Shakespeare's First Folio
Chapter 17 : Cal. O Setebos, these be braue Spirits indeede: How fine my Master is? I am afraid He w
Cal. O Setebos, these be braue Spirits indeede: How fine my Master is? I am afraid He will chastise me
Seb. Ha, ha: What things are these, my Lord Anthonio?
Will money buy em?
Ant. Very like: one of them Is a plaine Fish, and no doubt marketable
Pro. Marke but the badges of these men, my Lords, Then say if they be true: This mishapen knaue; His Mother was a Witch, and one so strong That could controle the Moone; make flowes, and ebs, And deale in her command, without her power: These three haue robd me, and this demy-diuell; (For he's a b.a.s.t.a.r.d one) had plotted with them To take my life: two of these Fellowes, you Must know, and owne, this Thing of darkenesse, I Acknowledge mine
Cal. I shall be pincht to death
Alo. Is not this Stephano, my drunken Butler?
Seb. He is drunke now; Where had he wine?
Alo. And Trinculo is reeling ripe: where should they Finde this grand Liquor that hath gilded 'em?
How cam'st thou in this pickle?
Tri. I haue bin in such a pickle since I saw you last, That I feare me will neuer out of my bones: I shall not feare fly-blowing
Seb. Why how now Stephano?
Ste. O touch me not, I am not Stephano, but a Cramp
Pro. You'ld be King o'the Isle, Sirha?
Ste. I should haue bin a sore one then
Alo. This is a strange thing as ere I look'd on
Pro. He is as disproportion'd in his Manners As in his shape: Goe Sirha, to my Cell, Take with you your Companions: as you looke To haue my pardon, trim it handsomely
Cal. I that I will: and Ile be wise hereafter, And seeke for grace: what a thrice double Was I to take this drunkard for a G.o.d?
And wors.h.i.+p this dull foole?
Pro. Goe to, away
Alo. Hence, and bestow your luggage where you found it
Seb. Or stole it rather
Pro. Sir, I inuite your Highnesse, and your traine To my poore Cell: where you shall take your rest For this one night, which part of it, Ile waste With such discourse, as I not doubt, shall make it Goe quicke away: The story of my life, And the particular accidents, gon by Since I came to this Isle: And in the morne I'le bring you to your s.h.i.+p, and so to Naples, Where I haue hope to see the nuptiall Of these our deere-belou'd, solemnized, And thence retire me to my Millaine, where Euery third thought shall be my graue
Alo. I long To heare the story of your life; which must Take the eare strangely
Pro. I'le deliuer all, And promise you calme Seas, auspicious gales, And saile, so expeditious, that shall catch Your Royall fleete farre off: My Ariel; chicke That is thy charge: Then to the Elements Be free, and fare thou well: please you draw neere.
Exeunt. omnes.
EPILOGVE, spoken by Prospero.
Now my Charmes are all ore-throwne, And what strength I haue's mine owne.
Which is most faint: now 'tis true I must be heere confinde by you, Or sent to Naples, Let me not Since I haue my Dukedome got, And pardon'd the deceiuer, dwell In this bare Island, by your Spell, But release me from my bands With the helpe of your good hands: Gentle breath of yours, my Sailes Must fill, or else my proiect failes, Which was to please: Now I want Spirits to enforce: Art to inchant, And my ending is despaire, Vnlesse I be relieu'd by praier Which pierces so, that it a.s.saults Mercy it selfe, and frees all faults.
As you from crimes would pardon'd be, Let your Indulgence set me free.
The-, an vn-inhabited Island
Names of the Actors.
Alonso, K[ing]. of Naples: Sebastian his Brother.
Prospero, the right Duke of Millaine.
Anthonio his brother, the vsurping Duke of Millaine.
Ferdinand, Son to the King of Naples.
Gonzalo, an honest old Councellor.
Adrian, & Francisco, Lords.
Caliban, a saluage and deformed slaue.
Trinculo, a Iester.
Stephano, a drunken Butler.
Master of a s.h.i.+p.
Miranda, daughter to Prospero.
Ariell, an ayrie spirit.
Iris Ceres Iuno Nymphes Reapers Spirits.
The Two Gentlemen of Verona
Actus primus, Scena prima.
Valentine: Protheus, and Speed.
Valentine. Cease to perswade, my louing Protheus; Home-keeping youth, haue euer homely wits, Wer't not affection chaines thy tender dayes To the sweet glaunces of thy honour'd Loue, I rather would entreat thy company, To see the wonders of the world abroad, Then (liuing dully sluggardiz'd at home) Weare out thy youth with shapelesse idlenesse.
But since thou lou'st; loue still, and thriue therein, Euen as I would, when I to loue begin
Pro. Wilt thou be gone? Sweet Valentine adew, Thinke on thy Protheus, when thou (hap'ly) seest Some rare note-worthy obiect in thy trauaile.
Wish me partaker in thy happinesse, When thou do'st meet good hap; and in thy danger, (If euer danger doe enuiron thee) Commend thy grieuance to my holy prayers, For I will be thy beades-man, Valentine
Val. And on a loue-booke pray for my successe?
Pro. Vpon some booke I loue, I'le pray for thee
Val. That's on some shallow Storie of deepe loue, How yong Leander crost the h.e.l.lespont