A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels
Chapter 456 : To vomit, Er_oo_'y.W.Wad, _tow, fibres like hemp_, Ta'm_ou_.Wait, _stay a li
To vomit, Er_oo_'y.
Wad, _tow, fibres like hemp_, Ta'm_ou_.
Wait, _stay a little_, Areeana.
Wake, _awake_, Arra arra, s. Era.
To walk out, Avou'_oi_a.
To walk _backwards and forwards_, H_oo_a p_ee_pe.
A Warrior, _soldier, or rather a man-killer_, Taatatoa.
Warmth, _heat_, Mahanna,hanna.
A Wart, Toria.
To wash, _as to wash cloth in water_, Mare.
To watch, Eteae.
Water, A'vy.
Water-cresses, Pa'toa.
We, _both of us_, Ta_oo_a, s. Ar_oo_'r_oo_a.
A wedge, Era'h_ei_.
To weep, _or cry_, Hano a,a,ta_ee_.
Well _recovered, or well escaped_, Woura, s. woo,ara.
Well, _it is well, charming, fine_, P_oo_ro'too.
What, _whats that_, E'hara, E'ha'rya,s.
Ye'ha_ee_a, expressed inquisitively.
What _do you call that, what is the name of it_, Owy te a_ee_'_oa_.
When, _at what time_, W'heea.
Where _is it_, Te'hea.
Whet, _to whet or sharp a thing_, Evo_ee_.
To whistle, Ma'p_oo_.
Whistling, _a method of whistling to call the people to meals_, Ep_ou_,maa.
To whisper _secretly, as in backbiting_, &c. Ohe'm_oo_.
Who _is that, what is he called_, Owy,tanna, s.
Whole, _the whole not a part of a thing_, E'ta,e'tea, s. A'ma_oo_.
Wide, _not strait or narrow_, Whatta,whatta.
A Widow, Wa't_oo_neea.
Wife, _my wife_, Ma'h_ei_ne.
The Wind, Mattay.
_The south-east_ Wind, Mattaee.
A Window, Ma'laee ou'panee.
The Wing _of a bird_, Ere'_ou_.
To wink, E'am_ou_,am_oo_.
To wipe _a thing clean_, Ho'ro_ee_.
Wish, _a wish to one who sneezes_, Eva'r_ou_a t Eat_oo_a.
Within _side_, T_ee_'ro to.
A Woman, Wa'h_ei_ne.
_A married_ Woman, Wa'h_ei_ne mou.
Woman, _she is a married woman, she has got another husband_, Terra,tanne.
Won't _I won't do it_, 'A_eeoo_, expressed angrily.
Wood _of any kind_, E'rao.
A Wound, Oo't_ee_.
A Wrestler, M_ou_na.
Wrinkled _in the face_, M_ee_o, m_ee_o.
The Wrist, Mo'moa.
A Wry-neck, Na'na.
To yawn, Ha'mamma.
Yellow _colour_, He'appa.
Yes, Ay, s. _ai_.
Yesterday, Ninna'hay.
Yesternight, Ere'po.
York _island_, Ei'meo.
Yon Oe.
young,_as a young animal of any kind_, P_ee_'n_ai_a.
[21] A Table exhibiting at one View, Specimens of different languages spoken in the South-Sea, from Easter Island, Westward to New Caledonia, as observed in the Voyage.
English. Otaheite. Easter Island.
The Marquesas Isles. The Island of Amsterdam. New Zealand.
Malicolo. Tanna. New Caledonia
A Bird, 'Man_oo_,[22] 'Man_oo_, 'Manu_oo_, Man_oo_, Manee, s. Man_eek_.
A Bow E'fanna, 'Fanna, Nabrr_oo_s, Na'fanga.
Bread-fruit _Oo_r_oo_, Mai_ee_, Ba'rabe, Tag'_oo_r_oo_.
A canoe E'vaa 'Wagga, Ev'aa, Ta'wagga, w.a.n.g.
Cloth Ah_oo_, 'Ah_oo_, 'Ah_oo_, s. A'hoo_ee_a, Babba'langa,Kak'ah_oo_, Ta'nar_ee_, Hamban.
A Cocoa-nut 'Ar_ee_, 'Eeoo, Nar_oo_, Nab_oo_'y, 'N_eeoo_.
To drink Ayn_oo_' A_ee_n_oo_, 'A_ee_n_oo_, No'a_ee_, N_ooee_, 'Oo_d_oo_, s. _Oo_nd_oo_.
The Eye Matta, Matta, 'Matta, s. Matta_ee_a, 'Matta, 'Matta, M_ai_tang, Nan_ee_'maiuk, T_ee_'vein.
The Ear Ta'r_ee_a, Ta'r_ee_an, B_oo_'_ee_na, Ta'r_ee_ka, Talingan, F_ee_n_ee_'enguk, Gain'_ee_ng.