_re.
_A small_ Stool, _to lay the head on when asleep_, Papa, s. Papa, r_oo_a.
Stool, _to go to stool_, T_ee_t_ee_'o.
To stop, A'too.
The Stopper _of a quiver_, Ponau.
A Storm _of wind, rain, thunder_, &c. Tarooa.
Strait, _narrow, not wide_, P_ee_re,peere.
Striking, _hollow striking in dancing_, Ap_ee_.
The String _of a quiver_, E'aha.
Strong, _as a strong man_, _O'o_mara.
Struck, A'b_oo_l_a_.
Stupidity, _ignorance_, W_ee_a'l_a_.
To suck _as a child_, Ote,ote.
Sugar _cane_, E'To, s. Too.
Suicide, Euha'a_ou_.
Sultry, _or hot air_, Poh_ee_a.
The Sun, Mahanna, s. Era.
_The meridian_ Sun, T_ei_'n_ee_a te Mahanna.
Supine, _lying_, Fateeraha.
Surf _of the sea_, Horo'w_ai_.
_An interjection of_ Surprise, _or admiration_, Allaheuee'_ai_.